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Everything posted by ahmedo01

  1. ahmedo01


    How to set colshape's width etc. after creating?
  2. setVehiclePanelState setVehicleDoorState
  3. ahmedo01

    PHP return

    I tested with other code and php sdk works and returns. How can i do dynamic table? I want to do scoreboard.
  4. ahmedo01

    PHP return

    only way is using mysql? i need other way
  5. Trigger to clientside from server. When you triggering triggerClientEvent(playerlistensvoice,args.....) I think you can use this way.
  6. ahmedo01

    PHP return

    Returns Array(), seems not returning any values. Is there a other way to get value?
  7. ahmedo01

    PHP return

    $mtaServer->getResource("someResource")->call("someFunction"); If i do this, can function return any values? I want to get data from server.
  8. Hello all, I want to make a radar but i cant see any example and i dont know how can i do this. Can anyone give example to me? I want to do like this. http://i.hizliresim.com/kjWBlv.png
  9. Create an object then attach vehicle to object and move object.
  10. ahmedo01


    Thanks and how can i sort integer values on mysql?
  11. ahmedo01


    How can i sort gridlists when opening gui? You can sort it by clicking but i want it on opening.
  12. Ehm, i am not sure but It can gave error for one space. addEvent("veh",true) addEventHandler("veh",root, function () local p = getLocalPlayer() local x,y,z = getElementPosition (p) vehicle = createVehicle (448 , x+5, y+5, z)) Change it to this addEvent("veh",true) addEventHandler("veh",root, function() local p = getLocalPlayer() local x,y,z = getElementPosition (p) vehicle = createVehicle (448 , x+5, y+5, z))
  13. "flag_anim_reload_long" - bool - Force a longer reload time It is boolean. It can be true or false.
  14. Ah sorry its my wrong.
  15. CLIENT addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", oyundanatbuton, function() if source == oyundanatbuton then local selected = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) if selected then local text = guiGridListGetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], selected, oyuncucolumn) if getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer( )) == text then outputChatBox("Kendini oyundan atamazsın!",255,0,0) return end local plr = getPlayerFromName( text ) if plr then triggerServerEvent( "TRcezalar.kickPlayer",getLocalPlayer( ), plr) end end end end, false ) SERVER function isStaff(plr) if plr then local account = getPlayerAccount( plr ) local accName = getAccountName( account ) if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end if (isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "S6 Personel" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "S5 Personel" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "S4 Personel" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "S3 Personel" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "S2 Personel" ) ) or isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "S1 Personel" ) )) then return true end end end function kickPlayer(plr) if isStaff(source) then --kickPlayer( plr, "ADMKICK") kickPlayer(plr, source, "ADMKICK") outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." isimli personel "..getPlayerName(plr).." isimli kişiyi oyundan attı!",getRootElement( ),255,0,0) end end addEvent("TRcezalar.kickPlayer",true) addEventHandler("TRcezalar.kickPlayer",getRootElement( ),kickPlayer) It gives error in kickPlayer(plr, source, "ADMKICK") string. Error = stack overflow, i cant find solution.
  16. Database isnt %80. I think it's %10 of one project because its basic for me. I think scripting harder than database programming.
  17. Hello all, I have problem with gridlists. Here is my table. In my mysql table, it s supports turkish special characters but when i get data from table to gridlist it not supports turkish characters it shows ?? for turkish characters. How can i fix it? Which collation i need to select? Or it is gridlist bug? Thanks for help.
  18. ahmedo01

    SQL Query

    Change query to SELECT ? FROM stats WHERE account=? I think it can work. Or if not work SELECT ? FROM stats WHERE account='?' And this is what i am using local result = dbPoll(dbQuery(dbHandler, "SELECT '"..column.."' FROM stats WHERE account='"..accName.."'"), -1)
  19. ahmedo01

    INV Sys

    Thanks for answer, i already did it.
  20. How can i change default interiors system to be restricted to groups or team?
  21. ahmedo01

    INV Sys

    But the problem is, i cant set itemname and accountname as unique. because every player can have same item. anyone give example for this? if row count is 1, if it is update it or add it otherwise
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