outputChatBox("تم تشغيل مود شراء البيوت|لرؤية أماكن البيوت اضغط حرف خ[o]",255,0,0,true)
local me = getLocalPlayer();
local scX, scY = guiGetScreenSize();
local hc_gui = {}; --house construction
local hc_edit = {}; --edit fields
local hm_gui = {}; --management
addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function()
hc_gui['main'] = guiCreateWindow( scX-310, scY/2-450/2, 300, 450, 'House creating', false );
guiSetAlpha( hc_gui['main'], 1.0 );
hc_gui['label_ec'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.042, 0.05, 0.4, 0.1, 'الاحداثيات بجانب الباب', true, hc_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hc_gui['label_ec'], 'center', true );
hc_edit['edit_ec_X'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.063, 0.15, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_ec_Y'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.063, 0.22, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_ec_Z'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.063, 0.29, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_gui['btn_ecPick'] = guiCreateButton( 0.063, 0.36, 0.39, 0.06, 'وضع الاحدثيات', true, hc_gui['main'] ); --1
--Entrance teleport--
hc_gui['label_etc'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.009, 0.45, 0.5, 0.1, 'الاحداثيا داخل البيت', true, hc_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hc_gui['label_etc'], 'center', true );
hc_edit['edit_etc_X'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.063, 0.55, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_etc_Y'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.063, 0.62, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_etc_Z'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.063, 0.69, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_gui['btn_etcPick'] = guiCreateButton( 0.063, 0.76, 0.39, 0.06, 'وضع الاحداثيات', true, hc_gui['main'] ); --2
hc_gui['label_exc'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.55, 0.05, 0.4, 0.1, 'احداثيات الخروج', true, hc_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hc_gui['label_exc'], 'center', true );
hc_edit['edit_exc_X'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.55, 0.15, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_exc_Y'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.55, 0.22, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_exc_Z'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.55, 0.29, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_gui['btn_excPick'] = guiCreateButton( 0.55, 0.36, 0.39, 0.06, 'وضع الاحداثيات', true, hc_gui['main'] ); --3
--Exit teleport--
hc_gui['label_extc'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.51, 0.45, 0.47, 0.1, 'احداثيات خارج البيت', true, hc_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hc_gui['label_extc'], 'center', true );
hc_edit['edit_extc_X'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.55, 0.55, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_extc_Y'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.55, 0.62, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_edit['edit_extc_Z'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.55, 0.69, 0.39, 0.06, '', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_gui['btn_extcPick'] = guiCreateButton( 0.55, 0.76, 0.39, 0.06, 'وضع الاحداثيات', true, hc_gui['main'] ); --4
for i, v in pairs( hc_edit ) do guiEditSetReadOnly( v, true ); end;
hc_gui['btn_close'] = guiCreateButton( 0.88, 0.915, 0.09, 0.05, 'X', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_gui['btn_reset'] = guiCreateButton( 0.88-0.21, 0.915, 0.2, 0.05, 'مسح', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_gui['btn_create'] = guiCreateButton( 0.0, 0.915, 0.3, 0.05, 'موافق', true, hc_gui['main'] );
hc_gui['main_add'] = guiCreateWindow( scX-310-200, (scY/2-250/2)-450/4.5, 200, 250, 'معلومات', false );
hc_gui['edit_intID'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.09, 0.1, 0.35, 0.1, '', true, hc_gui['main_add'] );
hc_gui['label_intID'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.57, 0.09, 0.3, 0.1, 'ID-Interior', true, hc_gui['main_add'] );
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign( hc_gui['label_intID'], 'center' );
hc_gui['edit_dim'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.09, 0.25, 0.35, 0.1, '', true, hc_gui['main_add'] );
hc_gui['label_dim'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.57, 0.249, 0.3, 0.1, 'Dimensionه', true, hc_gui['main_add'] );
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign( hc_gui['label_dim'], 'center' );
hc_gui['edit_cost'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.09, 0.4, 0.45, 0.1, '', true, hc_gui['main_add'] );
hc_gui['label_cost'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.57, 0.399, 0.3, 0.1, 'السعر $$$', true, hc_gui['main_add'] );
guiLabelSetVerticalAlign( hc_gui['label_cost'], 'center' );
for i, v in pairs( hc_gui ) do
guiSetFont( v, 'default-bold-small' );
if getElementType( v ) == 'gui-button' then
guiButtonSetColor( v, '0099FFFF' );
if getElementType( v ) == 'gui-window' then
guiWindowSetMovable( v, false );
guiWindowSetSizable( v, false );
guiSetVisible( hc_gui['main'], false );
guiSetVisible( hc_gui['main_add'], false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', hc_gui['btn_close'], function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
