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Everything posted by Bean666

  1. @Walid it shows Squads , but in TAB , my team is squads... and my class is Alpha Team i'm using Castillo's Spawn panel that we bought before.
  2. when i'm in admin class , it is still locked.
  3. you can do the same thing just change skins with getElementData. tried ur code using skins , didnt even work it was accessible to all skins.
  4. both doesnt work. MHS when i use ur code it doesnt create the vehicle.
  5. doesnt work , and btw all vehicles when i enter them it shows the msg. they are all locked.
  6. hi guys . please help i have class as Admin but it wont work. i still cant enter the locked vehicle even i have the class as Admin. any help? and all vehicles shows the msg. function cars () c1 = createVehicle ( 520, -2891.84765625, 460.4560546875, 4.9140625, 0, 0, 90 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, cars ) function onEnter(thePlayer) if getElementData(source, "class") ~= "Admin" then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("This Vehicle Is Locked for the Class:Admin", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), onEnter)
  7. Bean666


    doesn't work please help.
  8. Bean666


    doesnt work. if i ride the car with both skins it still says This Vehicle is locked for the soprano vipers.
  9. Bean666


    hi guys , is there anyway there will be 2 skins that can enter this vehicle with restriction? i have 125 as restriction and i also want to add 285. function cars () c1 = createVehicle ( 520, -2891.84765625, 460.4560546875, 4.9140625, 0, 0, 90 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, cars ) function onEnter(thePlayer) if (getElementModel(thePlayer) ~= 125) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox("This Vehicle Is Locked for The Soprano Vipers", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), onEnter)
  10. hi , is it possible for 2 different teams will not be able to kill each other? example : SWAT and Army are 2 different teams. is it possible that they will not be able to kill each other while they are on a different team.
  11. guys is there anyway that if u restart a vehicle system that has some cars in it and the cars have colors. is it possible that the car colors save?
  12. Just change the coordinates and also change the object ID if u have another one to add. local gate = createObject(985, 263.9, -1333.5, 53.251480102539, 0, 0, 35) local marker = createMarker(264.177734375, -1333.2490234375, 53.251480102539, "cylinder", 8, 0, 0, 0, 0) function moveGate(psource) local Omegausergroup = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(psource)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..Xyruviausergroup, aclGetGroup("OMEGA")) then moveObject(gate, 1000, 263.9, -1333.5, 46) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate) function move_back_gate() moveObject(gate, 1000, 263.9, -1333.5, 53.251480102539) end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", marker, move_back_gate)
  13. will the players cant see me now if i do /invisible? because in the client side if i do /invisible , they can still see me , but on my screen i can see my self as invisible.
  14. function invisible ( ) if ( getElementModel ( localPlayer ) == 179 ) then local n = ( getElementAlpha ( localPlayer ) > 0 ) and 0 or 255; setElementAlpha ( localPlayer, n ); end end addCommandHandler ( "invisible", invisible ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", root, function ( ) setElementAlpha ( source, 255 ); end ); hi , this code works... i go invisible and i can see my self invisible , but when it comes to other players , they can still see me visible , and when a player also go invisible , i can still see them , any way to fix this? Help please.
  15. can u also make it for skin 179?
  16. oh i have more one favor haha , is it also possible when a player falls , he gets no damage?
  17. whoami your code work , thank you.
  18. ok wait EDIT: Doesnt work guys i don't get invisibility.
  19. is there anyway that if i do the /invisible command again ill go back to the alpha 255? and btw Whoami it worked ty.
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