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Furious^ONE!'s Achievements

Mark (16/54)
I tried this code, but it's same the old code I don't know why, no error in debugscript
Hi, I tried to put timer after taping command but, don't work https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/704011430097322024/728353446456983693/unknown.png -- command, id of car, txt of car, replace texture local cmdTime = 10000 local skins = { {"test", 411, "bopp", "test.png"}, } local cmdTime = setTimer(function() for i = 1, #skins do addCommandHandler(skins[i][1], function(plr) if getPedOccupiedVehicle(plr) and getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(plr)) == skins[i][2] then triggerClientEvent(root, "onNalozPJ", root, getPedOccupiedVehicle(plr), skins[i][2], skins[i][3], "txt/"..skins[i][4]) end end, cmdTime, 1) end
It's good, but the mute timer and interval deleted, and save mute after /reconnect too
I have error when i start it ERROR: Loading script failed: [CORE]\carwars_core\chat.Lua:57: 'in' expected near 'ipairs'
chat.Lua local antiFlood = {} local antiFloodTick = {} function chatLocal(message, messageType) if messageType == 1 then cancelEvent() end if messageType == 0 then cancelEvent() if not antiFlood[source] then antiFlood[source] = true antiFloodTick[source] = getTickCount() elseif getTickCount() - antiFloodTick[source] > 800 then antiFloodTick[source] = getTickCount() else return end local len = string.len(message) if len > 128 then return end local players = getElementsByType("player") local posX1, posY1, posZ1 = getElementPosition(source) for i = 1, #players do local posX2, posY2, posZ2 = getElementPosition(players[i]) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(posX1, posY1, posZ1, posX2, posY2, posZ2) <= 20 then outputChatBox(""..string.gsub((getPlayerName(source)..": "..message), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), players[i], 211, 211, 211, true) outputServerLog("[Local Chat]: "..string.gsub((getPlayerName(source)..": "..message), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), chatLocal) function adminChat(thePlayer, _,...) local word = {...} local message = table.concat(word, " ") local len = string.len(message) if len > 128 then return end local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Owner")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Administrator")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Support")) then showAdminMessage(thePlayer, message) end end addCommandHandler("a", adminChat) function showAdminMessage(player, message) local players = getElementsByType("player") for i = 1, #players do local account = getPlayerAccount(players[i]) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Owner")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Administrator")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup("Support")) then outputChatBox("#FF4500[Staff Chat]#FFFFFF "..removeHEXFromString(getPlayerName(player))..": #3498DB"..removeHEXFromString(message), players[i], 255, 255, 255, true) outputServerLog("[Admin Chat]: "..removeHEXFromString(getPlayerName(player))..": "..message) end end end function globalMessage(thePlayer, cmd, ...) local message = table.concat({ ... }, " ") local len = string.len(message) if len > 128 then return end local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(thePlayer)) if not team then return end if isPlayerMuted(thePlayer) then outputChatBox("You are muted!", thePlayer, 255, 128, 22, true) return end if not antiFlood[thePlayer] then antiFlood[thePlayer] = true antiFloodTick[thePlayer] = getTickCount() elseif getTickCount() - antiFloodTick[thePlayer] > 800 then antiFloodTick[thePlayer] = getTickCount() else return end local name = getPlayerName(thePlayer) local r, g, b = getTeamColor(getTeamFromName(team)) outputServerLog("[Global Chat]: "..name..": "..message) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Owner")) then outputChatBox("[Owner] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Administrator")) then outputChatBox("[Administrator] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then outputChatBox("[Moderator] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Support")) then outputChatBox("[Support] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("VIP")) then outputChatBox("[VIP] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end outputChatBox("[Player] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) end addCommandHandler("globalchat", globalMessage) function teamMessage(message, messageType) if messageType == 2 then cancelEvent() local len = string.len(message) if len > 128 then return end local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if not team then return end if not antiFlood[source] then antiFlood[source] = true antiFloodTick[source] = getTickCount() elseif getTickCount() - antiFloodTick[source] > 800 then antiFloodTick[source] = getTickCount() else return end local name = getPlayerName(source) local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) local members = getPlayersInTeam(team) or {} for i = 1, #members do outputChatBox("[Team Chat] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, members[i], r, g, b, true) end outputServerLog("[Team "..getTeamName(team).."]: "..name..": "..message) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), teamMessage) function onJoinPlayer() outputChatBox("#ff8800* #EBDDB2"..getPlayerName(source).." #FF6464has joined the game.", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true) setPlayerBlurLevel(source, 0) setPlayerNametagShowing(source, false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onJoinPlayer) function onQuitPlayer(quitType) outputChatBox("#ff8800* #EBDDB2"..getPlayerName(source).." #FF6464has left the game ["..quitType.."]", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true) if antiFlood[source] then antiFlood[source] = nil end if antiFloodTick[source] then antiFloodTick[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onQuitPlayer) function disableBlur() setPlayerBlurLevel(getRootElement(), 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, disableBlur) function onCommandPlayer(commandName) if commandName == "login" or commandName == "logout" or commandName == "register" or commandName == "me" then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerCommand", getRootElement(), onCommandPlayer)
Hi, I have my script for auto-mute system when someone say bad words. the problem is that the script detects that the 'normal chat (/say) ', but not the GlobalChat of the server, If a player says a bad word in globalchat, then the script will detect nothing my code: Words = { ["mum"] = true, ["mother"] = true, } muteTimers = {} interval = 86400000 function findPlayerBySerial(serial) for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getPlayerSerial(player) == serial then return player end end return false end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), function(msg, msgType) local theMsg = msg if Words[theMsg] then cancelEvent() pName = getPlayerName(source) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) outputChatBox("#FF0000".. pName .."#FF0000 has been muted by Console.(24h) #A87700Reason:#FFFFFF R.2.2.1.",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) setPlayerMuted(source, true) muteTimers[serial] = setTimer(function() local player = findPlayerBySerial(serial) if player then setPlayerMuted(player, false) local pName = getPlayerName(player) outputChatBox("#00D117".. pName .."#00D117 has been unmuted by Console.",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) end end, interval, 1) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if isTimer(muteTimers[serial]) then local pName = getPlayerName(source) outputChatBox("#FF0000".. pName .." has been muted by Console.(24h) #A87700Reason:#FFFFFF R.2.2.1.",getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0,true) setPlayerMuted(source, true) end end) Code globalchat server function globalMessage(thePlayer, cmd, ...) local message = table.concat({ ... }, " ") local len = string.len(message) if len > 128 then return end local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(thePlayer)) if not team then return end if isPlayerMuted(thePlayer) then outputChatBox("You are muted!", thePlayer, 255, 128, 22, true) return end if not antiFlood[thePlayer] then antiFlood[thePlayer] = true antiFloodTick[thePlayer] = getTickCount() elseif getTickCount() - antiFloodTick[thePlayer] > 800 then antiFloodTick[thePlayer] = getTickCount() else return end local name = getPlayerName(thePlayer) local r, g, b = getTeamColor(getTeamFromName(team)) outputServerLog("[Global Chat]: "..name..": "..message) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Owner")) then outputChatBox("[Owner] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Administrator")) then outputChatBox("[Administrator] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then outputChatBox("[Moderator] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("Support")) then outputChatBox("[Support] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))), aclGetGroup("VIP")) then outputChatBox("[VIP] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) return end outputChatBox("[Player] #FFF5EE"..name..": #FFF5EE"..message, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) end addCommandHandler("globalchat", globalMessage)
The account player it's serial
Hello. I would like to know how to save the mute of a player who reconnects Words = { ["test"] = true, ["mother"] = true, ["mom"] = true, } addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), function(msg, msgType) local theMsg = msg if Words[theMsg] then cancelEvent() pName = getPlayerName(source) outputChatBox("#FF0000".. pName .." #FF0000 have been muted by Console.",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) setPlayerMuted(source, true) setTimer (function ( player ) setPlayerMuted (player, false ) outputChatBox("#FF0000".. pName .." #ff0000 have been unmuted by Console.",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) end, 300000,1, source ) end end )
Dewen started following Furious^ONE!
