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Everything posted by swift

  1. swift


    in the game, those buttons change the camera view, maybe your have them binded to another action.
  2. ya, the link doesnt work. anyone got a copy?
  3. if MTA: VC .3 works fine already should we still install the patch?
  4. hmm, All I did was just uninstalled MTA and I do use a CD crack, everything is fine for me.
  5. Reservoir Dogs is, in my opinion one of the best movies there is!! Quentin Terrentino is a GENIUS!! Pulp Fiction is #1, that movie has sooo many famous actors! All of his movies combined will never be beaten.
  6. y you people bag on gtat, the team is one f*cking person, id say the mod is pretty damn good being built by one guy, I have tested it and it's decent! and it's German! BMW, VW, Porsche, Audi, best cars in the world come from there. worst cars, Ford, America, sorry, makes the worst cars as far as design not to mention they're death traps and they're gonna use all the gas!
  7. well, i tried, but i did see the new version on phpbb's site, it is pretty nice, and it has that feature where you can see whos browsing your forum, thats what i hate about this one. but good work anyway.
  8. I run my own servers from home, so i have experimented with many forum softwares. I have tested PHPBB 2.0 and the Admin CP was barely anything compared to ipb, also i know PHP and some caviots that i ran into are visable in PHPbb, like how to keep member information constantly updated if there is a post before the change. If you would like to see both running I can set them up in seconds with test admins so you can decide? The Layouts can be good on either one, however, ipb has its own html editor, and the organization is unmatched. I will set up two test boards for you to try, however, I think now it is too late to switch, unless you want to sit and manualy transfer db data becuase the table structures dont match. User: admin Pass: admin PHPBB - http://www.flashfx.net/forumtesting/phpbb IPB - http://www.flashfx.net/forumtesting/ipb
  9. iv cried too, where in france are you from? my sister and nephew lives in toulouse. now i can practice my french, commont allez vous mon chers amis. je joue un jou s'appelle vice city. je suis un pompier et j'ai un ordinateur avec un *printer et j'adore les croisont. lol
  10. This forum software is terrible, there no features compared to IPB. Invision Power Board is the best forum software, you guys should switch, they also have a much better layout and the admin CP is endless. Seriously you guys should consider changing forums.
  11. swift

    The Vice Police clan

    im not in VP, so im not making the name but you guys really ripped on this guy, chill dudes!
  12. I think we should have a choice to be Fire Fighters, if we can we also need some more fire engines on the map so we can send strike teams and stuff and other cool things, that would be awesome... don't you think?
  13. swift

    The Vice Police clan

    you people are pretty mean, how can there only be allowed one police gang? Whats wrong with having many Police forces that maybe can work together? theres only a few choices for names, however, yeah, that site is terrible, your better off with a text only site!
  14. We have finished launching the second phase of GTA: FX - Gangs of GTA, The ladder system. I claim this to be the OFFICIAL Unofficial MTA Ladder since Gangs of GTA came out before yall, way back in June! I updated the features list: Features: » Multiple Languages! (French, German, Dutch, Finish) » Gang Management ---» Member Management ---» Member Promotions ---» Boot/Suspend Members ---» Open/Close Gang Recruiting ---» Display who Left your Gang & When ---» Personal Gang News » Personal Gang Forum » Custom Teams » Gang & Team Logo Uploading » Gang Advertising on Front Page » Custom Gang Ranks » Private Messaging » Allies, Enemies & Treaty Capabilities » MTA: VC Ladders » Single Player Tournaments » Traitors » Search Engine Ratings » City Conflict (Excusive Tournament on Gangs of GTA) More Junk... Check out the site and go and see, please. http://www.GangsofGTA.com - Have fun.
  15. gamespot and IGN suck, they got so many adverts and you gotta pay for info BS!!
  16. I really must complain about the font. I HATE times new roman, it looks so ugly, I dont know what others think, but Verdana is a superb font, might consider.
  17. hell yeah!! PST, California Time!!! WOOOO Richest state in the world! without california, america would starve!!!!
  18. those are some good ideas which i'm gonna change, i didnt know that after 28 players it bugs up. I have changed the Tournament to a three gang match with 7 from each gang. Also, i couldnt figure out a way to track gangs entered without having at least one person from that gang registered, that way if the gang decides to pull out, then that one person can do it from the site just by logging in, also it would make it easy to contact the registrars.
  19. actually your right, too many tourneys at once, k delayed!! if you still want to enter now you can, i guess.
  20. if there are more than 6 gangs with 5 players in each then there would be more than 30 players and mta only allows 32.
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