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Everything posted by Hale

  1. Hello everyone, I have a custom modloader that keeps dumping errors for loading each DFF and TXD, and since I have 13 files in total it outputs 26 errors every time I join my server or restart the resource (the consequences are same). Here's the thing: I restart the resource, which executes the event "onClientResourceStart", and in its function a GUI loads up and at the end it executes "refreshMods()" which cycles through the mods and applies them with function ApplyPatch(), and it actually works as in-game the textures can actually be seen. The only problem is the debug error, which says: "Attempt to load 'folder/file.txd' before onClientFileDownloadComplete event". Any ideas on how to fix it? ApplyPatch() Event "onClientFileDownloadComplete":
  2. Hi, Can you edit/add things into ACL while the server is working? And if so, do they automatically apply in-game or do you have to restart the server or somehow refresh ACL? Thanks in advance.
  3. function setBlip( posX, posY, posZ, spawnRotation, theTeam, theSkin, theInterior, theDimension ) if theSkin == 21 then outputChatBox("medic_blip", thePlayer, 255, 255 ,255) local blip_medic = createBlipAttachedTo ( source, 22 ) local players = getPlayersInTeam(theTeam) setElementVisibleTo(blip_medic, getRootElement(), true) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement(), setBlip ) Also, I don't see any 'createBlip' functions in your code?
  4. In both loops you create an object/marker that deletes the last one, as you reassigned the value.
  5. I believe it's because the source is the function that called the event, not the player. You must pass the correct parameters (the player) to the function and then use them.
  6. How are you doing the transition between colors, can you share that part of the code?
  7. Hale

    Ped error

    Oh, my bad. Well, at least you fixed it.
  8. Hale

    Ped error

    vehController = getVehicleController ( hitElement )
  9. Hale

    Ped error

    vehController is the player, it must work lol
  10. Hale

    Ped error

    Try this: function movingObject ( hitElement, matchingDimension ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "vehicle" ) then vehController = getVehicleController ( hitElement ) if ( not vehController ) then -- why vehController? Because 'hitElement' is already true (in the 2. line) return false; end end local gPT = getPlayerTeam ( vehController ) local gTN = ( gPT and getTeamName ( gPT ) or "" ) if gTN =="Los Santos Civilians" then if getElementType ( vehController ) == "player" then moveObject ( gate1, 10000, 1201, -1384.5, 9.3 ) end end end function moveObjectBack (hitElement, matchingDimension) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "vehicle" ) then vehController = getVehicleController ( hitElement ); if ( not vehController ) then return false; end end local gPT = getPlayerTeam ( vehController ) local gTN = ( gPT and getTeamName ( gPT ) or "" ) if gTN =="Los Santos Civilians" then if getElementType ( vehController ) == "player" then moveObject ( gate1, 3000, 1201, -1384.5, 15.1 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker1 , movingObject ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", marker1, moveObjectBack )
  11. This is basically what I meant, thanks for detailing it
  12. Did you make sure to sign column 'id' as identity?
  13. Maybe you can use a fully transparent .png on the GUI window? Just thoughts, never tested it.
  14. Ooooh, my bad... Well, just make a loop that checks for nearby vehicles in 1-2 meter radius and find an event for spraying, that's a start I guess?
  15. You can make an 'OutputChatBox' on the start of the spraying and on the end, just find where it is in the script.
  16. This'll fix the problem: local foundPlayer = getPlayerFromName("name") if (foundPlayer ~= nil) then setElementData(foundPlayer ,"data",value) end
  17. Is anything being output on the debug? (/debugscript)
  18. Read what it says... You're missing a .png file in the resource file.
  19. Can you explain a bit further please?
  20. Hale


    I'm not him, but I believe that's what he meant. Good job
  21. Hale


    Wrong forum.
  22. "Prolly" my ass, that's what happens when he wants to act smart lol Do I even know you? Nope, just another fan of yours trying to asslick you, accept me.
  23. https://forums.vc-rp.net/ This server uses Vice City map.
  24. myShader, tec = dxCreateShader ( "water.fx" ) function applyWaterShader() local textureVol = dxCreateTexture ( "images/smallnoise3d.dds" ); local textureCube = dxCreateTexture ( "images/cube_env256.dds" ); dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "sRandomTexture", textureVol ); dxSetShaderValue ( myShader, "sReflectionTexture", textureCube ); engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture ( myShader, "waterclear256" ) end function removeWaterShader() engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture( myShader, "waterclear256" ) end This was my problem before, try that instead.
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