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Everything posted by Noki

  1. Those functions are baked into MTA and aren't contained within any resource. To disable it, you need to edit your acl.xml. Simply go to where it says '<acl name="Default">' and add the following underneath: <right name="command.login" access="false"></right> <right name="command.register" access="false"></right>
  2. It's been a thing since August. I don't see it getting taken down anytime soon. The reason FiveM got taken down was because it used GTA:O code (the sync). GTA Network uses their own sync.
  3. Noki


    That's a terrible security measure and I strongly advise that you don't do that. I recommend setting up ACL permissions for each individual resource that requires them. Kinda off-topic but a strong disclaimer for anyone using these resources. It's not my fault, or the fault of these resources, if your server is insecure.
  4. Over the past year a lot of people have been migrating from TeamSpeak, Skype and IRC to Discord, myself included. Some great features are that you don't need to host it yourself, setup is very quick, easy and painless and there is support for both voice and text transmission.
  5. Noki


    Yes @RyuMaster. You need to give UCDaccounts permission to use function.addAccount. I should put that on the setup instructions.
  6. I do recall hearing from someone on MTA's IRC server that MTA uses element data for things like position, entering a car etc. But I don't think you're able to set those values through setElementData, for obvious reasons. So to answer your question, yes. Well, as far as I'm concerned anyway. You'll need to look at the source code or ask a developer for absolute confirmation.
  7. The best way to secure your server from "rogue clients" is to not use element data at all. Or at least don't allow it to be set client-side. But you would be safer not using element data at all. As stated in that wiki page, "don't trust anything from the client". Write your scripts as if you're trying to break them (ie putting strings in where integers are supposed to be, use newlines in input, don't submit any input, spam buttons and commands, etc). Validate every piece of data extensively. You're right, I don't think there's a way to fully test that as it seems to be faking events. So unless you injected some code into the client (which is a job in itself nowadays) you can't really test it. But if you did manage to inject into MTA, you would probably be finding more important security flaws.
  8. Noki


    I'm not fully convinced your copy of UCDlogging is entirely original. Please clone the repo again and try again. https://github.com/nokizorque/ucd
  9. Noki


    UCD is now being actively developed again. Alright, I feel as though it was lazy of me to release it in the state it was in. I definitely care more about FOSS than that. So I've decided to make UCD open-source under the MIT License. It will continue to be maintained and actively developed by Risk and myself. I will also be officially launching the server sometime within the next few months. I have also included instructions on how to set the server up on both Linux and Windows, and they're view able in README.md.
  10. Noki


    Check your PMs. We'll sort it out there.
  11. Noki


    https://github.com/nokizorque/ucd/blob/master/mtaserver.conf I'll admit it's a bit half-assed, but this was never intended to be released and I never organised it properly to be released.
  12. Noki


    Glad to hear it. Giving it a fork or starring on GitHub it is a good way to express your appreciation too. Select the punishments for an account > Send them to the client > Display them in a GUI.
  13. Noki


    There isn't a command for that. However it's straightforward to create as all that's needed is the punishments table.
  14. Noki


    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nokizorque/ucd/master/UCDlogging/logging.slua Copy that into logging.slua.
  15. Noki


    Make sure UCDlogging has been started. If it has been started, restart it. Restart UCDchat and UCDaccounts as well.
  16. Noki


    In the 'ucd-rel.sql' file in the GitHub repository, there is a blank entry for the owner's of all the turfs. Create a group in the database (phpmyadmin > Table 'groups_' > insert > groupName = "" (without quotation marks)) without a name (just blank, like "") and it should work.
  17. Noki