Oui, j'avais lu mais sûrement pas du comprendre. Actuellement mes setWeaponProperty sont sur toutes les armes de mon GM, mais ça ne représentera aucun soucis si je fais un getWeaponProperty à la place?
Salut, Aujourd'hui je me suis intéressé au setWeaponProperty, et j'aimerai ajouter une property à une arme, faire en sorte que les balles ne partent pas en mitraillette, en gros, mettre un délai avant de tirer la prochaine balle du chargeur, mais je ne sais pas quoi utiliser, et j'ai vu qu'il y avait des flags pour les property des armes, mais impossible de trouver un tableau comme les flags pour handling de voiture, est ce qu'il y en a un ?
Je serai très intéressé car en ce moment je crée pas mal d'handling, et d'ailleurs c'est pour cela que j'avais fais ce post
Ca marche, je vais essayer
Plus où moins oui, pour le côté client je vois pas tellement où ça pourrai être Je te met le code si tu veux jeter un coup d'oeil local blockedTasks = { "TASK_SIMPLE_IN_AIR", "TASK_SIMPLE_JUMP", "TASK_SIMPLE_LAND", "TASK_SIMPLE_GO_TO_POINT", "TASK_SIMPLE_NAMED_ANIM", "TASK_SIMPLE_CAR_OPEN_DOOR_FROM_OUTSIDE", "TASK_SIMPLE_CAR_GET_IN", "TASK_SIMPLE_CLIMB", "TASK_SIMPLE_SWIM", "TASK_SIMPLE_HIT_HEAD", "TASK_SIMPLE_FALL", "TASK_SIMPLE_GET_UP" } local function reloadWeapon() local task = getPedSimplestTask (localPlayer) local weapon = getPedWeapon (localPlayer) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for idx, badTask in ipairs(blockedTasks) do if (task == badTask) then return end end triggerServerEvent("relWep", resourceRoot) --end if weapon == 30 then local sound = playSound3D("sons/rambo_reload.mp3", x,y,z, true) attachElementToBone(sound,localPlayer,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90) unbindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") setTimer( function() stopSound(sound) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") end,1100,1,source) elseif weapon == 31 then local sound = playSound3D("sons/m4_reload.mp3", x,y,z, true) attachElementToBone(sound,localPlayer,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90) unbindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") setTimer( function() stopSound(sound) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") end,1100,1,source) elseif weapon == 29 then local sound = playSound3D("sons/mp5_reload.mp3", x,y,z, true) attachElementToBone(sound,localPlayer,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90) unbindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") setTimer( function() stopSound(sound) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") end,1100,1,source) elseif weapon == 27 then local sound = playSound3D("sons/shotgun_reload.mp3", x,y,z, true) attachElementToBone(sound,localPlayer,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90) unbindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") setTimer( function() stopSound(sound) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") end,1100,1,source) elseif weapon == 26 then local sound = playSound3D("sons/shotgun_reload.mp3", x,y,z, true) attachElementToBone(sound,localPlayer,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90) unbindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") setTimer( function() stopSound(sound) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") end,1100,1,source) elseif weapon == 25 then local sound = playSound3D("sons/shotgun_reload.mp3", x,y,z, true) attachElementToBone(sound,localPlayer,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90) unbindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") setTimer( function() stopSound(sound) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") end,1100,1,source) elseif weapon == 23 then local sound = playSound3D("sons/pistol_reload.mp3", x,y,z, true) attachElementToBone(sound,localPlayer,3,0.19,-0.31,-0.1,0,270,-90) unbindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") setTimer( function() stopSound(sound) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") end,1100,1,source) end end addCommandHandler("Reload weapon", function() setTimer(reloadWeapon, 50, 1) end) bindKey("r", "down", "Reload weapon") local vehicleName = { [560] = "14k's Porsche 911", [597] = "Police SF", [601] = "S.W.A.T", [596] = "Police LV", [565] = "Nissan 350z Gold", [589] = "Nissan 350z Black", [522] = "Yamaha Shark", [497] = "Maverick Black", [602] = "MikuShteiN", [495] = "Nissan 'X-TREME'", [487] = "Maverick Red", [471] = "Quad", [470] = "Humvee FE", [494] = "Dodge Viper", [503] = "PorkShtaiN", [506] = "Nissan GTR 'Nyan Cat'", [502] = "KURWASHTAIN", [444] = "MikuThog", [427] = "Honda", [463] = "Harley", [461] = "PCJ-600", [468] = "Sanchez", [533] = "Barraks", [431] = "School Bus", [422] = "Bobcat", [411] = "Frankenstein", [545] = "Nissan GTR 'ShockWave'", [585] = "Zombie Escaper", [429] = "Skyline White", [477] = "Mazda RX7", [480] = "Mustang 1967", [402] = "Toyota", [558] = "BMW M3", [472] = "Coastguard", [600] = "Bobcat SE", [528] = "Humvee DE", [573] = "Warthog", [504] = "Bloodring-Banger", [445] = "Pontiac", [475] = "Hemi Cuda", [415] = "Ford Shelby 'Venom'", [451] = "Mercedes SLS AMG", [434] = "Nissan GTR", [579] = "BMW X6 'AGRESSOR'", [400] = "BMW X6", [562] = "Ford", [496] = "Mitsubishi Evo X", [551] = "Sabre", } function returnNewNameVehicle (vehicle) if isElement(vehicle) and getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then if vehicleName[getElementModel(vehicle)] then return vehicleName[getElementModel(vehicle)] else return "" end end end local projectors = {} addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() engineImportTXD(engineLoadTXD("data/prj.txd",true),1945) engineReplaceModel(engineLoadDFF("data/prj.dff"),1945) engineReplaceCOL(engineLoadCOL("data/prj.col"),1945) if fileExists("data/prj.dff") then fileDelete("data/prj.dff") end if fileExists("data/prj.txd") then fileDelete("data/prj.txd") end if fileExists("data/prj.col") then fileDelete("data/prj.col") end projectors = getElementData(localPlayer,"projector") end) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() if not getElementData(localPlayer,"logedin") then return end if not getElementData(localPlayer,"projector") then return end for i, data in ipairs(projectors) do if getElementData(data[1],"fuel") == true then dxDrawLine3D(data[3],data[4],data[5],data[3]+30*30,data[4],data[5]+20*30,tocolor(255,184,65,100),100) end end end) setPedTargetingMarkerEnabled(false) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() versionLabel = guiCreateLabel(1,1,0.3,0.3,"SabreDayZ v0.3c ALPHA",true) guiSetSize(versionLabel, guiLabelGetTextExtent ( versionLabel ), guiLabelGetFontHeight ( versionLabel ), false ) x,y = guiGetSize(versionLabel,true) guiSetPosition( versionLabel, 1-x, 1-y*1.8, true ) guiSetAlpha(versionLabel,0.5) setWorldSoundEnabled(5,false) end) function playerStatsClientSite() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then toggleControl ("radar",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("clock",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("radar",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("money",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("health",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("weapon",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("breath",false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("area_name", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("vehicle_name", false ) setPedTargetingMarkerEnabled(true) -- if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Map") >= 1 then -- toggleControl ("radar",true) -- end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Watch") >= 1 then setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("clock",true) end end end setTimer(playerStatsClientSite,1000,0) nightvisionimage = guiCreateStaticImage(0,0,1,1,"data/infravision.png",true) guiSetVisible(nightvisionimage,false) infravision = guiCreateStaticImage(0,0,1,1,"data/infravision.png",true) guiSetVisible(infravision,false) function playerZoom (key,keyState) if key == "n" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Night Vision Goggles") >= 