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Everything posted by ALw7sH

  1. مو فاهم ليش الاكاونت داتا تحطها ترو وفولس ؟ لول فنكشن سيت اكاونت داتا يطلب سترنق في القيمة عدل هذا الشي واذا ماكان المشكلة ورنا الدي بق عشان نعرف وش الخطا بالضبط
  2. مافيه شي اسمه تجيب أي مود وتحدده لعالم وهمي لازم تعدل كل سكربتاتك وتخليها تشتغل اذا اختار القيم مود وتحطه في العالم الوهمي الي تبي
  3. هذا يكنسل الى triggerLatentClientEvent triggerLatentServerEvent لانه هذا الفنكشن يسوي تريقر اكثر من مره لنقل الشي الي انت راسله يعني يرسله على دفعات
  4. x y z ماهم معرفين وماتحققت من الفلوس
  5. There's no any iptables rules running, thanks anyways I'll contact the host
  6. and the second server is
  7. Hello, Few days ago our server has disappeared from the browser, I don't really know when and why I've checked the ports here and it's telling me that port 22126 UDP is closed, even tho it was working fine and we haven't changed anything. I've tried to reopen the port and restart the server I don't think port is the problem and/or the reason why the server isn't in the browser since we have two servers in the same vps and they're both facing the same problem
  8. You might be not using xmlSaveFile and xmlUnloadFile right, but I suggest you to not change the xml running until the script stops since the xml is kinda slow, store everything in table so you can have a faster access to everything then save everything on the xml file when the scripts stops
  9. ايفنت حلو, بس تقدر تسويه بطريقه افضل منها انك تقدر تستخدمها كلاينت وسيرفر ومنها انك تبتعد عن التحقق بكل فريم ويمكن تكون أدق local fType = "client" _setPlayerMoney = setPlayerMoney _givePlayerMoney = givePlayerMoney _takePlayerMoney = takePlayerMoney function setPlayerMoney(...) local args = {...} local plr,money = (fType == "server") and args[1] or localPlayer, (fType == "server") and arg[2] or arg[1] triggerEvent("on".. (fType == "client" and "Client" or "") .."PlayerMoneyChanged",plr,money,money) return _setPlayerMoney(...) end function givePlayerMoney(...) local args = {...} local plr,money = (fType == "server") and args[1] or localPlayer, (fType == "server") and arg[2] or arg[1] triggerEvent("on".. (fType == "client" and "Client" or "") .."PlayerMoneyChanged",plr,money,getPlayerMoney(plr)+money) return _givePlayerMoney(...) end function takePlayerMoney(...) local args = {...} local plr,money = (fType == "server") and args[1] or localPlayer, (fType == "server") and arg[2] or arg[1] triggerEvent("on".. (fType == "client" and "Client" or "") .."PlayerMoneyChanged",plr,money,getPlayerMoney(plr)-money) return _takePlayerMoney(...) end
  10. ALw7sH


  11. You've done that already don't you? but you've wrote i instead of j in line 7
  12. accountdata is using sql actually I believe you can't say that SQLite is better nor accountdata if you want to save data to account you can use both accountdata and SQLite but I would go for accountdata because it's faster to work with and kinda easier except if I want to show this data in website for example then i'll use MySQL instead but if you want to save data to serial for example, you can't use accountdata for sure so mostly you'll go for SQLite or MySQL
  13. Change "if getActivePlayerCount() <= 1 then" to "if getActivePlayerCount() < 1 then" in destructionderby.lua line 36 and 49 if it didn't work then you might be playing map with respawn
  14. I want to sync wheel position, to other players see changed wheel position. use trigger e.g server addCommandHandler("wheels", function(plr) triggerClientEvent(root,"changeWheelPos",plr) end ) client addEvent("changeWheelPos",true) addEventHandler("changeWheelPos",root, function() -- your code -- player = source end )
  15. What do you mean by sync it with server side? do you mean you want to use it in server side or you want everybody to see it In both you'll have to use triggerClientEvent
  16. ALw7sH

    Help In HR

    function nextStep() for i, robber in pairs (getElementsWithinColShape(houserobCircle, "player")) do if not isPedDead(robber) and isPedOnGround(robber) and robberTeams[getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(robber))] then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(robber) exports.RPGcommands:giveMoney(robber, 16000) exports.RPGcommands:sendMessage("*STORE ROBBERY* You got $16000 from the rob, go to the a warehouse in the city to get more money!", 0, 255, 0, robber) local atBag = createObject(1210,x,y,z) setElementData(robber,"bag",atBag) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(atBag,robber,12,0,0.05,0.27,0,180,0) triggerClientEvent("showWarehouses", robber) end end end function finish(robber) if not isPedDead(robber) and isPedOnGround(robber) and robber == getLocalPlayer(robber) then exports.RPGcommands:giveMoney(robber, 10000) exports.RPGcommands:sendClientMessage("You got $10000 from the warehouse.", 0, 255, 0) hideALL() local atBag = getElementData(robber,"bag") destroyElement(atBag) end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", marker, finish) Next time don't wait until someone do everything for you, I've already told you what's wrong with your code and what you have to do just try at least
  17. ALw7sH

    Help In HR

    Because atBag is undefined in client side you can make it an element data to the player
  18. You had 3 mistakes first one there's no player argument on outputChatBox clientside the second one is you've "OnClientResourceStart" instead of "onClientResourceStart" the third one is you used root with "onClientResourceStart" and what this is gonna lead to is everytime you start any script while this script is running "loadPlayerTXD" function will be executed over and over so you have to use resourceRoot instead resourceRoot = thisResource
  19. setElementData(v, "GLA",(getElementData(v,"GLA") or 0) + tonumber(gla))
  20. You can't use :~ as a function name
  21. طيب حط الأخطاء الي تجيك في الديبق عشان نقدر نساعدك
  22. debugscript 3 وحط الأخطاء الي تجيك + local oil = getElementData(player,"oil") local medic2 = getElementData(player,"medic2") player = ?
  23. بس الفنكشنات كلها Shared function تنفع سيرفر وكلنت addCommandHandler مافيه بلاير في كلاينت سايد ...
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