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Everything posted by stranger.eu

  1. Try this function teams () team = createTeam("YourTeam") setTimer(randomCOLOR, 200, 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), teams) function randomCOLOR () local R3 = math.random( 0, 255 ) local G3 = math.random( 0, 255 ) local B3 = math.random( 0, 255 ) setTeamColor(team, R3, G3, B3) end
  2. Copy and paste code from menu_client.lua
  3. local components = {"ammo","area_name","armour","breath","clock","health","money","radar","vehicle_name","weapon","radio","wanted","crosshair"} function changeState () for _,component in ipairs(components)do if(isPlayerHudComponentVisible(component) == true and isChatVisible() == true) then showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) showChat(false) else showPlayerHudComponent("all", true) showChat(true) end end end bindKey("i", "down", changeState)
  4. Try this function chatFunc () if(isChatVisible() == true) then showChat(false) else showChat(true) end end bindKey("i", "down", chatFunc)
  5. Depends on what you'd like to share with others. Basically you can create a script to get data that you want to share, send them to mysql and after all that you can load them from mysql using php (on website)
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