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    Owner of the server and scripter
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    Lua scripting, MTA

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  1. Miika

    Redirect user

    Yup, make sure you add ’resource.(your resource)’ in admin group. redirectPlayer
  2. function random() local x, y = math.random(-2000, 2000), math.random(-2000, 2000) local z = getGroundPosition(x, y, 200) createObject(9000, x, y, z) --Replace object id with your own end
  3. Hello, I'm using gridlist sections for weapon classes. I have stored my weapon data in table and i have set each weapon it's own class. So my problem is this: It creates section for every weapon, but it should skip if there is already section for class. Here's how it looks now and how it should not look: Code: [Table]: prices = { { name="Shotgun", id=25, ammo=30, price=700, class="Shotguns", type="everyone" }; { name="Sawed-off", id=26, ammo=30, price=650, class="Shotguns", type="everyone" }; { name="Combat Shotgun", id=27, ammo=30, price=800, class="Shotguns", type="everyone" }; { name="Uzi", id=28, ammo=60, price=500, class="Sub-Machine Guns", type="everyone" }; { name="MP5", id=29, ammo=60, price=600, class="Sub-Machine Guns", type="everyone" }; { name="Uzi", id=32, ammo=60, price=500, class="Sub-Machine Guns", type="everyone" }; { name="AK-47", id=30, ammo=60, price=800, class="Assault Rifles", type="everyone" }; { name="M4", id=31, ammo=60, price=1000, class="Assault Rifles", type="everyone" }; { name="Rifle", id=33, ammo=60, price=2000, class="Rifles", type="everyone" }; { name="Sniper", id=34, ammo=60, price=3000, class="Rifles", type="everyone" }; { name="Rocket Launcher", id=35, ammo=20, price=7000, class="Heavy Weapons", type="Vip" }; { name="Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher", id=36, ammo=20, price=1000, class="Heavy Weapons", type="Vip" }; { name="Minigun", id=38, ammo=2000, price=10000, class="Heavy Weapons", type="Vip" }; } [Client]: function drawWeaponsTable(weapons, isVip, vip_discount) local weapons = fromJSON(weapons) guiGridListClear(gridlist) local t = {} for i=1, #weapons do local value = weapons[i]["class"] if t[value] == nil then table.insert(t, value) local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(gridlist, row, 1, value, true, false) end local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(gridlist, row, 1, weapons[i]["name"], false, false) end end Hope you understand something
  4. I've always used getRootElement() when triggering serverside event without problems. Make sure you use 'client' instead of source in serverside function.
  5. It means you haven’t set a value to currentFuel
  6. Add this to your script: if not guiGetVisible(aWarpForm) then guiSetVisible(aWarpForm, true) showCursor(true) else guiSetVisible(aWarpForm, false) showCursor(false) end
  7. Hello! I have small script that replaces texture with image using shader and scrolls it from left to right. But i would like that there would be more images scrolling, example: coca cola ad, mcdonalds ad, etc... Would it be possible? I'm quite bad with shaders.. Shader: // // Example shader - uv_scroll.fx // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Global variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float gTime : TIME; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------- // Returns UV anim transform //------------------------------------------- float3x3 getTextureTransform () { float posU = -fmod( gTime/8 ,1 ); // Scroll Right float posV = 0; return float3x3( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, posU, posV, 1 ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Techniques /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// texture Tex0; technique simple { pass P0 { Texture[0] = Tex0; // Set the UV thingy TextureTransform[0] = getTextureTransform (); // Enable UV thingy TextureTransformFlags[0] = Count2; } } Client-sided script: shader = dxCreateShader("shader.fx") coce = dxCreateTexture("bobo_3.png") dxSetShaderValue(shader, "Tex0", coce) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture( shader, "buymorejeans")
  8. Hello, I faced a problem while creating resource/mission. I needed to use drug factory in doherty, SF, but the factory looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/ZpcJRGA.jpg Is there any map fixes for this or model ID for that 'interior' ? Thanks
  9. There you go: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/
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