1 then if nightvision then guiSetVisible(nightvisionimage,false) guiSetVisible(infravision,false) nightvision = false setCameraGoggleEffect("normal") else nightvision = true guiSetVisible(nightvisionimage,true) guiSetVisible(infravision,false) setCameraGoggleEffect("nightvision") end end elseif key == "i" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Infrared Goggles") >= 1 then if infaredvision then infaredvision = false guiSetVisible(infravision,false) guiSetVisible(nightvisionimage,false) setCameraGoggleEffect("normal") else infaredvision = true guiSetVisible(infravision,true) guiSetVisible(nightvisionimage,false) setCameraGoggleEffect("thermalvision") end end end end bindKey("n","down",playerZoom) bindKey("i","up",playerZoom) function healthandblod () if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementHealth (getLocalPlayer()) <= 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",-1) setElementHealth(getLocalPlayer(),100) end end end setTimer(healthandblod,3000,0) function playRandomHitSound () local number = math.random(1,3) local sound = playSound("sounds/hit"..number..".ogg") end weaponAmmoTable = { ["STANAG"] = { {"M4A1",30}, {"M4A1 CCO",30}, {"M4A1 CCO SD",30}, {"M4A1 Gold",30}, {"M4A1-S Cyrex",30}, }, ["M60 Belt"] = { {"M60",31}, }, ["MGL Rounds"] = { {"MGL MK1",27}, }, ["PKM Belt"] = { {"PKM",31}, }, ["AKM Mag"] = { {"RPK",31}, }, ["OTAN Mag"] = { {"Mini14",30}, {"Mk14",30}, }, ["OTs Mag"] = { {"Groza",30}, }, ["M240 Belt"] = { {"M240",31}, }, ["MK48 Belt"] = { {"MK48",31}, }, ["M249 SAW Belt"] = { {"M249 SAW",31}, }, ["AK Mag"] = { {"AKM",30}, {"AKS-74U",30}, {"AK-107 GL",30}, {"AK 74 GP-25",30}, {"AKS-74 PSO",30}, {"AKS Gold",30}, {"AKS-74UN Kobra",30}, {"AK-74M",30}, {"AK-107 GL PSO",30}, {"AK-47 Aquamarine Revenge",30}, }, ["MG36 Belt"] = { {"MG36",31}, }, ["G36 Mag"] = { {"G36",30}, {"G36C",30}, {"G36C SD",30}, }, ["CZ550 Mag"] = { {"CZ550",34}, }, ["DMR Mag"] = { {"DMR",34}, }, [".AS50 Mag"] = { {"AS50",34}, }, ["M136 Rocket"] = { {"M136",35}, }, [".300 Magnum Mag"] = { {"AWM",34}, }, ["M40A3 Mag"] = { {"M40A3",34}, }, ["M24 Mag"] = { {"M24",34}, }, [".M107 Mag"] = { {"M107",34}, }, [".KSVK Mag"] = { {"KSVK",34}, }, ["VSS Mag"] = { {"VSS",34}, }, ["SVD Camo Mag"] = { {"SVD Camo",34}, }, ["<-<VOID>-> Mag"] = { {"<-<VOID>->",34}, }, ["PM Mag"] = { {"Makarov PM",23}, }, ["M1911 Mag"] = { {"M1911",23}, }, ["Revolver Mag"] = { {"Revolver",23}, }, ["desert eagle NV Mag"] = { {"desert eagle NV",23}, }, ["Pistol(Deadpool) Mag"] = { {"Pistol(Deadpool)",23}, }, ["MP5A5 Mag"] = { {"MP5A5",29}, }, ["others"] = { {"Machete",2}, {"Hatchet",8}, {"Kerambit",4}, {"Icicle",4}, {"C4",39}, {"M67",16}, {"Parachute",46}, {"Light Saber",11}, {"Bat 'Good Night'",12}, {"Deadpool Katana",10}, {"Molotov",18}, }, } function getWeaponAmmoType (weaponName) for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["others"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return weaponData[1],weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["AK Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "AK Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["OTAN Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "OTAN Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["OTs Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "OTs Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["STANAG"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "STANAG",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["MGL Rounds"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "MGL Rounds",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M60 Belt"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M60 Belt",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["PKM Belt"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "PKM Belt",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["AKM Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "AKM Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M240 Belt"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M240 Belt",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["MK48 Belt"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "MK48 Belt",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M249 SAW Belt"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M249 SAW Belt",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["MG36 Belt"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "MG36 Belt",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["G36 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "G36 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["CZ550 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "CZ550 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["DMR Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "DMR Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable[".AS50 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return ".AS50 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M136 Rocket"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M136 Rocket",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable[".300 Magnum Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return ".300 Magnum Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M40A3 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M40A3 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M24 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M24 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable[".M107 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return ".M107 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable[".KSVK Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return ".KSVK Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["VSS Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "VSS Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["SVD Camo Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "SVD Camo Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["<-<VOID>-> Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "<-<VOID>-> Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["PM Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "PM Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["M1911 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "M1911 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["Revolver Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "Revolver Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["desert eagle NV Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "desert eagle NV Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["MP5A5 Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "MP5A5 Mag",weaponData[2] end end for i,weaponData in ipairs(weaponAmmoTable["Pistol(Deadpool) Mag"]) do if weaponName == weaponData[1] then return "Pistol(Deadpool) Mag",weaponData[2] end end end function getWeaponDamage (weapon) for i,weapon2 in ipairs(damageTable) do local t,weapon1 = getWeaponAmmoType(weapon2[1]) if weapon1 == weapon then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"humanity") == 5000 then if weapon2[1] == "M1911" or weapon2[1] == "M9 SD" or weapon2[1] == "PDW" then return weapon2[2]*0.3 end end return weapon2[2] end end end function Damage_ToCloth (bone) if clothDamageReduce[bone] then local cloth = getElementData ( localPlayer, clothDamageReduce[bone][1] ) or "no" for i, v in pairs ( clothDamageReduce[bone][2] ) do if cloth == i then return 1-v/100 end end end return 1 end function getClothDamageReduce (skin,bone) if clothDamageReduce1[skin] then if clothDamageReduce1[skin][bone] then return 1-clothDamageReduce1[skin][bone]/100 end end return 1 end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), function() thePlayer = getLocalPlayer() local data = statusPlayrsSk[getElementModel(thePlayer)] if data then if isPedOnFire (thePlayer) then setElementData(thePlayer,"blood",getElementData(thePlayer,"blood")-math.random(data[3],data[4])) end end end) function playerGetDamageDayZ ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) cancelEvent() if getElementData(localPlayer,"inGreenZone") then return end if attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then speedx, speedy, speedz = getElementVelocity ( attacker ) actualspeed = (speedx^2 + speedy^2 + speedz^2)^(0.5) kmh = actualspeed * 500 if kmh >= 500 then local vehkiller = getVehicleOccupant ( attacker ) setElementData(source,"blood",0) if getElementData(source,"blood") <= 0 then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",source,vehkiller) end end end damage = 100 headshot = false if weapon == 37 then return end local pl_model = getElementModel ( localPlayer ) if attacker then if getElementData(attacker,"zombie") then local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) setElementData(localPlayer,"blood",getElementData(localPlayer,"blood")-gameplayVariables["zombiedamage"]*damageded*reduce) local number = math.random(1,5) if number == 3 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"infection",true) end local number = math.random(1,7) if number == 4 then setElementData(localPlayer,"bleeding",getElementData(localPlayer,"bleeding") - math.random(100,200)) end elseif getElementData ( attacker, "bots" ) or getElementData ( attacker, "snegovik" ) or getElementData ( attacker, "santa" ) or getElementData ( attacker, "boss4aki" ) or getElementData ( attacker, "bossBenz" ) or getElementData ( attacker, "bossCrais" ) then local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-getElementData(attacker,"BOSSdamage")*damageded*reduce) local number = math.random(1,7) if number == 4 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding") - math.random(100,200)) end end end if attacker and getElementData(attacker,"bear") then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-3121) local number = math.random(1,2) if number == 2 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding") - math.random(100,200)) end end if attacker and getElementData(attacker,"wolf") then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-1981) local number = math.random(1,4) if number == 2 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding") - math.random(100,200)) end end if attacker and getElementData(attacker,"fox") then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-1421) local number = math.random(1,5) if number == 2 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding") - math.random(100,200)) end end if weapon == 49 then local reduce = getClothDamageReduce(pl_model, bodypart) if loss > 30 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "brokenbone", true) setPedControlState("jump", true) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "blood", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "blood") - math.random(100, 200) *damageded*reduce) end setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "blood", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "blood") - math.random(100, 200)*damageded*reduce) elseif weapon == 63 or weapon == 51 or weapon == 19 or weapon == 50 then local damageded = Damage_ToCloth(bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "blood", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "blood") -math.random(12000, 32000)*damageded*reduce) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "blood") <= 0 then if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "isDead") == true then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), attacker, headshot) end end elseif weapon and weapon > 1 and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) local number = math.random(1,8) if number >= 6 or number <= 8 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding") - math.random(100,200)) end local number = math.random(1,7) if number == 2 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"pain",true) end damage = getWeaponDamage (weapon) if bodypart == 9 then damage = damage*1,3 headshot = true end --if bodypart == 9 then --if getElementData(localPlayer,"customOn") == true then -- if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "customOn", true) then -- damage = damage*0.2 -- setElementData(localPlayer,"Advanced Helmet",getElementData(localPlayer,"Advanced Helmet") - 1) -- triggerServerEvent("clothHeadOff", localPlayer) -- else -- setElementData(localPlayer, "headless", true) -- setElementData ( localPlayer, "blood", -10 ) -- damage = damage*1,3 -- headshot = true -- end -- end if bodypart == 7 or bodypart == 8 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone",true) end setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-math.random(damage*0.75,damage*1.25)*damageded*reduce) if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bandit") then setElementData(attacker,"humanity",getElementData(attacker,"humanity")-math.random(40,200)) if getElementData(attacker,"humanity") < 0 then setElementData(attacker,"bandit",true) end else setElementData(attacker,"humanity",getElementData(attacker,"humanity")+math.random(40,200)) if getElementData(attacker,"humanity") > 5000 then setElementData(attacker,"humanity",5000) end if getElementData(attacker,"humanity") > 2000 then setElementData(attacker,"bandit",false) end end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood") <= 0 then if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead") then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),attacker,headshot,getWeaponNameFromID (weapon)) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead",true) end end elseif weapon == 49 then local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-math.random(5,10)*damageded*reduce) local number = math.random(1,5) if loss > 30 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone",true) setPedControlState ("jump",true) end if loss >= 100 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",49) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",50) end local number = math.random(1,11) if number == 3 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"pain",true) end elseif weapon == 0 and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) local data = SkinDamage[getElementModel(attacker)] if data then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-math.random(data[1],data[2])*damageded*reduce) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",math.random(data[3],data[4])*damageded*reduce) end elseif weapon == 54 then local data = Fall[getElementModel(getLocalPlayer())] local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) if data then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-math.random(data[1],data[2])*damageded*reduce) ---Сколько убирает крови при маленьком падении end local data = Fall[getElementModel(getLocalPlayer())] local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) if data then if loss > 30 then -- Падения с 30 метров setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone",data[3]) setPedControlState ("jump",data[4]) end end local data = Fall[getElementModel(getLocalPlayer())] local damageded = Damage_ToCloth (bodypart) local reduce = getClothDamageReduce (pl_model, bodypart) if data then if loss >= 100 then-- Падения с 100 метров setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",data[5]) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",data[6]) end end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood") <= 0 then if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead") == true then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),attacker,headshot,getWeaponNameFromID (weapon)) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead",true) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer (), playerGetDamageDayZ ) function playLocalSound3D_client(x,y,z,music,radius) local sound = playSound3D(music, x, y, z, true) if not radius then radius = 50 end setSoundMaxDistance(sound, radius) local soundLength = getSoundLength(sound) setTimer(stopSound, soundLength*-1000, 1, sound) end addEvent ("playLocalSound3D_client", true) addEventHandler ("playLocalSound3D_client", getRootElement(), playLocalSound3D_client) function pedGetDamageDayZ ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) cancelEvent() if getElementType(attacker) == "vehicle" then speedx, speedy, speedz = getElementVelocity ( attacker ) actualspeed = (speedx^2 + speedy^2 + speedz^2)^(0.5) kmh = actualspeed * 180 if kmh >= 50 then local vehkiller = getVehicleOccupant ( attacker ) setElementData(source,"blood",0) if getElementData(source,"blood") <= 0 then triggerServerEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",source,vehkiller) end end end if attacker and attacker == getLocalPlayer() then damage = 100 if weapon == 37 then return end if weapon == 63 or weapon == 51 or weapon == 19 then setElementData(source,"blood",0) if getElementData(source,"blood") <= 0 then triggerServerEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",source,attacker) end elseif weapon and weapon > 1 and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then damage = getWeaponDamage (weapon) if bodypart == 9 then damage = damage*1,3 headshot = true end setElementData(source,"blood",getElementData(source,"blood")-math.random(damage*0.75,damage*1.25)) if getElementData(source,"blood") <= 0 then triggerServerEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",source,attacker,headshot) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), pedGetDamageDayZ ) function checkStats() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding") > 10 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding")) else setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"bleeding",0) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood") < 0 then if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead") then triggerServerEvent("kilLDayZPlayer",getLocalPlayer(),false,false) end end end end setTimer(checkStats,1000,0) function setPain() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"pain") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead",true) then return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) createExplosion (x,y,z+15,8,false,1.0,false) showPlayerDamageScreen(0.3,"up") end end end setTimer(setPain,1500,0) function createBloodForBleedingPlayers () if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local px,py,pz = getPedBonePosition(player,3) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x,y,px,py) local bleeding = getElementData(player,"bleeding") or 0 if dist <= 80 then if bleeding > 0 then if bleeding > 60 then number = 5 elseif bleeding > 30 then number = 3 elseif bleeding > 10 then number = 1 else number = 0 end fxAddBlood(px,py,pz,0,0,0,number,1) end end end end end setTimer(createBloodForBleedingPlayers,50,0) function checkBrokenbone() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"brokenbone") then if not isPedDucked(getLocalPlayer()) then end toggleControl ( "jump", false ) toggleControl ( "sprint", false ) else toggleControl ( "jump", true ) toggleControl ( "sprint", true ) end end end setTimer(checkBrokenbone,1400,0) function checkcellaza() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"cellaza") then if not isPedDucked(getLocalPlayer()) then end toggleControl ( "sprint", false ) toggleControl ( "jump", false ) else toggleControl ( "sprint", true ) toggleControl ( "jump", true ) end end end setTimer(checkcellaza,1400,0) function checkCold() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"temperature") <= 31 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"cold",true) end end end setTimer(checkCold,3000,0) function setCold() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"isDead",true) then return end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"cold") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) createExplosion (x,y,z+15,8,false,0.5,false) local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix() showPlayerDamageScreen(0.3,"up") end end end setTimer(setCold,1500,0) function setStates() value_volume = 0 if getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "stand" then value_volume = 0 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "walk" then value_volume = 20 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "powerwalk" then value_volume = 40 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "jog" then value_volume = 80 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "sprint" then value_volume = 100 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "crouch" then value_volume = 0 elseif not getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) then value_volume = 20 end if isPedInVehicle (getLocalPlayer()) then value_volume = 100 end if value_volume > 100 then value_volume = 100 end setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"volume",value_volume) local value_visibly = 0 if getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "stand" then value_visibly = 60 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "walk" then value_visibly = 60 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "powerwalk" then value_visibly = 60 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "jog" then value_visibly = 60 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "sprint" then value_visibly = 60 elseif getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) == "crouch" then value_visibly = 20 elseif not getPedMoveState (getLocalPlayer()) then value_visibly = 20 end if isPedInVehicle (getLocalPlayer()) then value_visibly = 0 end setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"visibly",value_visibly) end setTimer(setStates,400,0) local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local playerTarget = false function targetingActivated ( target ) if (target) and getElementType(target) == "player" then playerTarget = target else playerTarget = false end end addEventHandler ("onClientPlayerTarget",getRootElement(),targetingActivated) weaponNoiseTable = { {22,20}, {23,0}, {24,60}, {28,40}, {32,40}, {29,40}, {30,60}, {31,60}, {25,40}, {26,60}, {27,60}, {33,40}, {34,60}, {36,60}, {35,60}, } function getWeaponNoise(weapon) for i,weapon2 in ipairs(weaponNoiseTable) do if weapon == weapon2[1] then return weapon2[2] end end return 0 end -- function updateIcons () -- if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then -- if playerTarget then -- local x,y,z = getElementPosition(playerTarget) -- local x,y,distance = getScreenFromWorldPosition (x,y,z+0.5) -- if x and y and z and distance then -- if getElementData(playerTarget,"bandit") then -- text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ).." (Бандит)" -- else -- text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) -- end -- local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,20*0.033,"default-bold") -- dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 100, 255, 100, 200 ),20*0.033, "default-bold" ) -- end -- end -- end -- end -- addEventHandler ("onClientRender",getRootElement(),updateIcons) function updateIcons( ) if not playerTarget then return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(playerTarget) local x,y,distance = getScreenFromWorldPosition (x,y,z+0.95) distance = 20 if getElementData(playerTarget,"bandit") then if getElementData(playerTarget,"armyfraction") == 1 then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ).." (Bandit)" local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawImage(((x-(w/2))+1)-27,y-3,24, 24, "images/weapon.png", 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 200), 1, "default-bold" ) elseif getElementData ( playerTarget, "CELL" ) and getElementData ( playerTarget, "CELL" ) ~= 0 then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ).." (Bandit)" local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawImage(((x-(w/2))+5)-27,y-3,18, 18, "data/shield.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(92, 141, 71)) dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 200), 1, "default-bold" ) elseif getElementData(playerTarget,"raiderfraction") == 1 then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ).." (Bandit)" local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawImage(((x-(w/2))+1)-27,y-3,24, 24, "images/wheel.png", 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 200), 1, "default-bold" ) else text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ).." (Bandit)" local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 200), 1, "default-bold" ) end else if getElementData(playerTarget,"armyfraction") == 1 then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawImage(((x-(w/2))+1)-27,y-3,24, 24, "images/weapon.png", 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 100, 255, 100, 200 ), 1, "default-bold" ) elseif getElementData ( playerTarget, "CELL" ) and getElementData ( playerTarget, "CELL" ) ~= 0 then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawImage(((x-(w/2))+5)-27,y-3,18, 18, "data/shield.