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Everything posted by Bean666

  1. Bean666


    hi guys , today i made a script , a player can only have access to a skin if he's level 20 , when i click the button , it triggers this event. when i clicked the button it changes my skin even i dont have level 20 . can u guys help me? local nLevel = tonumber( getElementData( player, "level" ) ) or 0; addEvent("supersoldier",true) addEventHandler("supersoldier",root, function() if ( nLevel < 20 ) then setPedSkin ( source, 285 ) else outputChatBox('You don\'t have the requirements of the supersoldier!', source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end)
  2. hi guys . i have this function that a player can only see a player when a player is near, it works! but only in the GPS Not in the radar[F11]. it doesnt work in F11 . you can still see players far away with F11 , but with GPS you cant see them if they're far so is there any way to make this function happen in the radar[F11]? any help appreciated local _createBlipAttachedTo = createBlipAttachedTo function createBlipAttachedTo(player, icon, size, r, g, b) return _createBlipAttachedTo(player, icon, size, r, g, b, 255, 0, 100.0) end
  3. you'll need this function isObjectInACLGroup
  4. this one didnt work. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor.button[1],function() if ( source == GUIEditor.button[1]) then local money = getPlayerMoney(source) if (money > 2000) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.button[7], true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.button[1], false) triggerServerEvent("m4std",getLocalPlayer()) end end )
  5. any problems with this? please help i tried this but it didnt work. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor.button[1],function() if ( source == GUIEditor.button[1]) then getPlayerMoney(source) if (money > 2000) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.button[7], true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.button[1], false) triggerServerEvent("m4std",getLocalPlayer()) end end )
  6. hi guys, i want to fix a problem but i cant. because im bad with these functions , alright when i click the button , button disappears and shows a new one i added money restrictions in server.lua but when i click the button i dont have money . it says i dont have money yes. but it shows the another button . i dont know how to fix this. but ik ill use IF Functions i tried but it didnt work. help please. is there anyway with "if" functions to help with this. Code: addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",GUIEditor.button[3],function() if ( source == GUIEditor.button[3]) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.button[3], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.button[9], true) triggerServerEvent("shotgunstd",getLocalPlayer()) end end )
  7. NEW UPDATE: MADE Buttons DX as u guys requested:
  8. ok guys , ill make sure next update. ill make buttons alpha to 0 and make DX Texts to the location of the buttons. and ill make sure guys i promise , wait for the next update and roots. im still a begginer on DX , by the way thanks for your reply.
  9. Hi guys , i made a new weapon shop today , and it is DX , Before i have released too , but it wasnt DX , And this is better. you can buy weapons just by pressing the buttons and you can add more weapons , edit prices in server.lua and add buttons in client.lua , Please DO NOT Remove Credits i will really appreciate. I Want it not compiled so people can use it more awesome so they can add weapons , etc and i'm a guy that wants people to use it freely but not removing the credits NOTE: THIS IS NOT COMPILED, You can use it freely. but please dont remove credits. Rate: 1/10 UPDATE: MADE Buttons DX Resource Link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=10865 Screenshots: Weapon Shop: When you dont have money:
  10. I Take back what i said. stealing a resource wont work and no one will Buy it.
  11. nvm , thank you , i didnt see that
  12. i ment memo. not the gui.
  13. yep but it doesnt show how to change the memo text. it only changes the gridlist.
  14. thank you, but can u give me a small example.? just a very small one.
  15. can anyone help me , that when i click a row in a gridlist it shows a different memo? and when i click another a row in a gridlist it also shows a different memo. can anyone give me a simple example for this>?
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