Decided to post the issue there after not getting answers on other post and realising it is issue that occurs on linux-server
Post content here:
I've downloaded latest Slothbot resource and spawned counple bots. Everything was fine till i noticed that if there's no obstacle between me and enemy, his firing won't make a projectile (or it does, but it looks random). In result players can stand in front of a slothbot while he is shooting at him at point blank range and the bullet projectiles aren't spawning.
Left: Bot can't hit me, Right: After hiding into cover, the last bullets he shoots emit projectile (yellow lines) that can deal damage.
How to replicate:
1. Get slothbot on linux server (debian 7 wheezy)
2. Spawn bot with slothbot's spawnBot function.
3. Make the bot start shooting at you, it won't create projectiles, but when you hide behind any sort of cover (isLineOfSightClear=false) bot emits projectiles to wall or to player because of recoil.
I have investigated the code and I didn't find anything that could be the reason this issue occurs.
Thought: Maybe it's some anti-cheat regulation?
Issue didn't occur on localhost Win10, but does occur at Debian 7 (wheezy).