triggerEvent( 'HP_SetVisible', me, false );
end, false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hc_gui['btn_ecPick'] then
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( me );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_ec_X'], x );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_ec_Y'], y );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_ec_Z'], z );
elseif source == hc_gui['btn_etcPick'] then
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( me );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_etc_X'], x );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_etc_Y'], y );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_etc_Z'], z );
elseif source == hc_gui['btn_excPick'] then
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( me );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_exc_X'], x );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_exc_Y'], y );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_exc_Z'], z );
elseif source == hc_gui['btn_extcPick'] then
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( me );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_extc_X'], x );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_extc_Y'], y );
guiSetText( hc_edit['edit_extc_Z'], z );
end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', hc_gui['btn_reset'], function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
for i, v in pairs( hc_edit ) do
guiSetText( v, '' );
for i, v in pairs( hc_gui ) do
if getElementType( v ) == 'gui-edit' then
guiSetText( v, '' );
end, false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIChanged', root, function()
if source == hc_gui['edit_intID'] or source == hc_gui['edit_dim'] or source == hc_gui['edit_cost'] then
local currText = guiGetText( source );
local newText = string.gsub( currText, '[^0-9]', '' );
if newText ~= currText then
guiSetText( source, newText );
end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', hc_gui['btn_create'], function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
for i, v in pairs( hc_edit ) do
if guiGetText( v ) == '' then
outputChatBox( '* All edit fields must be filled in!', 255, 51, 36 );
return false;
for i, v in pairs( hc_gui ) do
if getElementType( v ) == 'gui-edit' and guiGetText( v ) == '' then
outputChatBox( '* All edit fields must be filled in!', 255, 51, 36 );
return false;
local tableToSend = {
[1] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_ec_X'] ), [4] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_etc_X'] ),
[2] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_ec_Y'] ), [5] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_etc_Y'] ),
[3] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_ec_Z'] ), [6] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_etc_Z'] ),
[7] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_exc_X'] ), [10] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_extc_X'] ),
[8] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_exc_Y'] ), [11] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_extc_Y'] ),
[9] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_exc_Z'] ), [12] = guiGetText( hc_edit['edit_extc_Z'] ),
[13] = guiGetText( hc_gui['edit_intID'] ),
[14] = guiGetText( hc_gui['edit_dim'] ),
[15] = guiGetText( hc_gui['edit_cost'] )
for i, v in ipairs( tableToSend ) do tableToSend[ i ] = tonumber( tableToSend[ i ] ); end;
triggerServerEvent( 'onPlayerAttemptCreateHouse', me, tableToSend );
triggerEvent( 'HP_SetVisible', me, false );
end, false );
hm_gui['main'] = guiCreateWindow( scX-360, scY-360, 350, 350, 'قائمة البيت', false );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['main'], 1.0 );
hm_gui['label_buy'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.03, 0.08, 0.255, 0.1, 'شراء هذا البيت', true, hm_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['label_buy'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['label_buy'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['bck_buy'] = guiCreateGridList( 0.03, 0.15, 0.255, 0.255, true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['icon_buy'] = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.005, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 'images/script/icon_buy.png', true, hm_gui['bck_buy'] );
hm_gui['label_sale'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.365, 0.08, 0.255, 0.1, 'بيع هذا البيت', true, hm_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['label_sale'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['label_sale'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['bck_sale'] = guiCreateGridList( 0.365, 0.15, 0.255, 0.255, true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['icon_sale'] = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.005, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 'images/script/icon_sale.png', true, hm_gui['bck_sale'] );
hm_gui['label_key'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.7, 0.08, 0.255, 0.1, 'وضع رقم سري', true, hm_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['label_key'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['label_key'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['bck_key'] = guiCreateGridList( 0.7, 0.15, 0.255, 0.255, true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['icon_key'] = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.005, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 'images/script/icon_key.png', true, hm_gui['bck_key'] );
