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About Fonz

  • Birthday 18/11/1996

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  1. Fonz


    It is possible to modify the dgs/guiSetAlpha to produce an exact alpha value instead of the slightly imprecise value you are seeing, but doing so may have unintended consequences and require thorough testing... The issue is due to how computers store floating point numbers, which can result in small rounding errors.
  2. El siguiente es un ejemplo de shader que se puede utilizar para lograr el efecto deseado: uniform sampler2D texture0; void main() { vec4 color = texture2D(texture0, gl_TexCoord[0].st); float gray = (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0; gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(gray), color.a); } Este shader convierte cada píxel en su equivalente en escala de grises, lo que resulta en una imagen en blanco y negro. El shader toma una textura como entrada (la variable "texture0" en el código), que será la textura del objeto al que se aplica el shader. Para aplicar este shader solo al jugador local y no al ped, puedes usar la función "isElementStreamedIn" para verificar si el objeto está siendo transmitido al jugador antes de aplicar el shader. Aquí hay un ejemplo de cómo se podría usar esta función: local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local ped = getElementData(localPlayer, "attachedPed") -- suponiendo que el ped está vinculado al jugador local de alguna manera local object = -- el objeto al que se aplicará el shader if isElementStreamedIn(object) and not isElementStreamedIn(ped) then dxSetShader(object, "shader.fx") else dxSetShader(object, false) end Este código verifica si el objeto está siendo transmitido al jugador y si el ped no lo está. Si se cumplen ambas condiciones, se aplica el shader al objeto. Si no, se desactiva el shader. Espero que esto te ayude a crear el shader que necesitas. Si tienes alguna otra pregunta, no dudes en preguntar aquí o en la sección de es-scripting en el servidor de Discord de MTA para obtener ayuda en vivo.
  3. Tu script no parece contener ningún error aparente en cuanto a sintaxis, y en teoría debería funcionar correctamente. La función "playerDamage_text" se activará cada vez que un jugador reciba daño, y si el daño fue infligido en la cabeza por otro jugador, se mostrará un mensaje "Headshot" en el chat y se matará al jugador. Debes ser más específico sobre si tienes algún problema o error que estés experimentando para poder ayudarte. Siempre puedes preguntar en la sección "es-scripting" en el servidor de Discord MTA para obtener ayuda.
  4. Here are some possible solutions: Update or reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages: The MTA installer requires certain versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages to run. Make sure you have the latest versions installed or try reinstalling them. You can download them from the Microsoft website. Check for Windows updates: It's possible that your system is missing a required update or that an update was interrupted. Check for updates and install any that are available. Run System File Checker (SFC) scan: SFC is a Windows tool that checks for and repairs corrupted or missing system files. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator and type "sfc /scannow" to start the scan. Run the installer as an administrator: Right-click on the MTA installer file and select "Run as administrator" to ensure that the installer has the necessary permissions to install the program. Run a virus scan: Malware or viruses can also cause dependency errors. Make sure you have an up-to-date antivirus program installed and run a full scan of your system.
  5. Realmente aquí nadie te va a dar un script gratis para tu servidor, pero si estas dispuesto a comprarlo podría ayudarte. Por el momento ya hay recursos publicos que se asemejan a lo que necesitas, por ejempo; https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13508 Aunque supongo que este es una interfaz que permite cambiar el aspecto del auto. Te recomiendo que busques antes de preguntar aquí. En cuanto al drift, lo único que necesitarías sería cambiar el manejo, esta función lo permite; https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetVehicleHandling O si lo buscas, también hay variedad de recursos que ya disponen de un panel para cambiar el handling; https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=3716
  6. Then just be patient, wait until someone answers, spamming your own topic with messages won't make anyone come faster to help you, trust me on that.
  7. Cant you read what I said? There's no point on repeatively asking for someone to help, either wait or ask for help on Discord.
  8. If you're in such a rush I would suggest getting live help on MTA Discord at the scripting channels. Otherwise wait for someone to respond.
  9. What do you mean "I moved to some places in mta.config" - what have you edited there? Are you sure you're loading a gamemode? Generally blackscreen can mean you aren't running any gamemode, so make sure you do. Don't know how to do this? Ask please. This is a solution I took out of an old topic, provided by Dutchman101, please follow steps and see if that could solve the problem: Also if you want faster and live support, you can also come to MTA Discord, and ask at help-support channel, but I suggest sticking to this topic for now. Please come back here whether the problem is solved or not.
  10. Fonz

    Mta kicks out

    Although it seems pretty common error - I would suggest including more information about the full error so we can troubleshoot easily, for example making a screenshot of the crash message and pasting here. You may also download and execute MTADiag and pastebin here - which is a diagnostic tool to make it easier to find what might be causing the crash. In case you don't know if you want faster and live support about the problem you can ask at help-support channel at MTA Discord. Just make sure you include enough information like I said, so it's easier to find the solution.
  11. From what I have been searching there isn't any public resources that you can use for free. You already bumped a 2015 topic asking for that, and you are creating a topic on the wrong section. The correct section to request for a resource or mod is here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/ Some staff may wanna move this topic to that section, and edit the title with the correct formatting. In case you wanna make your own, you will need to have experience both on 3ds Max to remove the wheel from the vehicle and create a steering wheel object, then loading the custom vehicle and steering wheel into the game. Then, you will need to create a script to attach and rotate the wheel.
  12. Por favor la próxima vez que necesites ayuda de scripting en español usa la parte del foro correcta: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/167-scripting/ Pero no hace falta crear otro hilo, supongo que algún staff moverá tu hilo a la sección correcta y obtendras una respuesta.
  13. A que te refieres con que "reinstalaste el juego y no te toma la cuenta"? Por favor necesito que seas un poco más especifico. Ni GTA:SA, ni MTA necesitan de ninguna cuenta para poder jugar - solo la mayoría de los servidores en los que te unes requieren de registrarse. Si te refieres a tu cuenta Rockstar - tampoco es necesaria para poder usar MTA.
  14. This forum section is only for MTA suggestions, please refer to MTA Discord, and then to help-and-support channel to ask for help. Click here to join MTA Discord Also please speak English when you get there, so we can understand you and help.
  15. I'm just trying to help you... I highly doubt anyone will give you something alike - if you cannot find it within the MTA public resources then I don't think anyone that hasn't upload it there is willing to give it in exchange of nothing, you get me? Yeah, I want to know what you mean by a tuning system, maybe this? https://github.com/FileEX/MTA-SA---Tuner-system
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