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(92, 141, 71)) dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 100, 255, 100, 200 ), 1, "default-bold" ) elseif getElementData(playerTarget,"raiderfraction") == 1 then text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawImage(((x-(w/2))+1)-27,y-3,24, 24, "images/wheel.png", 0, 0, 0) dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 100, 255, 100, 200 ), 1, "default-bold" ) else text = string.gsub(getPlayerName(playerTarget), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) local w = dxGetTextWidth(text,1,"default-bold") dxDrawText (text,(x-(w/2))+1,y+1,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText (text,x-(w/2),y,x-(w/2), y, tocolor ( 100, 255, 100, 200 ), 1, "default-bold" ) end end end addEventHandler ("onClientRender",getRootElement(),updateIcons) function dayZDeathInfo () local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix () lz = lz + 180 setCameraMatrix (x, y, z, lx, ly, lz) --playSound("sounds/panic_0.ogg") end addEvent("onClientPlayerDeathInfo",true) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDeathInfo",getRootElement(),dayZDeathInfo) whiteWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(0,0,1,1,"data/white.png",true) guiSetVisible(whiteWindow,false) function showPlayerDamageScreen (visibly2,stateControle2) guiSetVisible(whiteWindow,true) visibly = visibly2 or visibly stateControle = stateControle2 or stateControle if visibly >= 6*0.025 and stateControle == "up" then stateControle = "down" end if visibly < 0 then guiSetVisible(whiteWindow,false) return end if stateControle == "up" then visibly = visibly + 0.025 elseif stateControle == "down" then visibly = visibly - 0.025 end guiSetAlpha(whiteWindow,visibly) setTimer(showPlayerDamageScreen,50,1) end function showWhiteScreen ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) showPlayerDamageScreen(0,"up") end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), showWhiteScreen ) function updatePlayTime() if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then local playtime = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"alivetime") setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"alivetime",playtime+1) end end setTimer(updatePlayTime, 60000, 0) function checkVehicleInWaterClient () -- --[[vehiclesInWater = {} -- for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do -- if isElementInWater(veh) then -- if getElementHealth(veh) >= 1 then -- table.insert(vehiclesInWater,veh) -- end -- end -- end -- triggerServerEvent("respawnVehiclesInWater",getLocalPlayer(),vehiclesInWater)]] end addEvent("checkVehicleInWaterClient",true) addEventHandler("checkVehicleInWaterClient",getRootElement(),checkVehicleInWaterClient) local pingFails = 0 function playerPingCheck () if getPlayerPing(getLocalPlayer()) > gameplayVariables["ping"] then pingFails = pingFails +1 if pingFails == 3 then triggerServerEvent("kickPlayerOnHighPing",getLocalPlayer()) return end startRollMessage2("Ping", "[PingKicker] Your ping is over 200! (: "..gameplayVariables["ping"]..") warning ("..pingFails.."/3)", 255, 0, 0 ) if isTimer(pingTimer) then return end pingTimer = setTimer(function() pingFails = 0 end,30000,1) end end setTimer(playerPingCheck,4000,0) bindKey ( 'aim_weapon', 'both', function ( _, state ) if getPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer ) == 6 then if ( state == 'down' ) then alpha = 0 elseif ( state == 'up' ) then alpha = 255 end for _, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'object', root, true ) ) do if isElementAttachedToBone ( v ) then local id = getElementModel ( v ) if ( id == 1854 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2125 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2763 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2776 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2123 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1820 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2708 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2405 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1513 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1902 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1903 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 14802 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1907 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1909 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1910 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 14753 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 3921 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 14752 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 14788 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 14779 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1905 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1906 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1550 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 18055 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2383 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 2053 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 14837 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1242 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1952 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 1920 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) elseif ( id == 15036 ) then setElementAlpha ( v, alpha ) end end end end end ) theTexts = {} theTextTimer = {} function startRollMessage(text, r, g, b) if #theTexts == 4 then destroyTextItem() end table.insert(theTexts,{text,r,g,b}) checkTimers() end addEvent("onRollMessageStart", true) addEventHandler("onRollMessageStart", getLocalPlayer(), startRollMessage) function startRollMessage2(head,text, r, g, b) if #theTexts == 4 then destroyTextItem() end table.insert(theTexts,{text,r,g,b}) checkTimers() end addEvent("displayClientInfo", true) addEventHandler("displayClientInfo", getLocalPlayer(), startRollMessage2) function destroyTextItem () table.remove(theTexts,1) end function checkTimers () if isTimer(theTextTimer["destroy"]) then killTimer(theTextTimer["destroy"]) end theTextTimer["destroy"] = setTimer(destroyTextItem,4000,4) end local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local boxSpace = dxGetFontHeight(1,"default-bold")+dxGetFontHeight(1,"default-bold")*0.3 local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local sW, sH = (screenWidth/1280), (screenHeight/720) local boxSpace = dxGetFontHeight(1, "default-bold")+dxGetFontHeight(1, "default-bold")*0.3 addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() for id, value in pairs(theTexts) do local length = dxGetTextWidth(value[1], 1, "default-bold") dxDrawText(value[1], 690*sW, 697*sH-id*boxSpace, length*1.1, screenHeight-(id-1)*boxSpace, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 170), 1, "default-bold", "center", "center") dxDrawText(value[1], 688*sW, 695*sH-id*boxSpace, length*1.1, screenHeight-(id-1)*boxSpace, tocolor(value[2], value[3], value[4], 170), 1, "default-bold", "center", "center") end end ) bindKey ( "aim_weapon", "both",function(_,state) if getPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer ) == 6 then if ( state == "down" ) then alpha = 0 elseif ( state == "up" ) then alpha = 255 end for i,v in pairs (clothSlots) do local object = getElementData (localPlayer, i.."Object") if object and isElement ( object ) then setElementAlpha ( object, alpha ) end end end end) local althVehicles = { [592] = true,[577] = true,[511] = true,[548] = true, [512] = true,[593] = true,[425] = true,[520] = true, [417] = true,[487] = true,[553] = true,[488] = true, [497] = true,[563] = true,[476] = true,[447] = true, [519] = true,[460] = true,[469] = true,[513] = true, } local screenSize = { guiGetScreenSize() } addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if veh then -- speed if (getElementData (localPlayer, "hideTable") or {}).spid then return true end local speed = getElementSpeed(veh,"km/h") dxDrawBox(screenSize[1] * 0.400-1, screenSize[2] * 0.025+1, screenSize[1] * 0.03, screenSize[2] * 0.03,tocolor(0,0,0,255)) dxDrawBox(screenSize[1] * 0.400, screenSize[2] * 0.025, screenSize[1] * 0.03, screenSize[2] * 0.03,tocolor(120,171,114,255)) dxDrawTextShadow(""..math.floor(speed).."",screenSize[1] * 0.404, screenSize[2] * 0.031,screenSize[1] * 0.04, screenSize[2] * 0.04,tocolor(120,171,114,255),1.0,"default-bold") dxDrawTextShadow("SPD:",screenSize[1] * 0.375, screenSize[2] * 0.031,screenSize[1] * 0.04, screenSize[2] * 0.04,tocolor(120,171,114,255),1.0,"default-bold") -- health local health = (math.floor(getElementHealth(veh))/10) dxDrawTextShadow("V-HP: "..health.."