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Everything posted by Dimos7

  1. try this is server side: local team = getPlayerTeam(player) local health = getElementHealth(player) function respawn() if team then if (getTeamName(team) == "Assasin") and health <0 then spawnPlayer(source, 0, 0, 5, 0, math.random(0, 288), 0, 0, spawnTeam) outputChatBox("Bạn đã được respawn", source, 255, 0, 0) giveWeapon(source, 8, 1) giveWeapon(source, 1, 1) elseif (getTeamName(team) == "Gunner") then spawnPlayer(source, 0, 0, 5, 0, math.random(0, 288), 0 , 0, spawnTeam) outputChatBox("Bạn đã được respawn", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, respawn)
  2. function createTeaml(thePlayer, commandName, teamName) local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) local newTeam = createTeam(teamName) if money >= 888888 and newTeam then takePlayerMoney(source, 888888) setPlayerTeam(source, newTeam) else outputChatBox("Bạn không đủ tiền để tạo nhóm", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("createteam", createTeaml)
  3. @raysmta you can't use giveWeapon and spawnPlayer to cleint side its only for server side that is server side i make
  4. use /devuscript 3 and write here what error says
  5. local team = getPlayerTeam(player) local health = getElementHealth(player) function respawn() if team then if (getTeamName(team) == "Assasin") and health <0 then spawnPlayer(source, 0, 0, 5, 0, math.random(0, 288), 0, 0, spawnTeam) outputChatBox("Bạn đã được respawn", source, 255, 0, 0) giveWeapon(source, 8, 1) giveWeapon(source, 1, 1) elseif (getTeamName(team) == "Gunner") then spawnPlayer(source, 0, 0, 5, 0, math.random(0, 288), 0 ,0 spawnTeam) outputChatBox("Bạn đã được respawn", source, 255, 0, 0) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, respawn)
  6. spawnplayer is only server side not client put onResourceStart to make it server also on spawnPlayer needplayer x,y,z and interior and dimention and skin
  7. Dimos7

    Vehicle window

    Can to exaplne it in pm please
  8. use the who i am script
  9. Dimos7

    Vehicle window

    I want make a script work like vehicle window when use /window say rolls down or up like rpg
  10. not make errors or wanring say the same name twice also 3/2 say 2 not 1 please help me
  11. How to make a vehicle window script
  12. ofc the x,y,z put the map place put the first player and sencond player
  13. function Duel(player, id) if id then target = getPlayerFromID(id) if target == false or target == nil then outputChatBox("That id has not connected", player, 255, 0, 0) end outputChatBox("You already invited the player", player, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("duel", Duel) function Accept(player) if Duel() then ouputChatBox("The player"..getPlayerName(player).."("..getPlayerID(player)..")".."was challenged by"...getPlayerName(source).."("..getPlayerID(source)..")", root, 83, 138, 165) giveWeapon(source, 26, 250) giveWeapon(source, 24, 250) giveWeapon(source, 28, 250) giveWeapon(source, 31, 250) setElementInterior(source, x,y,z) setElementInterior(player, x,y,z) end else outputChatBox("Duel in progress", player, 255, 0, 0) end addCommandHandler("duel accept", Accept) function Decline(player) Duel() outputChatBox("The player has decline the invite", player, 83, 138, 165) end addCommandHalder("duel decline", Decline)
