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Everything posted by Walid

  1. I think he is talking about the colmun width.
  2. Hello guys, I am creating this thread so that members of the community can share useful tips and tricks they have learned during their time of scripting. I don't know if it's already created before or not but i think it's something useful to help beginners to learn Lua language plus i think Tutorials board is the best place. to begin with, here a few tricks I have picked up: You can do this: local variable = "no" if Condition then variable = "yes" end But it's faster if you do it like this: local variable = (Condition and "yes") or "no" Reversing bools: bool = true -- if you want to reverse it you can either do bool = false -- or bool = not bool When assigning a variable you don't want to be nil you could do this: local variable = otherVariable if variable == nil then variable = 10 end But it can be done a lot faster: local variable = otherVariable or 10 Commenting multiple lines : -- line1 -- line2 -- line3 You can just use this: --[[line1 line2 lin3]] There are a lot more cool things you can do with lua, if you have something you wish to share feel free to post below.
  3. Try this : -- server side function forObjPosition ( thePlayer, command ) if thePlayer and isElement(thePlayer) then local padx,pady,padz = getElementPosition(thePlayer) outputChatBox ("{" .. padx .. "," .. pady .. "," .. padz .. "}",thePlayer,0,255,0) end end addCommandHandler("mypos",forObjPosition) if you are trying to use this code client side just remove the argument thePlayer and replace it in your code with localPlayer.
  4. rotate the camera around the ped i think it's much better try it: local facing = 0 function rotateCameraAroundPed( ) if spawnPed and isElement(spawnPed) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(spawnPed) local camX = x + math.cos( facing / math.pi * 180 ) * 5 local camY = y + math.sin( facing / math.pi * 180 ) * 5 setCameraMatrix( camX, camY, z+1, x, y, z ) facing = facing + 0.00009 end end -- start rotateCameraAroundPed() function addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getResourceRootElement( ), rotateCameraAroundPed ) -- stop rotateCameraAroundPed() function removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", getResourceRootElement( ), rotateCameraAroundPed )
  5. Walid

    Help Please!

    Are you serious ?
  6. Walid

    Money Hud

    function HudMoney() local cash = getPlayerMoney(getLocalPlayer()) dxDrawText("$"..formatNumber(cash).."", 1455, 53, 1478, 86, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.50, "pricedown", "left", "top", false, false, false, false, false) end function formatNumber(n) if (not n) then return "Error catching data" end local left,num,right = string.match(n,'^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$') return left..(num:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)','%1,'):reverse())..right end
  7. All what you need is: engineLoadTXD() engineImportTXD() engineLoadDFF() engineReplaceModel() engineLoadCOL() engineReplaceCOL() engineSetModelLODDistance()
  8. use tables try sth like this, put my code after checking the object model. local id = {3113,980, --[[add more ids here]]} for i, v in pairs (id) do -- your code here -- if ID ~= v then etc.. end
  9. Walid


    Check my Tuto Lua Tables
  10. Walid


  11. It's very simple , open notepad++ then click CTRL+F , type the text that you want to find it and press enter.
  12. Walid


    Try this : local screenW2,screenH2 = guiGetScreenSize() local resW2, resH2 = 1366,768 local x, y = (screenW2/resW2), (screenH2/resH2) local counter = 0 local starttick local currenttick local currFPS = 60 addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function() if not starttick then starttick = getTickCount() end counter = counter + 1 currenttick = getTickCount() if currenttick - starttick >= 1000 then setElementData(localPlayer,"FPS",counter) currFPS = counter counter = 0 starttick = false end local time = getRealTime() local hours = time.hour local minutes = time.minute dxDrawText("Hours: "..hours..":"..minutes.."FPS: "..currFPS.." Ping: "..getPlayerPing( localPlayer ), x*1050, y*9, x*276, y*39, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.1, "default-bold") end)
  13. Walid


    All what you need is: "onClientSoundStopped"
  14. Walid

    help again...

    already gave you the solution. Edit: didn't see Karim's post.
  15. Try this local facing = 0 local selectPed = createPed(287, 2892.9643554688, 1790.7238769531, 30.284019470215,90) function rotateCameraAroundPed( ) if selectPed then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(selectPed) local cameraX = x + math.cos( facing / math.pi * 180 ) * 5 local cameraY = y + math.sin( facing / math.pi * 180 ) * 5 setCameraMatrix(cameraX,cameraY, z, x, y, z ) facing = facing + 0.00009 end end addEventHandler( "onClientRender",root,rotateCameraAroundPed)
  16. function sounFunction(cmd) if cmd == "playsound" then if isElement(sound) then stopSound( sound ) end sound = playSound3D("sounds/song.mp3", 373.14, -125.21, 1001, false) elseif cmd == "stopsound" then if isElement(sound) then stopSound( sound ) end end end addCommandHandler ("playsound", sounFunction) addCommandHandler ("stopsound", sounFunction)
  17. Walid

    help again...

    if your code is server side , All what you need is : function bind(player) bindKey(player, "h","down",healer) end function onPlayerJoin () bind(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), onPlayerJoin) function bindKeyForAll() for index, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bind(player) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),bindKeyForAll)
  18. Walid

    help again...

    you want to bind a key for all players right.
  19. you don't need to destroy it because the timesToExecute it's not 0 (infinite repetitions) , it will be destroyed after 5 seconds. Anyways you can use smth like this if you use a timer > then 10 seconds. local bmx = { [510]=true } local destroy = {} function bmxS(player, seat) local model = getElementModel (source) if eventName == "onVehicleExit" then if bmx[model] then destroy[source] = setTimer(respawnVehicle, 5000, 1, source) end elseif eventName == "onVehicleEnter" then if isTimer (destroy[source]) then killTimer(destroy[source]) end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", root, bmxS) addEventHandler ("onVehicleEnter", root, bmxS) Edit: :fp: @swedishboy
  20. local bmx = { [510]=true } function bmxS(player, seat) local model = getElementModel (source) if bmx[model] then setTimer(respawnVehicle, 5000, 1, source) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", root, bmxS)
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