hm_gui['label_enter'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.03, 0.45, 0.265, 0.1, 'فتح البيت', true, hm_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['label_enter'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['label_enter'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['bck_enter'] = guiCreateGridList( 0.03, 0.53, 0.255, 0.255, true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['icon_enter'] = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.005, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 'images/script/icon_enter.png', true, hm_gui['bck_enter'] );
hm_gui['label_newowner'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.365, 0.45, 0.255, 0.1, 'مالك جديد', true, hm_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['label_newowner'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['label_newowner'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['bck_newowner'] = guiCreateGridList( 0.365, 0.53, 0.255, 0.255, true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['icon_newowner'] = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.005, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 'images/script/icon_newowner.png', true, hm_gui['bck_newowner'] );
hm_gui['label_destroy'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.68, 0.45, 0.295, 0.1, 'حذف هذا البيت', true, hm_gui['main'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['label_destroy'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['label_destroy'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['bck_destroy'] = guiCreateGridList( 0.7, 0.53, 0.255, 0.255, true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['icon_destroy'] = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.005, 0.05, 1.0, 1.0, 'images/script/icon_destroy.png', true, hm_gui['bck_destroy'] );
addEventHandler( 'onClientMouseEnter', root, function()
for i, v in ipairs( { 'buy', 'sale', 'key', 'enter', 'newowner', 'destroy' } ) do
if source == hm_gui['bck_'..v] or source == hm_gui['icon_'..v] then
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['icon_'..v], 0.5 );
end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientMouseLeave', root, function()
for i, v in ipairs( { 'buy', 'sale', 'key', 'enter', 'newowner', 'destroy' } ) do
if source == hm_gui['bck_'..v] or source == hm_gui['icon_'..v] then
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['icon_'..v], 1.0 );
end );
hm_gui['label_ID'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.82, 0.25, 0.1, 'رقم البيت: ', true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['label_owner'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.88, 0.25, 0.1, 'اسم المالك: ', true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['label_price'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.4, 0.82, 0.25, 0.1, 'سعر البيت $: ', true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['label_ID_dyn'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.22, 0.82, 0.25, 0.1, '0', true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['label_owner_dyn'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.29, 0.88, 0.49, 0.1, 'none', true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['label_price_dyn'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.64, 0.82, 0.35, 0.1, '0', true, hm_gui['main'] );
hm_gui['btn_close'] = guiCreateButton( 0.89, 0.89, 0.07, 0.07, 'X', true, hm_gui['main'] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', hm_gui['btn_close'], function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
triggerServerEvent( 'setFrozen', me, false );
showCursor( false );
end, false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['icon_buy'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'], true );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onBuy_edit'], 'Key' );
playSound( 'sounds/click_icon.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( true );
elseif source == hm_gui['icon_sale'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'], true );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onSale_edit'], 'Key' );
playSound( 'sounds/click_icon.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( true );
elseif source == hm_gui['icon_key'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'], true );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_Old'], 'رقمك القديم' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_New'], 'رقمك الجديد' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'], 'اعادة الرقم الجديد' );
playSound( 'sounds/click_icon.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( true );
elseif source == hm_gui['icon_newowner'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'], true );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_keyEdit'], 'رقم بيتك السري' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'], 'اسم حسابه' );
playSound( 'sounds/click_icon.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( true );
elseif source == hm_gui['icon_destroy'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'], true );
playSound( 'sounds/click_icon.wav' );
end );
hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'] = guiCreateWindow( scX/2-250/2, scY/2-150/2, 250, 150, 'الرقم | السري', false );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'], 1.0 );
hm_gui['onBuy_label'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.4, "انت الان سوف تشتري البيت اكتب الرقم السري الرجاء عدم نسيانه!", true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['onBuy_label'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['onBuy_label'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['onBuy_edit'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.5, 0.7, 0.15, '', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'] );
hm_gui['onBuy_confirm'] = guiCreateButton( 0.2, 0.75, 0.2, 0.15, 'موافق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'] );
hm_gui['onBuy_cancel'] = guiCreateButton( 0.57, 0.75, 0.2, 0.15, 'اغلاق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'], false );
hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'] = guiCreateWindow( scX/2-250/2, scY/2-150/2, 250, 150, 'الرقم | السري', false );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'], 1.0 );
hm_gui['onSale_label'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.4, "انت الان تقوم ببيع البيت بنصف السعر اكتب الرقم السري للتأكد بأنك المالك الحقيقي.", true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['onSale_label'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['onSale_label'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['onSale_edit'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.5, 0.7, 0.15, '', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'] );
hm_gui['onSale_confirm'] = guiCreateButton( 0.2, 0.75, 0.2, 0.15, 'موافق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'] );
hm_gui['onSale_cancel'] = guiCreateButton( 0.57, 0.75, 0.2, 0.15, 'اغلاق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'], false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['onBuy_edit'] then guiSetText( hm_gui['onBuy_edit'], '' ); end;
if source == hm_gui['onBuy_confirm'] then
local passTxt = guiGetText( hm_gui['onBuy_edit'] );
if #passTxt >= getElementData( me, 'k_len' ) then
if not passTxt:find( ' ' ) then
triggerServerEvent( 'HOUSE_Buy', me, guiGetText( hm_gui['label_price_dyn'] ), guiGetText( hm_gui['onBuy_edit'] ) );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onBuy_edit'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'], false );
showCursor( false );
playSound( 'sounds/click_confirm.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
outputChatBox( '* يجب الرقم السري لايحتوي على مسافات!', 255, 51, 36 );
outputChatBox( '* يجب ان يكون من اربع حروف واكثر '..tostring( getElementData( me, 'k_len' ) )..' characters long!', 255, 51, 36 );
elseif source == hm_gui['onBuy_cancel'] then
guiSetText( hm_gui['onBuy_edit'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onBuy'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], true );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['onSale_edit'] then guiSetText( hm_gui['onSale_edit'], '' ); end;
if source == hm_gui['onSale_confirm'] then
local mrk = getHouseByID( getElementData( me, 'mrk_in' ) );
if guiGetText( hm_gui['onSale_edit'] ) == getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[8] then
triggerServerEvent( 'HOUSE_Sell', me );
outputChatBox( '*تم بيع البيت بنصف السعر !', 255, 255, 0 );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onSale_edit'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'], false );
playSound( 'sounds/click_confirm.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
outputChatBox( '* Invalid key!', 255, 51, 36 );
elseif source == hm_gui['onSale_cancel'] then
guiSetText( hm_gui['onSale_edit'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onSale'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], true );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
end );
hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'] = guiCreateWindow( scX/2-250/2, scY/2-250/2, 250, 250, 'الرقم | السري', false );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'], 1.0 );
hm_gui['onChange_label'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.4, "لتغير رقمك السري اكتب الرقم القديم وثم الرقم الجديد.", true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['onChange_label'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['onChange_label'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['onChange_edit_Old'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.3, 0.7, 0.1, 'الرقم القديم', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'] );
hm_gui['onChange_edit_New'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.45, 0.7, 0.1, 'الرقم الجديد', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'] );
hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1, 'الرقم الجديد', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'] );
hm_gui['onChange_confirm'] = guiCreateButton( 0.2, 0.75, 0.23, 0.11, 'موافق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'] );
hm_gui['onChange_cancel'] = guiCreateButton( 0.525, 0.75, 0.23, 0.11, 'اغلاق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'], false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['onChange_edit_Old'] or source == hm_gui['onChange_edit_New'] or source == hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'] then
guiSetText( source, '' );
elseif source == hm_gui['onChange_confirm'] then