%",screenSize[1] * 0.375, screenSize[2] * 0.065,screenSize[1] * 0.04, screenSize[2] * 0.04,tocolor(120,171,114,255),1.0,"default-bold") -- alt if althVehicles[getElementModel(veh)] then local vPos = { getElementPosition(veh) } dxDrawBox(screenSize[1] * 0.470-1, screenSize[2] * 0.025+1, screenSize[1] * 0.03, screenSize[2] * 0.03,tocolor(0,0,0,255)) dxDrawBox(screenSize[1] * 0.470, screenSize[2] * 0.025, screenSize[1] * 0.03, screenSize[2] * 0.03,tocolor(120,171,114,255)) dxDrawTextShadow(""..math.floor(vPos[3]).."",screenSize[1] * 0.474, screenSize[2] * 0.031,screenSize[1] * 0.04, screenSize[2] * 0.04,tocolor(120,171,114,255),1.0,"default-bold") dxDrawTextShadow("ALT:",screenSize[1] * 0.445, screenSize[2] * 0.031, screenSize[1] * 0.04, screenSize[2] * 0.04, tocolor(120,171,114,255),1.0,"default-bold") end end end) function getElementSpeed(theElement, unit) assert(isElement(theElement), "Bad argument 1 @ getElementSpeed (element expected, got " .. type(theElement) .. ")") assert(getElementType(theElement) == "player" or getElementType(theElement) == "ped" or getElementType(theElement) == "object" or getElementType(theElement) == "vehicle", "Invalid element type @ getElementSpeed (player/ped/object/vehicle expected, got " .. getElementType(theElement) .. ")") assert((unit == nil or type(unit) == "string" or type(unit) == "number") and (unit == nil or (tonumber(unit) and (tonumber(unit) == 0 or tonumber(unit) == 1 or tonumber(unit) == 2)) or unit == "m/s" or unit == "km/h" or unit == "mph"), "Bad argument 2 @ getElementSpeed (invalid speed unit)") unit = unit == nil and 0 or ((not tonumber(unit)) and unit or tonumber(unit)) local mult = (unit == 0 or unit == "m/s") and 50 or ((unit == 1 or unit == "km/h") and 180 or 111.84681456) return (Vector3(getElementVelocity(theElement)) * mult).length end function dxDrawBox(x,y,w,h,lcolor) dxDrawLine(x - 1, y - 1, x - 1, y + h, lcolor, 1) dxDrawLine(x + w, y - 1, x + w, y + h, lcolor, 1) dxDrawLine(x - 1, y + h, x + w, y + h, lcolor, 1) dxDrawLine(x - 1, y - 1, x + w, y - 1, lcolor, 1) end function dxDrawTextShadow(text,x,y,size1,size2,color,fontSize,font) dxDrawText(text,x-1,y+1,size1, size2,tocolor(0,0,0,255),fontSize,font) dxDrawText(text,x,y,size2,size2,color,fontSize,font) end function drawLine(x,y,w,h,lcolor) dxDrawLine(x - 1, y + h, x + w, y + h, lcolor, 1) end workingTrap = false function showTrapMenu () if not workingTrap then workingTrap = source showCursor ( true ) bagWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.44, 0.40, 0.16, 0.15, "Trap Menu", true) guiWindowSetSizable(bagWindow, false) guiSetAlpha(bagWindow, 1.00) takeBag = guiCreateButton(0.07, 0.40, 0.86, 0.22, "Remove", true, bagWindow) guiSetProperty(takeBag, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") closeBag = guiCreateButton(0.07, 0.70, 0.86, 0.22, "Close", true, bagWindow) guiSetProperty(closeBag, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetVisible ( bagWindow, true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", takeBag, takeTrapClicked, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", closeBag, function () setElementData ( workingTrap, "inUse", false ) workingTrap = false destroyElement ( bagWindow ) showCursor ( false ) end, false ) end end addEvent( "showTrapMenuS", true ) addEventHandler( "showTrapMenuS", getRootElement(), showTrapMenu ) function openTrapClicked () if isElement ( workingTrap ) then setElementData ( workingTrap, "closed", false ) triggerServerEvent ( "openTrapC", workingTrap ) end setElementData ( workingTrap, "inUse", false ) workingTrap = false destroyElement ( bagWindow ) showCursor ( false ) end function takeTrapClicked () if isElement ( workingTrap ) then triggerServerEvent ( "takeTrapFromClient", localPlayer, workingTrap ) end setElementData ( workingTrap, "inUse", false ) workingTrap = false destroyElement ( bagWindow ) showCursor ( false ) end function playMusicNearMilitaryBoxes(pos) for i,v in ipairs(pos) do local sound = playSound3D("sounds/sirena.mp3",v[1],v[2],v[3]) setSoundMaxDistance(sound,2000) end end addEvent("playMusicNearMilitaryBoxes",true) addEventHandler("playMusicNearMilitaryBoxes",getRootElement(),playMusicNearMilitaryBoxes) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle",getRootElement(),true)) do if veh ~= getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then local vx,vy,vz = getElementPosition(veh) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) <= 4 then local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(vx,vy,vz+0.95,0.06) if sx then local vehicleName = returnNewNameVehicle(veh) local w = dxGetTextWidth(vehicleName,1.02,"default-bold") dxDrawText(vehicleName,sx-(w/2),sy,sx-(w/2),sy,tocolor(255,255,255,200),0.7,"bankgothic") end end end end end) function shakeCamera(weapon) x,y,z = getPedBonePosition ( getLocalPlayer(), 26 ) if weapon == 22 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.1,false) elseif weapon == 24 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.2,false) elseif weapon == 25 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.4,false) elseif weapon == 26 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.5,false) elseif weapon == 27 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.4,false) elseif weapon == 28 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.1,false) elseif weapon == 29 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.1,false) elseif weapon == 30 then createExplosion ( x,y,z+10,12,false,0.1,false) elseif weapon == 31 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.1,false) elseif weapon == 32 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.1,false) elseif weapon == 33 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.1,false) elseif weapon == 38 then createExplosion ( x,y,z + 10,12,false,0.5,false) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), shakeCamera ) playerBlibs1 = {} amouunt1 = 0 function updateGPS2 () if not getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"logedin") then return end amouunt1 = 0 for i, blip in ipairs(playerBlibs1) do if isElement(blip) then destroyElement(blip) end end playerBlibs1 = {} for i, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(localPlayer,"radiowave") == getElementData(player,"radiowave") and getElementData(player,"GPS") >= 1 and getElementData(localPlayer,"GPS") >= 1 and player ~= localPlayer then amouunt1 = amouunt1+1 playerBlibs1[amouunt1] = createBlipAttachedTo(player,59,2,0,0,255) setBlipVisibleDistance(playerBlibs1[amouunt1],1000) end end end setTimer(updateGPS2,5000,0) wx, hy = guiGetScreenSize() local x, y = wx/2, hy/10 function drawXp() local start = 0 local xp = getElementData ( localPlayer, "xp" ) or 0 local level = getElementData ( localPlayer, "level" ) or 1 local nextLevelXP = getElementData ( localPlayer, "nextLevelXP") or 100 local dw = math.floor(350/nextLevelXP*xp) if xp < 1 then dw = 0 end if xp > nextLevelXP then dw = 100 end if xp > 0 then r,g,b = 0,50,0 end dxDrawRectangle(wx-1051, hy-26+start,351,16, tocolor(0,0,0, 