  14. getElementModel and destroyElement
  15. open mapeditor and press remove world
  16. Can someone help please?
  17. -- -- racemidvote_server.lua -- -- Mid-race random map vote and -- NextMapVote handled in this file -- setter = "none" local lastVoteStarterName = '' local lastVoteStarterCount = 0 g_ForcedNextMap = nil ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- displayHilariarseMessage -- -- Comedy gold ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function displayHilariarseMessage( player ) if not player then lastVoteStarterName = '' else local playerName = getPlayerName(player) local msg = '' if playerName == lastVoteStarterName then lastVoteStarterCount = lastVoteStarterCount + 1 if lastVoteStarterCount == 5 then msg = playerName .. ' started a vote. Hardly a suprise.' elseif lastVoteStarterCount == 10 then msg = 'Guess what! '..playerName .. ' started ANOTHER vote!' elseif lastVoteStarterCount < 5 then msg = playerName .. ' started another vote.' else msg = playerName .. ' continues to abuse the vote system.' end else lastVoteStarterCount = 0 lastVoteStarterName = playerName msg = playerName .. ' started a vote.' end outputRace( msg ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- displayKillerPunchLine -- -- Sewing kits available in the foyer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function displayKillerPunchLine( player ) if lastVoteStarterName ~= '' then outputRace( 'Offical news: Everybody hates ' .. lastVoteStarterName ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startMidMapVoteForRandomMap -- -- Start the vote menu if during a race and more than 30 seconds from the end -- No messages if this was not started by a player ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startMidMapVoteForRandomMap(player) -- Check state and race time left if not stateAllowsRandomMapVote() or g_CurrentRaceMode:getTimeRemaining() < 30000 then if player then outputRace( "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ".", player ) end return end displayHilariarseMessage( player ) exports.votemanager:stopPoll() -- Actual vote started here local pollDidStart = exports.votemanager:startPoll { title='Do you want to change to a random map?', percentage=51, timeout=15, allowchange=true, visibleTo=getRootElement(), [1]={'Yes', 'midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), true}, [2]={'No', 'midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), false;default=true}, } -- Change state if vote did start if pollDidStart then gotoState('MidMapVote') end end --addCommandHandler('new',startMidMapVoteForRandomMap) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- event midMapVoteResult -- -- Called from the votemanager when the poll has completed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent('midMapVoteResult') addEventHandler('midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), function( votedYes ) -- Change state back if stateAllowsRandomMapVoteResult() then gotoState('Running') if votedYes then startRandomMap() else displayKillerPunchLine() end end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startRandomMap -- -- Changes the current map to a random race map ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startRandomMap() -- Handle forced nextmap setting if maybeApplyForcedNextMap() then return end -- Get a random map chosen from the 10% of least recently player maps, with enough spawn points for all the players (if required) local map = getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode( getThisResource(), 10, g_GameOptions.ghostmode and 0 or getTotalPlayerCount() ) if map then g_IgnoreSpawnCountProblems = map -- Uber hack 4000 if not exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap ( map, nil, true ) then problemChangingMap() end else outputWarning( 'startRandomMap failed' ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- outputRace -- -- Race color is defined in the settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function outputRace(message, toElement) toElement = toElement or g_Root local r, g, b = getColorFromString(string.upper(get("color"))) if getElementType(toElement) == 'console' then outputServerLog(message) else if toElement == rootElement then outputServerLog(message) end if getElementType(toElement) == 'player' then message = '[PM] ' .. message end outputChatBox(message, toElement, r, g, b) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- problemChangingMap -- -- Sort it ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function problemChangingMap() outputRace( 'Changing to random map in 5 seconds' ) local currentMap = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() TimerManager.createTimerFor("resource","mapproblem"):setTimer( function() -- Check that something else hasn't already changed the map if currentMap == exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() then startRandomMap() end end, math.random(4500,5500), 1 ) end -- -- -- NextMapVote -- -- -- local g_Poll ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startNextMapVote -- -- Start a votemap for the next map. Should only be called during the -- race state 'NextMapSelect' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startNextMapVote() exports.votemanager:stopPoll() -- Handle forced nextmap setting if maybeApplyForcedNextMap() then return end -- Get all maps local compatibleMaps = exports.mapmanager:getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode(getThisResource()) -- limit it to eight random maps if #compatibleMaps > 8 then math.randomseed(getTickCount()) repeat table.remove(compatibleMaps, math.random(1, #compatibleMaps)) until #compatibleMaps == 8 elseif #compatibleMaps < 2 then return false, errorCode.onlyOneCompatibleMap end -- mix up the list order for i,map in ipairs(compatibleMaps) do local swapWith = math.random(1, #compatibleMaps) local temp = compatibleMaps[i] compatibleMaps[i] = compatibleMaps[swapWith] compatibleMaps[swapWith] = temp end local poll = { title="Choose the next map:", visibleTo=getRootElement(), percentage=51, timeout=15, allowchange=true; } for index, map in ipairs(compatibleMaps) do local mapName = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map) table.insert(poll, {mapName, 'nextMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), map}) end local currentMap = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() if currentMap then table.insert(poll, {"Play again", 'nextMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), currentMap}) end -- Allow addons to modify the poll g_Poll = poll triggerEvent('onPollStarting', g_Root, poll ) poll = g_Poll g_Poll =
