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Captain Cody

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Captain Cody last won the day on January 19 2019

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About Captain Cody

  • Birthday September 13


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  • Location
    Deep mountains of Montana
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    91 B
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  1. If you look on my GitHub I have some tools laid out to convert form 3ds max to MTA using MTA-Stream. Unfortunately I haven't really don't anything with MTA in a while and I no longer develop content with it so I can not really give you a precise guide to converting.
  2. Hi, @LuanSantos_ if you go to my GitHub I have a converter posted with the information. Personally I'm not a fan of scene to res as it uses a streaming system which produces very low performance results. https://github.com/Wolfee-J/MTA-Map-Convertor Download MTA-Map-Converator Extract the folder 'MTA-Convertor' into your MTA resources Extract map resources (TXD,COL,DFF) into the 'MTA-Convertor/Resources' folder Extract map files (IPL/IDE/ECT) into the root MTA-Convertor folder
  3. New streaming system released https://github.com/Wolfee-J/MTA-Stream
  4. New version coming tomorrow, need to sort out some crashing but pretty much removes loading times from the equation. Also, driver 2 link will be readded tomorrow.
  5. Due to the general policy that I can see regarding other servers I can't delete, but uses leaked game mode.
  6. Higher the poly count = the better the lighting. Even if it's low poly you can still produce decent lighting that is much better then the current flat lighting. Trust me, I've been working on maps for years.
  7. May I recommend adding prelighting. Gives the models a much more polished look.
  8. Not only have you posted in the wrong section, but you have violated the rules of said section. Please give an attempt https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Main_Page then you can ask for help.
  9. There will not be an MTA created for GTAV as the man power needed does not exist, however there are many modifications for V similar to the idea behind MTA.
  10. I'll update it as soon as I get a new rig
  11. If you do something truly unique then yes. My project for example has hundreds of people waiting for it if I ever finish it. Alot of things that people think are unique really are not and are mostly the same bull :~ that you come to expect everywhere.
  12. nightly.multitheftauto.com/files/shaders/shader_hud_mask.zip
  13. Alright first of all, next time you post please put the Lua stuff in the Lua boxes or whatever the hell they are called in the editor it can be found by clicking on the <>. Secondly please explain the issue more then just 'I don't know what's missing'.
  14. text1 = dxDrawText ( "Click to copy", 700, 828, 150,"Click to copy" ) function setClipboardF (texts) setClipboard(texts) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", tex1, setClipboardF, false)
  15. Sorry for a bit of a late response, haven't been reading forums much lately. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientVehicleDamage https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetVehiclePanelState https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetVehiclePanelState When you active the function loop through the panels and save their states. On vehicle damage loop through and restore their states to what has been saved. damageTable = {} function setVehiclePanelsDamageProof(player) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if isElement(veh) then if damageTable[veh] then damageTable[veh] = nil else damageTable[veh] = {} for i = 0,6 do local state = getVehiclePanelState(veh,i) damageTable[veh][i] = state end end end end addCommandHandler ( "damageProof", setVehiclePanelsDamageProof ) -- # Change this to whatever you want function onVehicleDamage() if isElement(source) and damageTable[source] then for i = 0,6 do setVehiclePanelState(source,i,damageTable[source][i]) end end end addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", root, onVehicleDamage) Basic script, should work (Untested) . You'll have to modify it to your needs though. When you use the command "damageProof" it loops through the vehicles panels and saves their states (Or if table exists nils it) which enables or disables it. If a table exists (It's enabled) onVehicleDamage it loops through and resets the vehicles panel states. If disabled then it'll ignore it.
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