local mrk = getHouseByID( getElementData( me, 'mrk_in' ) );
local currKey = getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[8];
if guiGetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_Old'] ) == currKey then
if #guiGetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_New'] ) >= getElementData( me, 'k_len' ) then
if guiGetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_New'] ) == guiGetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'] ) then
triggerServerEvent( 'HOUSE_ChangeKey', me, guiGetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'] ) );
outputChatBox( '* New Key has been set to #00FF00'..guiGetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'] ), 255, 51, 36, true );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_Old'], '' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_New'], '' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], true );
playSound( 'sounds/click_confirm.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
outputChatBox( '* الرقم السري الجديد مختلف الرجاء التأكد!', 255, 51, 36 );
outputChatBox( '* يجب ان يكون الرقم السري '..tostring( getElementData( me, 'k_len' ) )..' ارقام!', 255, 51, 36 );
outputChatBox( '* الرقم القديم خاطيء!', 255, 51, 36 );
elseif source == hm_gui['onChange_cancel'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onChange'], false );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_Old'], '' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_New'], '' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onChange_edit_RepeatNew'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], true );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
end );
hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'] = guiCreateWindow( scX/2-250/2, scY/2-250/2, 250, 250, "مشتري جديد", false );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'], 1.0 );
hm_gui['onNewOwner_label'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.11, 0.9, 0.4, "اكتب حساب المشتري الجديد والرقم السري للبيت!", true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['onNewOwner_label'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['onNewOwner_label'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['onNewOwner_keyEdit'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.45, 0.7, 0.1, 'الرقم', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'] );
hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.6, 0.7, 0.1, 'اسم حسابه', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'] );
hm_gui['onNewOwner_confirm'] = guiCreateButton( 0.2, 0.75, 0.27, 0.11, 'موافق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'] );
hm_gui['onNewOwner_cancel'] = guiCreateButton( 0.5, 0.75, 0.27, 0.11, 'اغلاق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'], false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['onNewOwner_keyEdit'] or source == hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'] then
guiSetText( source, '' );
end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['onNewOwner_confirm'] then
if not guiGetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'] ):find( ' ' ) then
if guiGetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'] ) ~= getPlayerName( me ) then
if getPlayerByAccountName( guiGetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'] ) ) then
if guiGetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_keyEdit'] ) == getElementData( getHouseByID( getElementData( me, 'mrk_in' ) ), 'HS_INFO' )[8] then
triggerServerEvent( 'HOUSE_ChangeOwner', me, guiGetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'] ) );
outputChatBox( '* [المالك الجديد لهذا البيت] #00FF00'..guiGetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'] ):gsub( "%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" )..' الأن!', 255, 51, 36, true );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'], false );
showCursor( false );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
playSound( 'sounds/click_confirm.wav' );
triggerServerEvent( 'setFrozen', me, false );
outputChatBox( '* رقم خاطيء حاول مرة اخرى.', 255, 51, 36 );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'], '' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_keyEdit'], '' );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
outputChatBox( '* لم يتم ايجاد اي لاعب!', 255, 51, 36 );
outputChatBox( "* المشتري الجديد يجيب ان لايكون اسمه يحتوي على مسافة", 255, 51, 36 );
elseif source == hm_gui['onNewOwner_cancel'] then
guiSetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_keyEdit'], '' );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onNewOwner_nameEdit'], '' );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onNewOwner'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
triggerServerEvent( 'setFrozen', me, false );
showCursor( false );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
end );
hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'] = guiCreateWindow( scX/2-250/2, scY/2-150/2, 250, 150, 'Destroy the House', false );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'], 1.0 );
hm_gui['onDestroy_label'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.23, 0.9, 0.4, 'هل انت متأكد من حذف هذا البيت?', true, hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['onDestroy_label'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['onDestroy_label'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['onDestroy_confirm'] = guiCreateButton( 0.2, 0.65, 0.2, 0.15, 'موافق', true, hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'] );
