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Transformer (11/54)



  1. mh i like vice city more then gta3. the bikes are just great...
  2. hehe yeah what about a new release You guys are tight. Thanks for spending so much time on programming MTA
  3. whats your operating system?
  4. Bude

    MTA 0.2

    Yes, that works for me too. Thanks@Krake (@Bluejanis: Ich würde die Antwort anders formulieren... nix gegen dein Englisch, aber das is bessa *g*) A1: To solve the problem just duplicate the american.gxt language file coming with MTA and rename the copy to the language you had installed: e.g. german.gxt or frensh.gxt.
  5. why doesnt it work with 0.2? what kind of error is coming up with the nocd-crack?
  6. Bude

    MTA 0.2

    I got the same problem. Does anybody know what to do??
  7. hey give him a chance. what if he really figured something out? im curious
  8. I have really NO idea. Do you have just that one PC? If you have another one, try another gfx card or something... I dont know... :-/
  9. mhh thats weird.. did you try to reinstall everything?
  10. that is acutually not a bad idea to release two versions.. its gonna be more work for the MTA-Team, but i think its really not bad...
  11. it says u got an unrecognized version??? never heard of that.... is your game-language english?
  12. man... alright right click on the desktip icon vice-city --> properties --> compatibliy or something --> choose win 98/win2000 etc.
  13. alright check this out https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?t=2357&start=45
  14. how did it work in GTA1 and2?
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