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Everything posted by alcholistu
Cand deschizi serverul ?
Frate si eu joc de ceva timp si iti dau foarte mare dreptate cand zici ca comunitatea noastra a regresat, sunt perfect de acord. Iti spun din propria experienta ca nu are rost sa faci ceva pentru comunitate, in primul rand nu ai cum sa promovezi o comunitate daca nu exista servere pe care sa o poti provoma, deci in primul rand ar fi nevoie de niste servere de calitate pe care noi nu le avem si nimeni este dispus sa le faca si mai este faza ca daca te hotarasti sa faci ceva, intorci ceva lume impotriva ta pentru reprezinti concurenta si primesti si anti-reclama. Comunitatea romaneasca de MTA din ziua de azi este reprezentata de copii care sunt oribiti de servere de RolePlay care iti dau masini modate si foarte multi bani de la inceput ca sa nu trebuiasca sa faci roleplay.
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() window = guiCreateWindow(266, 121, 184, 287, "Skin Panel", false) guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) gridlist = guiCreateGridList(9, 20, 165, 257, false, window) column = guiGridListAddColumn(gridlist, "Skins", 0.9) local row = guiGridListAddRow(gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText(gridlist, row, column, "Punk", false, false) button = guiCreateButton(23, 205, 121, 42, "SELECT", false, gridlist) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", button, setTheSkin) guiSetVisible(window, false) end ) function showTheGui() local v = guiGetVisible( window ) guiSetVisible(window, not v ) showCursor(v) end addCommandHandler("opengui", showTheGui) bindKey("F1", "down", showTheGui) function setTheSkin(button, state) if ( source == button ) and (button =="left") then local row, col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( gridlist ) local name = guiGridListGetItemText( gridlist , row, col) if (row==-1) or (col==-1) then return end if name == "Punk" then setElementModel(localPlayer, 181) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, setTheSkin) Try this, didn't test but seems ok
local gate1 = createObject(980, -2131.6999511719, 504.20001220703, 36.799999237061, 0, 0, 270) local gateopened = false function Gate1() if not gateopened then moveObject(gate1, 3000, -2131.6999511719, 504.20001220703, 37.3848484) gateopened = true else moveObject(gate1, 3000, -2131.6999511719, 504.20001220703, 36.799999237061) gateopened = false end end addCommandHandler ("test", Gate1) Try this
Okey, deci nu gandesc negativ, sunt putin cam realist, si , la cine te referi, un exemplu te rog ?
Lel, tu spui sa se faca un server, la care sa lucreze mai multi si sa ce ? Daca am inteles eu bine despre ce e vorba, ar fi multe neintelegeri asupra Gamemode-ului, daca ar fi sa fie MGM ar fi greu de facut, doar daca nu se ofera cineva sa-l ofere pe al lui, eu as putea oferi dar n-am drepturi de autor asupra lui, si totusi nu cred ca ar gasi un host acceptabil, si daca am zis de host, cine ar plati hostul, daca vrei sa spui ca s-ar pune de caciula si etc, nu cred ca ar tine deoarece nu multi pot aduce benificii, daca e cineva bun sa se incumeiete sa plateasca, o sa ceara la randul lui mai multe drepturi si asta duce la abuz, si s-ar isca certuri.
foloseste setGameType
Toti script-eri si cei care se pricep sa citeasca.
alcholistu replied to jucatordeMTAroman's topic in General
Ba, lasa-ti dreacu comunitatea romaneasca, este de rahat, bagati-ai pula in ea, nu aveti cum sa va pierdeti timpul decat in jurul unor copii de 10-12 ? Singurul lucru bun sa le faci astora este sa le dai cati bani vor ei, arme, masini si dupa incep ei sa mimeze ceva cu /me scoate un ak47 si trage. Si daca ar fi sa o luam altfel, daca in incerca sa faci un server RP, de la 0, ar iesi ca Valhalla doar ca ai muncit mai mult si ar fi cateva modificari. -
I'm sorry for posting on Scripting Section but i don't know where should i post... Okey , when i enter MTA my game practically freezes on the screen with the background Multi Theft Auto... What could i do ?
Aah , tu vrei sa spui ca nu poti face register IG ? Aah , stiu , doar il contraziceam pe Dany... Dupa spusele lui asa parea.
Aah , tu vrei sa spui ca nu poti face register IG ?
It unbinds... Only send the message (( nothing in debugscript O_o ))
function checkBinds() if getBoundKeys("reconnect") or getBoundKeys("disconnect") then -- if has reconnect and disconnect bound outputChatBox ("You musn't have this key bound.", 255, 0, 0) -- unbindKey ( source, getBoundKeys ("reconnect") , "both" ) -- unbind key unbindKey ( source, getBoundKeys ("disconnect") , "both" ) -- unbind key end end setTimer(checkBinds, 60000, 0) Show the Warning but it doesn't unbind the keys... Source is the player who has the key bound ?
I play almost 15-20 mins and then Kicks all the players with this message : Protocol Error (15) . If problem persists ... The server is on , but it is annoyng . How can i solve it ?
Doesn't work : addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "crosshair", false ) if itemID == -34 then -- Sniper item id showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "crosshair", true ) -- crosshair true for it end end ) I tried : addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) if itemID == -34 then showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "crosshair", true ) end if not itemID == -34 then showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "crosshair", false ) end end ) and nothing Any ideas ?
Can you attack with other weapons? If you can't then your fire key has been changed, if you can use other weapons then probably script disabled the key for katana. You can use copygtacontrols command to reassign all default GTA controls (left mouse will be re-assigned to fire). If it will not work immediately, then restart MTA and try again. Hmm , let me say 2 sentences : 1.Only the Katana doesn't work. 2.I have vG , i resolved all bugs , but this ... idk ... I have it in hands , but doesn't work ...
Hmm , i don't know very sure what it has , but it doesn't attack.
Hmmm , I have Katana in my hands , i press click and nothing happens. Any idea?
Srry snake , my bad , i forgot to reconnect .
Yeah , it's server side. The resourse works , but don't hide de HUD.
I have only an answear . How to remove the crosshair at a weapon or at all ?