hm_gui['onDestroy_cancel'] = guiCreateButton( 0.57, 0.65, 0.2, 0.15, 'اغلاق', true, hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'], false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['onDestroy_confirm'] then
triggerServerEvent( 'HOUSE_Destroy', me );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'], false );
showCursor( false );
playSound( 'sounds/click_confirm.wav' );
elseif source == hm_gui['onDestroy_cancel'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_onDestroy'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], true );
end );
hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'] = guiCreateWindow( scX/2-250/2, scY/2-150/2, 250, 150, 'الرقم | السري', false );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'], 1.0 );
hm_gui['onEnter_label'] = guiCreateLabel( 0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.4, "انت تريد فتح البيت اكتب الرقم السري:", true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'] );
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign( hm_gui['onEnter_label'], 'center', true );
guiLabelSetColor( hm_gui['onEnter_label'], 0, 153, 255 );
hm_gui['onEnter_edit'] = guiCreateEdit( 0.14, 0.5, 0.7, 0.15, '', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'] );
hm_gui['onEnter_confirm'] = guiCreateButton( 0.2, 0.75, 0.2, 0.15, 'موافق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'] );
hm_gui['onEnter_cancel'] = guiCreateButton( 0.57, 0.75, 0.2, 0.15, 'اغلاق', true, hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'], false );
addEventHandler( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function( btn )
if btn ~= 'left' then return false; end;
if source == hm_gui['onEnter_edit'] then guiSetText( hm_gui['onEnter_edit'], '' ); end;
if source == hm_gui['icon_enter'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'], true );
guiSetText( hm_gui['onEnter_edit'], 'Key' );
playSound( 'sounds/click_icon.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( true );
elseif source == hm_gui['onEnter_confirm'] then
local mrk = getHouseByID( getElementData( me, 'mrk_in' ) );
if guiGetText( hm_gui['onEnter_edit'] ) == getElementData( mrk, 'HS_INFO' )[8] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'], false );
showCursor( false );
triggerServerEvent( 'HOUSE_Enter', me );
playSound( 'sounds/click_confirm.wav' );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
outputChatBox( '* Invalid key!', 255, 51, 36 );
elseif source == hm_gui['onEnter_cancel'] then
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['wnd_key_onEnter'], false );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], true );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
end );
for i, v in pairs( hm_gui ) do
guiSetFont( v, 'default-bold-small' );
if getElementType( v ) == 'gui-button' then
guiButtonSetColor( v, '0099FFFF' );
if getElementType( v ) == 'gui-window' then
guiWindowSetMovable( v, false );
guiWindowSetSizable( v, false );
setElementData( me, 'HP_Opened', false );
if getElementData( me, 'mrk_in' ) then triggerServerEvent( 'setFrozen', me, false ); end;
end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStop', resourceRoot, function()
if getElementData( me, 'mrk_in' ) then triggerServerEvent( 'setFrozen', me, false ); end;
end );
function getPlayerByAccountName( name )
for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do
if getElementData( v, 'HS_accountName' ) == name then
return v;
return false;
function guiButtonSetColor( btn, hex )
guiSetProperty( btn, "HoverTextColour", string.sub( hex, 7, 8 )..string.sub( hex, 1, 6 ) );
addEvent( 'HP_SetVisible', true );
addEventHandler( 'HP_SetVisible', root, function( state )
guiSetVisible( hc_gui['main'], state );
guiSetVisible( hc_gui['main_add'], state );
showCursor( state );
setElementData( me, 'HP_Opened', state );
if state then
bindKey( 'mouse2', 'down', showHide );
unbindKey( 'mouse2', 'down', showHide );
end );
function showHide()
showCursor( not isCursorShowing() );
local cursorOverGUI = false;
addEventHandler( 'onClientMouseEnter', root, function() cursorOverGUI = true; end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientMouseLeave', root, function() cursorOverGUI = false; end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientElementDataChange', me, function( name )
if name == 'HP_Opened' then
if getElementData( me, name ) then
addEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, drawCrsrInfo );
removeEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, drawCrsrInfo );
end );
function drawCrsrInfo()
if isCursorShowing() and not cursorOverGUI then
local x, y = getCursorPosition();
if x and y then
dxDrawText( 'RMB to show/hide cursor', scX * x + 10, scY * y - 10, scX, scY, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 'default', 'left', 'top', false, false, true );
addEvent( 'openHouseManagementWnd', true );
addEventHandler('openHouseManagementWnd', root, function( rt, cursor )
for i, cname in ipairs( { 'buy', 'sale', 'key', 'enter', 'newowner', 'destroy' } ) do
guiSetEnabled( hm_gui['bck_'..cname], rt[i] );
guiSetEnabled( hm_gui['icon_'..cname], rt[i] );
if not rt[i] then
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['icon_'..cname], 0.3 );