  18. error line 26 attempt to compare nil with number
  19. -- -- racemidvote_server.lua -- -- Mid-race random map vote and -- NextMapVote handled in this file -- setter = "none" local lastVoteStarterName = '' local lastVoteStarterCount = 0 g_ForcedNextMap = nil ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- displayHilariarseMessage -- -- Comedy gold ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function displayHilariarseMessage( player ) if not player then lastVoteStarterName = '' else local playerName = getPlayerName(player) local msg = '' if playerName == lastVoteStarterName then lastVoteStarterCount = lastVoteStarterCount + 1 if lastVoteStarterCount == 5 then msg = playerName .. ' started a vote. Hardly a suprise.' elseif lastVoteStarterCount == 10 then msg = 'Guess what! '..playerName .. ' started ANOTHER vote!' elseif lastVoteStarterCount < 5 then msg = playerName .. ' started another vote.' else msg = playerName .. ' continues to abuse the vote system.' end else lastVoteStarterCount = 0 lastVoteStarterName = playerName msg = playerName .. ' started a vote.' end outputRace( msg ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- displayKillerPunchLine -- -- Sewing kits available in the foyer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function displayKillerPunchLine( player ) if lastVoteStarterName ~= '' then outputRace( 'Offical news: Everybody hates ' .. lastVoteStarterName ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startMidMapVoteForRandomMap -- -- Start the vote menu if during a race and more than 30 seconds from the end -- No messages if this was not started by a player ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startMidMapVoteForRandomMap(player) -- Check state and race time left if not stateAllowsRandomMapVote() or g_CurrentRaceMode:getTimeRemaining() < 30000 then if player then outputRace( "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, " .. getPlayerName(player) .. ".", player ) end return end displayHilariarseMessage( player ) exports.votemanager:stopPoll() -- Actual vote started here local pollDidStart = exports.votemanager:startPoll { title='Do you want to change to a random map?', percentage=51, timeout=15, allowchange=true, visibleTo=getRootElement(), [1]={'Yes', 'midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), true}, [2]={'No', 'midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), false;default=true}, } -- Change state if vote did start if pollDidStart then gotoState('MidMapVote') end end --addCommandHandler('new',startMidMapVoteForRandomMap) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- event midMapVoteResult -- -- Called from the votemanager when the poll has completed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEvent('midMapVoteResult') addEventHandler('midMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), function( votedYes ) -- Change state back if stateAllowsRandomMapVoteResult() then gotoState('Running') if votedYes then startRandomMap() else displayKillerPunchLine() end end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startRandomMap -- -- Changes the current map to a random race map ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startRandomMap() -- Handle forced nextmap setting if maybeApplyForcedNextMap() then return end -- Get a random map chosen from the 10% of least recently player maps, with enough spawn points for all the players (if required) local map = getRandomMapCompatibleWithGamemode( getThisResource(), 10, g_GameOptions.ghostmode and 0 or getTotalPlayerCount() ) if map then g_IgnoreSpawnCountProblems = map -- Uber hack 4000 if not exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap ( map, nil, true ) then problemChangingMap() end else outputWarning( 'startRandomMap failed' ) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- outputRace -- -- Race color is defined in the settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function outputRace(message, toElement) toElement = toElement or g_Root local r, g, b = getColorFromString(string.upper(get("color"))) if getElementType(toElement) == 'console' then outputServerLog(message) else if toElement == rootElement then outputServerLog(message) end if getElementType(toElement) == 'player' then message = '[PM] ' .. message end outputChatBox(message, toElement, r, g, b) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- problemChangingMap -- -- Sort it ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function problemChangingMap() outputRace( 'Changing to random map in 5 seconds' ) local currentMap = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() TimerManager.createTimerFor("resource","mapproblem"):setTimer( function() -- Check that something else hasn't already changed the map if currentMap == exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() then startRandomMap() end end, math.random(4500,5500), 1 ) end -- -- -- NextMapVote -- -- -- local g_Poll ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- startNextMapVote -- -- Start a votemap for the next map. Should only be called during the -- race state 'NextMapSelect' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startNextMapVote() exports.votemanager:stopPoll() -- Handle forced nextmap setting if maybeApplyForcedNextMap() then return end -- Get all maps local compatibleMaps = exports.mapmanager:getMapsCompatibleWithGamemode(getThisResource()) -- limit it to eight random maps if #compatibleMaps > 8 then