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About launemax

  • Birthday 27/06/1987


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    Webdesigner and Gamedeveloper

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Square (6/54)



  1. Thanks, but thats the thing i want to avoid. There are a lot of Shaders. I thought, if I just create one shader and apply different textures, it would be more efficient. Am I right? The more shaders i create, the more rendering power is required?
  2. Hy there! I have a question about shaders: I want to have a lot of flags or signs, where the players can put their own texture/image on. So i have to create for each object a new shader and set the shadervalue of the texture to a different image, but then i have lots of shaders. Is there a way to create 1 shader and depending on which ElementData an object has, to set a different shadervalue? So i can save a lot of load of my server. thanks for the answer in advance, regards, launemax
  3. Hy WhoAmI, sure, you can save the starting timestamp in a variable and check with a Timer (every Minute or if possible every hour) if the new timestamp is higher or equal to the starting timestamp+24h. Or you can save the timestamp + 24h in the variable and check against this. getRealTime() setTimer()
  4. Hy Xabache, i did it this way: The login function checks for username and password in my own database and on success I create a new account for the internal (addAccount) and log him in (logIn). If the player quits, I always delete the account (removeAccount). So the Account is just temporary for the active session. All based on his Playername. Same to the register function. I don't create any account, until he logs in. Additionally you can put the player in the right ACL Group, if you have different ones.
  5. Hy vs89, you can use an image as cursor (and set the original cursor alpha to 0) like in this resource: [REL] HeroCursor - Client Custom Cursor Management and in addition you can switch the cursor image if the Events onClientMouseEnter and onClientMouseLeave trigger. changeCC("normalcursor.png") addEventHandler( "onClientMouseEnter", myWindow, function() changeCC("windowcursor.png") end) addEventHandler( "onClientMouseLeave", myWindow, function() changeCC("normalcursor.png") end)
  6. Hy guys, can anyone please help me in creating a shader, that self-illuminates an object? I have the following problem: I want to see a ped with his full texture and not shadowed on one site. In my case its a screen pointing against the sun and so the ped, i want to see, is half darken. Is there a way to disable light influences for an object by a shader? Thanks for your help in advance, Launemax
  7. launemax


    Hy@all. Can anybody please send me a compiled version of the bcrypt module? The release on github is the old one. This doesn't work on MTA 1.4, but Jusonex already updated the code. I have no Visual Studio installed to compile it. Thanks
  8. launemax


    Hy@all. Can anybody please send me a compiled version of the bcrypt module? The release on github is the old one. This doesn't work on MTA 1.4, but @Jusonex updated the code. I have no Visual Studio installed to compile it. Thanks
  9. yeah! works perfect. ^^ I dont know, why i didn't find this function. Thanks, MrTasty!
  10. Hy my friends i'm currently stuck in a very annoying bug of MTA (, isnt it?) If I use GuiStaticImageLoadImage and change the image of this element, all other StaticImages, that are parented inside this element, also gets changed. So it propagates down to each child element. Damnit! Is there a way to fix this? I just want to change ONE Image and the child elements should stay the same. A quick example: local frame, image addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() frame = guiCreateStaticImage(0, 0, 400, 400, "frame.png", false) image = guiCreateStaticImage(100, 100, 200, 200, "image.png", false, frame) bindKey("i", "down", changeImage) end) function changeImage() guiStaticImageLoadImage(frame, "otherframe.png") end <meta> <info name="Test" author="Launemax" version="1.0" type="script" /> <script src="client.lua" type="client" /> <file src="frame.png" /> <file src="image.png" /> <file src="otherframe.png" /> </meta>
  11. hm, okay. I got it. I'll try TiM3's solution first and if this isnt efficient, i will duplicate the objects for every dimension. Thanks for your help!
  12. Hy there! Is there a way to set an element be visible in all dimensions? For instance an object in a house interior. I use this interior with different dimensions, so I can use it for more than one player's flat. I mapped in this interior some additional objects, but they are only visible in dimension one. Can anybody help me? Thanks
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