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Scripting Moderators
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thisdp last won the day on December 2 2021

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About thisdp

  • Birthday 12/11/1999

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  • Chinese Section Moderator & Scripting Section Moderator


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  1. For animation, you can also use dgsAnimTo/dgsMoveTo/dgsSizeTo/dgsAlphaTo With dgsAddEasingFunction, you can even custom your animation function If these still can not satisfy you, maybe using dgsCreateCustomRenderer with dgs image to create your dgs plugin, which can make your dxDraws can interact with dgs layer.
  2. make sure DGS in your server has higher start priority than those resources that use DGS. make sure your panel is created after event onClientResourceStart
  3. You can download MTA server from https://nightly.mtasa.com/
  4. Refer to Gimbal Lock of Euler rotation system. To resolve this, use rotation matrix to apply rotation changes, and then convert back to eular angles.
  5. what function did you use? I need method to reproduce.
  6. Using dxDrawLine3D in onClientPreRender to get better quality
  7. Are you trying to find this? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/dgs
  8. The main reason of the missing button is that you are using "absolute position / size" but you put a "true" in "relative" argument which means you need "relative position / size".
  9. Cheers! And have a nice new year!
  10. here is an example resource for you that you can refer to. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=2852
  11. because you scaled text size in dxGetTextWidth, while in dxDrawText, the text scale is still 1
  12. by the way, you need to move your camera at the same coordinate of processLineOfSight, because of the streaming system.
  13. then you have to set "layered"' argument to the texture replace shader https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxCreateShader
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