    I have pushed some more bug fixes to the GitHub repository lately. I'd also like to mention that there is one server using these scripts (modified and with some additions) if you're interested in trying it out sometime. It's csgmta.com just like the old CSG (but not using those outdated scripts) and they're using the UCD game mode. If you're also running a server with UCD on it (or some parts of it), message me or post here and I'll list you on the OP and the GitHub repository. Maybe later.
  18. Yes, it is what you meant. Read the description of the issue. He was referring to all ".ifp" files and just left an example of one. I did use the custom IFPs at one point, but not in MTA. I have read the bug tracker and am fully aware of how they disrupt the game's mechanics. 100€ is a fair sum of money to donate in a game. It might not be a lot for you (humblebrag much), but in the scope of what we are talking about, not many other issues on the bug tracker have even close to that amount of sponsorship. No, I don't think I have IRC logs from 2 years ago. I don't even know why I need proof of this claim. Ask any of the developers yourself or try to fix the issue on your own. It was never implemented into a release. Cazomino said this himself, "this is why it was never merged". And it was never merged for good reason. You can go back and forth with me all day about this, but it won't make this feature come any faster, if at all. How about you learn some good old C++ and begin trying to fix it yourself. I'm sure the MTA devs would greatly appreciate that and would be willing to help you along the way (of fixing this issue, not learning C++). Also, try not to use "XDDD" in posts like these. You take away what little credibility you have every time you bring out that 2000s emo emoticon.
  19. No damn reason? Read the goddamn bug tracker on it. There is definitely a reason to not use it. The developers themselves have stated they don't fully understand it and why it breaks animations. You also think they would try and do it since there's a 100 Euro sponsorship on it. I remember Cazomino saying on IRC that it was a lot of hard work that would take a long time to do from multiple people. I don't see this feature happening anytime soon.
  20. Turkish and Russian languages use different alphabets to each other. Tunisia uses the Arabic language, but in a slightly different dialect. Tunisian Arabic is not it's own language, but a subset of a language. People who speak English can understand American English, British English and Australian English. The same goes for Arabic.
  21. Noki


    I already offered you it before but you were too adamant on slandering me to accept it. You can :O right off, thanks. Create a test group and set the owner of all of all the turfs to that group (in the database). The mafia wars system is a bit lacklustre tbh.
  22. Noki


    @xRGamingx, you don't need the "SELECT * FROM admins" part. Also, just write 1337. You don't need the quotation marks around it.
  23. Noki


    I'm sick of restating the obvious. I didn't have to fix it because you guys bought it as is. I tried to convert it to SQLite, but it turns out that component will not work in SQLite. Is it my fault that you're using the wrong database solution? No, it's not. You guys run a hosting company for :O's sake. I'm sure you're well within your means to use MySQL for at least one resource. Sure, I underestimated how bad SQLite is. I mean, it's well within bounds of what is normal to assume that SQLite can deal with time and dates in a normal manner (or whatever the issue was). Turns out that it isn't. About your developer, I never called him a "nub" (because that's the stupidest :Oing word), I said he was inept. It's not that hard to convert between syntax and logic of different databases. It's just a series of Google searches and good old fashioned trial-and-error. If he can't do that, which is what you've suggested, then he's inept. At least I made the effort to try. If you wanted something special and unique in your server, than don't go buying scripts that have already been used elsewhere. Make them yourself instead. But of course, that's not an option for you because that requires effort. And geez, why put effort into making something yourself, how you want it, the way you want it? That would be absurd. It's soooo much easier to just buy and assemble other scripts that have already been used. Go to Garry's Mod where anyone with 50 dollars can make a successful DarkRP server. Advice: you won't make a good server by jigsawing together pieces of other people's servers. Take it and twist it how you want mate, but at the end of the day being a prick won't help you. You're just drawing attention to this thread that contains the script you bought that you don't want people to see. I also offered to send you the money back, but you don't seem to be interested in a refund. Unless you have anything else to talk about, I don't see a reason to continue talking about this.
  24. Noki


    No no no. You need to set up a MySQL server on your machine (tutorial for Windows and tutorial for Linux). You need to then import ucd-rel.sql into your MySQL database. When you configured MySQL, you would have used a username and password. Enter them into the appropriate fields in UCDsql/mysql.lua. If you don't know your credentials, just use "root" for the username and leave the password blank. I'm sure there is a much better guide out there for setting up servers. Search the forum and refer to manuals where possible.
  25. Noki


    @xRGamingx, that error is caused by the database not being properly configured. Edit UCDsql and make sure a MySQL database is properly configured with this database file.
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