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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. @Solidsnake14 sounds good. But in which servers you played if i can to know it? the performance of scripts is very important. I'm asking because of a friend who want to buy a new PC in a few days and due to lack of money he can't buy a GPU. It's not a PC especially for gaming, but he would like to play MTA without lag and MTA is one of the main reasons why he is doing this. The build is pretty nice, but we have doubts about the integrated graphics and it performance in MTA. CPU: Intel Pentium G3258 @ 3.20GHz Motherboard: Asus B85MG RAM: Kingston Fury Black Series 4GB (1 x 4GB) DDR3-1600MHz HDD: 1TB
  2. Have someone here experience with playing MTA with Intel HD Graphics ? And what is the result? fps?
  3. hhaahahhhah give this guy a nobel
  4. We don't give support with leaked scripts, which in your case are stolen from Valhalla roleplay.
  5. addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', root, function () if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local weapons = toJSON (getPedWeapons(source)) setAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source),'weapons',weapons) end end) addEventHandler('onPlayerLogin', root, function () if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local weapons = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source),'weapons') for i,v in pairs (fromJSON(weapons)) do giveWeapon(source,i,v,true) end end) weaponS = {[22] = 69,[23] = 70,[24] = 71,[25] = 72,[26] = 73,[27] = 74,[28] = 75, [29] = 76,[30] = 77,[31] = 78,[34] = 79 } -- Gets all player weapons function getPedWeapons(ped) local weapons = {} for slot=1, 12 do local weapon = getPedWeapon(ped, slot) local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo(ped, slot) if (weapon > 0) and (ammo > 0) then weapons[weapon] = ammo end end return weapons end
  6. When you use a save system from community then at least use a good one and not that crap. link
  7. Check getAccountData if you use accountData to save the player data. Also check the function spawnPlayer
  8. I know, i've recommended you to create your own spawns system in my last post...
  9. If you made your own spawn system, then you should create your own spawn stuff .
  10. xeon17

    [HELP] Please

    You use getLocalPlayer() at line 1 but the code is server-side.
  11. xeon17

    [HELP] Please

    Post your current code.
  12. Why don't you ask for support the host?
  13. Use spawnPlayer instead of setElementPosition
  14. Windows 10 works fine here, i don't have any problems about the gaming i've tried GTA V which i run with 60-70 fps on medium settings. MTA also fine works, maximum fps on all servers. Windows 10 is great!
  15. Well, make it dx but about design i don't know i never was a good designer.
  16. xeon17


    You should be happy because you're banned for only 1 day. Wait for the time expire.
  17. Well, there was already something like this on community. Bice nice though
  18. xeon17

    Comedy by XeoN

    Voce esqueceu Vehicle element amigo
  19. xeon17

    Comedy by XeoN

    Quem nao sabe, Gabriel Marcos e o RooTs kkkkkkkkkkkk
  20. I already made something like this for my server, it would be great if you would post this for download because there isn't any other accounts system available for download. MySQL or SQLite? I personally prefer MySQL , but you could create a opinion to choose which database you want to use.
  21. addCommandHandler('setmypoints', -- /setmypoints 255 function (player,command,ponts) if not (points) then -- If the points argument is missing then cancel the function. return end setElementData(player,'points',tonumber(points)) -- The player get the amout of points which he wrote outputChatBox('Ponts:'..points,player,255,0,0) end)
  22. You could give the ponts with setElementData and save them when player quit with setAccountData.
  23. Can you explain how this points system work? how exactly players get the points and so on?
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