guiSetAlpha( hm_gui['icon_'..cname], 1.0 );
guiSetText( hm_gui['label_ID_dyn'], rt[7] );
guiSetText( hm_gui['label_owner_dyn'], rt[8] );
guiSetText( hm_gui['label_price_dyn'], rt[9] );
guiSetVisible( hm_gui['main'], true );
if cursor then showCursor( true ); end;
end );
addEventHandler( 'onClientPlayerWasted', me, function()
for i, v in pairs( hc_gui ) do if getElementType( hc_gui[ i ] ) == 'gui-window' then guiSetVisible( hc_gui[ i ], false ); end; end;
for i, v in pairs( hm_gui ) do if getElementType( hm_gui[ i ] ) == 'gui-window' then guiSetVisible( hm_gui[ i ], false ); end; end;
if isCursorShowing() then showCursor( false ); end;
triggerEvent( 'HP_SetVisible', me, false );
guiSetInputEnabled( false );
end );
local l_w = 64;
local l_h = 64;
local l_ratio = l_w / l_h;
local lscale_w = 1920 / scX;
l_w = l_w / lscale_w;
l_h = l_w / l_ratio;
addEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, function()
for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement(), true ) ) do
if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' ) then
local x, y, z = getElementPosition( v );
local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix();
if isLineOfSightClear( cx, cy, cz, x, y, z, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, v ) then
local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( cx, cy, cz, x, y, z );
if dist >= 5 and dist <= 15 then
local px, py = getScreenFromWorldPosition( x, y, z + 1.8, 0.06 );
if px then
local owner = getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' )[7];
local price = getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' )[6];
local r, g, b = getMarkerColor( v );
if r == 0 and g == 153 and b == 255 then
r, g, b = 255, 255, 255;
if owner then
if owner == '' then owner = 'none'; end;
dxDrawText( 'المالك: '..owner, px + 1, py + scY/38, px + 1, py + 1, tocolor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, 'default-bold', 'center', 'center', false, false );
dxDrawText( 'المالك: '..owner, px, py + scY/38, px, py, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 'default-bold', 'center', 'center', false, false );
dxDrawText( 'السعر: $ '..tostring( price ), px + 1, py + scY/15, px + 1, py + 1, tocolor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, 'default-bold', 'center', 'center', false, false );
dxDrawText( 'السعر: $ '..tostring( price ), px, py + scY/15, px, py, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 'default-bold', 'center', 'center', false, false );
dxDrawImage( px-l_w/2, py - scY/17, l_w, l_h, 'images/script/house_.png', 0, 0, 0, tocolor( r, g, b, 255 ) );
end );
function getHouseByID( ID )
for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do
if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' ) then
if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' )[9] == ID then
return v;
return false;
bindKey( 'O', 'both', function( key, keyState )
if keyState == 'down' then
for k, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do
if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' ) and getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' )[7] then
if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' )[7] ~= '' then
createBlipAttachedTo( v, 32 );
createBlipAttachedTo( v, 31 );
for k, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do
if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' ) then
for k, elem in ipairs( getAttachedElements( v ) ) do
if getElementType( elem ) == 'blip' then
destroyElement( elem );
end );
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart" , resourceRoot , function ( )
wnd = guiCreateWindow(382, 139, 551, 436, "العقارات", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(wnd, false)
guiSetVisible ( wnd , false )
grid12 = guiCreateGridList(59, 31, 450, 248, false, wnd)
guiGridListAddColumn(grid12, "ID", 0.2)
-- guiGridListAddColumn(grid12, "House", 0.2)
guiGridListAddColumn(grid12, "X,Y,Z", 0.4)
guiGridListAddColumn(grid12, "Owner", 0.3)
btn1 = guiCreateButton(36, 323, 192, 72, "انتقل", false, wnd)
btn2 = guiCreateButton(327, 323, 192, 72, "اغلاق", false, wnd)
end )
s = tostring
function loaded ( )
guiGridListClear ( grid12 )
for i, v in ipairs( getElementsByType( 'marker', getResourceRootElement() ) ) do
if getElementData( v, 'HS_INFO' ) then
local row = guiGridListAddRow ( grid12 )
local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( v )
guiGridListSetItemText ( grid12 , row , 1 , s ( getElementData ( v , "HS_INFO" )[9] ) , false , false )
guiGridListSetItemText ( grid12 , row , 2 , s ( math.floor(x) )..","..s(math.floor(y))..","..s(math.floor(z)) , false , false )
guiGridListSetItemText ( grid12 , row , 3 , s ( getElementData ( v , "HS_INFO" )[7] ) == "" and "none" , false , false )
bindKey ( "f7" , "down" , function ( )
loaded ( )
guiSetVisible ( wnd , not guiGetVisible ( wnd ) )
showCursor ( guiGetVisible ( wnd ) )
end );
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick" , root , function ( )
if ( source == btn2 ) then
guiSetVisible ( wnd , false )
showCursor ( false )
elseif ( source == btn1 ) then
local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( grid12 )
if ( selected ~= -1 ) then
local ItemPosition = guiGridListGetItemText ( grid12 , selected , 2 )
local Position = split ( ItemPosition , "," )
setElementPosition ( localPlayer , Position[1]+2 , Position[2]+2 , Position[3]+2 )
end );