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  1. صححو لي اخطاء LINE NUMBER ON/OFF | EXPAND/CONTRACT | SELECT ALL local Marker = createMarker ( 1007.4000244141, -2302.6999511719, 12.10000038147, "cylinder", 1.29999995, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit', Marker,function(hitPlayer) if (hitPlayer == localPlayer) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1], true) showCursor(true) end end) function CreateGUIWindow() GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Memo = {} GUIEditor_Image = {} GUIEditor_Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(502,268,480,290,"",false) GUIEditor_Image[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(240,20,229,261,"images/space.png",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(10,251,91,30,"Buy Ticket",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(155,251,69,30,"Exit",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(15,20,219,221,"=====|MoonTrip|=====\nWelcome to the\" MoonTrip\", the moon trip is wonderful trip full of mystery stuff and nice gravitation,You'll find the absolute fun but try to find fun enough \nbecause time is only 10 minutes you will find above signs should find it in different areas, each one under 5k have a nice time\n====|Ticket|====\nMoon 50,000$=====|MoonTrip|====",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Memo[1],true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1], false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[2], DestroyWindow, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[1], take, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[1], move, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), CreateGUIWindow) function DestroyWindow() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1],false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) showCursor(false) end function take() if(getPlayerMoney(localPlayer)>=100000)then takePlayerMoney (100000) outputChatBox("#00ff00You bought a ticket you can go to the rocket now have a nice trip.",255,255,255,true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1],false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) showCursor(false) else outputChatBox("#FFFF00Sorry, you don't have enough money",255,255,255,true) end end function move() if point == 1 then moveObject(objectairportgate1, 5000, 1002.5999755859, -2310.1999511719, 20, 0, 0, 0) setTimer(omgMoveobjectairportgate1, 5000+7000, 1, 2) elseif point == 2 then moveObject(objectairportgate1, 5000, 1002.599609375, -2310.19921875, 14.89999961853, 0, 0, 0) setTimer(omgMoveobjectairportgate1, 5000+7000, 1, 1) end end local Marker = createMarker ( -28.599609375, 163.8994140625, 1.3999999761581, "cylinder", 1.60000002, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit', Marker,function(hitPlayer) if (hitPlayer == localPlayer) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1], true) showCursor(true) end end) function CreateFarm() GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Memo = {} GUIEditor_Grid = {} GUIEditor_Window[2] = guiCreateWindow(18,307,367,431,"",false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Window[2],1) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor_Window[2],false) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(22,377,88,42,"Work",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Button[4] = guiCreateButton(246,383,86,39,"Exit",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(16,32,339,216,"=====|Farm Job|=====\nWelcome to the farm job\nthe farm job is about farm stuff \nso when you start go get the parcel of Seed\nand it's located on your map then go\nto the farm and drop the seed onto every arrow when you done wait 5 sec to get the plant\ngrown and go get the combine harvester and collect your crops when you done collecting \nhit the checkpoints and you get \n1200$\n\n=====|Farm Job|=====",false,GUIEditor_Window[2]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Memo[2],true) GUIEditor_Grid[1] = guiCreateGridList(12,260,346,79,false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(GUIEditor_Grid[1],2) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor_Grid[1],"Select your skin",0.2) for i = 1, 3 do guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor_Grid[1]) end guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor_Grid[1],0,1,"Farmer") guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor_Grid[1],1,1,"Farmer Redneck") guiGridListSetItemText(GUIEditor_Grid[1],2,1,"Farmer Girl") guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[2], false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[4], DestroyWindow, false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), CreateFarm) function DestroyWindow() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[2],false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) showCursor(false) end
  2. للعم مبرمجين ام تي اي الفلسطينين هم ما يقارب ال 14 فقط مجرم كريس شوكي اكستريم وانا ونصراوي وقريب بيفتح سيرفر ار بي جي وحرب خرافي
  3. رح ويكي وشف مثال ذذ
  4. صاحب سيرفر لحين هو صاحب سيرفر [COE]
  5. طلب كود كول شيب يعني يجي بل خريطه كول شيب اصفر حق مزارع انا ابيه وانا بس احط احداثيات رجاءء ذذ او عطوني مثال عليه
  6. *** تم افاده من قبل تيتي بل خاص
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