190)) dxDrawRectangle(wx-1050, hy-25+start,dw,14, tocolor(r,g,b,180)) dxDrawText(xp.." XP",wx-920+52/2,hy-25+start,100,20,tocolor ( 255,255,255,255 ), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText ("Level: "..level, 15, hy-50, 200, hy, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 200 ), 1.1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText ("XP Remains before next level: "..tostring((getElementData ( localPlayer, "nextLevelXP") or 100 )-xp).."", 15, hy-25, 200, hy, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 200 ), 1.02, "default-bold" ) end bindKey("lalt", "both", function(key, state) if state == "down" then addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawXp) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawXp) end end) local htmlvehrep = { {value = 0, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0}, {value = 100, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0}, {value = 200, r = 255, g = 10, b = 0}, {value = 300, r = 255, g = 20, b = 0}, {value = 400, r = 200, g = 30, b = 0}, {value = 500, r = 170, g = 40, b = 0}, {value = 600, r = 150, g = 60, b = 10}, {value = 700, r = 130, g = 80, b = 20}, {value = 800, r = 120, g = 90, b = 30}, {value = 900, r = 90, g = 123, b = 40}, {value = 1000, r = 79, g = 133, b = 51}, } function getColorWithPartvehrep(value) for i, htmlRgB in ipairs(htmlvehrep) do if value <= htmlRgB.value then return htmlRgB.r,htmlRgB.g,htmlRgB.b end end end bindKey("space","down",function() if getElementData(localPlayer,"repairerTab") == true then triggerServerEvent("onClientMovesWhileAnimation",localPlayer) setElementData(localPlayer,"repairerTab",false) end end) wx, hy = guiGetScreenSize() local x, y = wx/2, hy/10 addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle",getRootElement(),true)) do if getElementData(localPlayer,"repairerTab") == true then if veh ~= getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then local vx,vy,vz = getElementPosition(veh) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) <= 7 then local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(vx,vy,vz) if sx then local start = 0 local dw = math.floor(100/255*getElementHealth(veh)) if getElementHealth(veh) < 1 then dw = 0 end if getElementHealth(veh) > 1000 then dw = 100 end if ( getElementHealth(veh) or 0 ) > 0 then r,g,b = getColorWithPartvehrep(getElementHealth(veh)) else r,g,b = 255,50,0 end local dw2 = math.floor(100/1000*getElementHealth(veh)) local twd = dxGetTextWidth(tostring(dw2.."%"),1,"default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(wx/2-394/2-1, hy-141+start,394,16, tocolor(0,0,0, 190)) dxDrawRectangle(wx/2-394/2, hy-140+start,dw,14, tocolor(r,g,b,180)) dxDrawText(dw2.."%",wx/2-twd/2,hy-140+start,100,20,tocolor ( 255,255,255,255 ), 1, "default-bold" ) local twd = dxGetTextWidth("For cancel repair , press< space >!",1,"default-bold") dxDrawText("For cancel repair , press < space >!",wx/2-1-twd/2,hy-161+start,100,20,tocolor ( 0,0,0,255 ), 1, "default-bold" ) dxDrawText("For cancel repair , press < space >!",wx/2-twd/2,hy-160+start,100,20,tocolor ( 255,255,255,255 ), 1, "default-bold" ) end end end end end end)
Salut ! Me revoilà confronté à un nouveau soucis, J'explique rapidement la situation, avec un de mes collègues nous travaillons sur un GM DayZ, et nous avons rencontré un soucis au niveau du First Aid Kit, et le timer. Les joueurs peuvent spam dans le 'J' donc l'inventaire du dayz et cliquez rapidement sur First Aid Kit afin de ce heal très rapidement, donc j'ai essayer de comprendre, et trouver d'où ça venait mais rien, Alors voici dans un premier temps la partie du code qui nous intéresse: function onPlayerUseMedicObject(itemName) local playersource = source setPedAnimation (playersource,"BOMBER","BOM_Plant",-1,false,false,false,false) if itemName == "Bandage" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) itemModels = createObject(1578,x,y,z) attachElementToBone(itemModels,source,12,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,180) setTimer( function () destroyElement(itemModels) end,1500,1) elseif itemName == "First Aid Kit" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) itemModels = createObject(1582,x,y,z) attachElementToBone(itemModels,source,12,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,180) setTimer( function () destroyElement(itemModels) end,1500,1) elseif itemName == "Warmer" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) itemModels = createObject(1576,x,y,z) attachElementToBone(itemModels,source,12,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,180) setTimer( function () destroyElement(itemModels) end,1500,1) elseif itemName == "Painkiller" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) itemModels = createObject(2709,x,y,z) attachElementToBone(itemModels,source,12,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,180) setTimer( function () destroyElement(itemModels) end,1500,1) elseif itemName == "Morphine" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) itemModels = createObject(1579,x,y,z) attachElementToBone(itemModels,source,12,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,180) setTimer( function () destroyElement(itemModels) end,1500,1) elseif itemName == "Antibiotics" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) itemModels = createObject(1579,x,y,z) attachElementToBone(itemModels,source,12,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,180) setTimer( function () destroyElement(itemModels) end,1500,1) elseif itemName == "Blood Package" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) itemModels = createObject(1580,x,y,z) attachElementToBone(itemModels,source,12,0,0.05,0.1,0,0,180) setTimer( function () destroyElement(itemModels) end,1500,1) end setTimer( function () if itemName == "Bandage" then setElementData(playersource,"bleeding",0) setElementData(playersource,itemName,getElementData(playersource,itemName)-1) elseif itemName == "Antibiotics" then addPlayerStats(playersource, "blood", 7) setElementData(playersource, "bleeding", 0) setElementData(playersource, "infection", false) setElementData(playersource, itemName, getElementData(playersource, itemName) - 1) elseif itemName == "First Aid Kit" then setTimer( function () addPlayerStats (playersource,"blood",5000) setElementData(playersource,"bleeding",0) end,1500,1) setElementData(playersource,itemName,getElementData(playersource,itemName)-1) elseif itemName == "Warmer" then setElementData(playersource,"cold",false) setElementData(playersource,"temperature",37) setElementData(playersource,itemName,getElementData(playersource,itemName)-1) elseif itemName == "Painkiller" then setElementData(playersource,"pain",false) setElementData(playersource,itemName,getElementData(playersource,itemName)-1) elseif itemName == "Morphine" then setElementData(playersource,"brokenbone",false) setElementData(playersource,itemName,getElementData(playersource,itemName)-1) elseif itemName == "Blood Package" then addPlayerStats (playersource,"blood",12000) setElementData(playersource,itemName,getElementData(playersource,itemName)-1) end end,1500,1) triggerClientEvent(playersource,"refreshInventoryManual",playersource) end addEvent("onPlayerUseMedicObject",true) addEventHandler("onPlayerUseMedicObject",getRootElement(),onPlayerUseMedicObject) Donc, j'ai placer un setTimer ( function () au niveau de l'animation setPedAnimation, ça n'a pas fonctionner, ça m'a donc mis un timer de 1,5 sec avant que le player effectue l'animation, donc j'essaie de placer ce setTimer au niveau du addPlayerStats pour le first aid kit, et idem le timer va rajouter le blood au joueurs qu'après ce fameux delai de 1,5 sec, donc je ne vois pas trop où devrai-je placer ce setTimer pour évité le spam sur le first aid kit. J'aurai voulu faire en sorte que l'on puisse utiliser le First Aid Kit que quand le premier est terminé ( lorsque l'animation est terminé, en remettre un autre). Si vous avez une p'tite solution, merci d'avance ^^
Impeccable, oui le max speed limit était déjà ajouter à mon handlingsflag ;) merci à toi mec pour tes réponses précises et rapide :p