math.randomseed(getTickCount()) repeat table.remove(compatibleMaps, math.random(1, #compatibleMaps)) until #compatibleMaps == 8 elseif #compatibleMaps < 2 then return false, errorCode.onlyOneCompatibleMap end -- mix up the list order for i,map in ipairs(compatibleMaps) do local swapWith = math.random(1, #compatibleMaps) local temp = compatibleMaps[i] compatibleMaps[i] = compatibleMaps[swapWith] compatibleMaps[swapWith] = temp end local poll = { title="Choose the next map:", visibleTo=getRootElement(), percentage=51, timeout=15, allowchange=true; } for index, map in ipairs(compatibleMaps) do local mapName = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map) table.insert(poll, {mapName, 'nextMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), map}) end local currentMap = exports.mapmanager:getRunningGamemodeMap() if currentMap then table.insert(poll, {"Play again", 'nextMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), currentMap}) end -- Allow addons to modify the poll g_Poll = poll triggerEvent('onPollStarting', g_Root, poll ) poll = g_Poll g_Poll =
  20. put that resource on acl admin group
  21. local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local playerName = getPlayerName(localPlayer) function clientSubmitLogin(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then local username = guiGetText(edtUser) local password = guiGetText(edtPass) if username and password then triggerServerEvent("submitLogin", getRootElement(), localPlayer, username, password) else outputChatBox("Please enter a username and password.") end end end function createLoginWindow() local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 wdwLogin = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Please Log In", true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) X = 0.0825 Y = 0.25 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.25 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Username", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Password", true, wdwLogin) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) X = 0.415 Y = 0.25 Width = 0.5 Height = 0.15 edtUser = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 edtPass = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtUser, 20) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtpass, 20) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin) X = 0.415 Y = 0.7 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.20 bntLogin = guiCreateButton(X, Y, Width, Height, "Log In", true, wdwLogin) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function () createLoginWindow() outputChatBox("Welcome to My MTA:SA Server, please log in.") if (wdwLogin ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) else outputChatBox("An unexpected error has occurred and the log in GUI has not been created.") end showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) function hideLoginWindow() guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) showCursor(false) end addEvent("hideLoginWindow", true) addEventHandler("hideLoginWindow", getRootElement(), hideLoginWindow) if you want your password not showed as number or text do that guiEditSetMasked(edtPass, true)
  22. Client Side: local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local playerName = getPlayerName(localPlayer) function clientSubmitLogin(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then local username = guiGetText(edtUser) local password = guiGetText(edtPass) if username and password then triggerServerEvent("submitLogin", getRootElement(), localPlayer, username, password) else outputChatBox("Please enter a username and password.") end end end function createLoginWindow() local X = 0.375 local Y = 0.375 local Width = 0.25 local Height = 0.25 wdwLogin = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Please Log In", true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) X = 0.0825 Y = 0.25 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.25 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Username", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Password", true, wdwLogin) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) X = 0.415 Y = 0.25 Width = 0.5 Height = 0.15 edtUser = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) Y = 0.5 edtPass = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwLogin) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtUser, 20) guiEditSetMaxLength(edtpass, 20) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) X = 0.415 Y = 0.7 Width = 0.25 Height = 0.20 bntLogin = guiCreateButton(X, Y, Width, Height, "Log In", true, wdwLogin) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function () createLoginWindow() outputChatBox("Welcome to My MTA:SA Server, please log in.") if (wdwLogin ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) else outputChatBox("An unexpected error has occurred and the log in GUI has not been created.") end showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end ) function hideLoginWindow() guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, false) showCursor(false) end addEvent("hideLoginWindow", true) addEventHandler("hideLoginWindow", getRootElement(), hideLoginWindow) Server Side: local spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ = 2584.9523925781, -2209.318359375, 1.9927320480347 function loginHandler(player, username, password) local account = getAccount(username, password) if (account ~= false) then if (logIn(player, username, password) == true) then spawnPlayer(source, spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ) fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source, source) setPedArmor(source, 100) outputChatBox("Welcome to the test server!", player) triggerClientEvent(player, "hideLoginWindow", getRootElement()) end else outputChatBox("Invaild username or password", player) end end addEvent("submitLogin", true) addEventHandler("submitLogin", getRootElement(), LoginHandler)
  23. So you want help make you the server side?
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