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Everything posted by ALw7sH

  1. ALw7sH

    Help with GUI.

    addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == boton2 then showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(VentanaGUI, false) elseif source == boton1 then setElementPosition (getLocalPlayer(),213,1872,12) showCursor(false) guiSetVisible(VentanaGUI, false) end end )
  2. -- CRIATE BY *SpoC^ for TWD -- local PraiaProtegidax = createMarker (191, -1797, 4, "cylinder", 25, 255,0,0,0) function Protect1(element,dimens) if getElementType(element) == "vehicle" then setVehicleDamageProof(element,true) elseif getElementType(element) == "player" then outputChatBox('#00bfff* Entrou na Área de Proteção: #ffffffSeu veículo ficou indestrutível!',element,255,255,255,true) toggleControl(element,"fire",true) toggleControl(element,"aim_weapon",true) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",PraiaProtegidax,Protect1) function Protect21(element,dimens) if getElementType(element) == "vehicle" then setVehicleDamageProof (element,false) elseif getElementType(element) == "player" then outputChatBox ('#00bfff* Saiu da Área de Proteção: #ffffffSeu veículo não esta mais indestrutível!',element,255,255,255,true) toggleControl(element,"fire",true) toggleControl(element,"aim_weapon",true) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave",PraiaProtegidax,Protect21)
  3. ALw7sH

    Help with GUI.

    when you create the window hide it with guiSetVisible then use onClientMarkerHit and show the window with guiSetVisible
  4. من جدك أنت ؟ تبية يروح ف جزء من جزء الثانية يعني م تقدر تشوفه أصلن بس م أدري وش فية أحط الوقت المحدد و م يروح ! انت احين تقول فيه مشكله انه مايروح ابد ! كيف تقول ثاني انه لو حطيته كذا بيروح في جزء من الثانيه وثانياً كيف يروح في جزء من الثانيه؟ ماشفت العملية الحسابية الي بـ setTimer?!
  5. اعتقد 500 كثير قللها مثلاً خلها 1 بس عشان تجرب
  6. function (thePlayer) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) local output = false if getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then for theKey,theGroup in ipairs(groups) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup(theGroup)) then outputChatBox(" مـَرحـبآ بِك ",thePlayer,0,0,255,true) setElementPosition(thePlayer,238.85658,141.07948,1003.02344) setElementInterior(thePlayer, 3) setElementDimension(thePlayer, 0 ) giveWeapon ( thePlayer, 3, 0 ) setPedSkin ( thePlayer , 282) output = true break end end if output == false then outputChatBox("للا تملك تصريح .",thePlayer,0,0,255,true) end end end )
  7. السرقة ماتقدر تهرب منها لو وش تسوي حتى وهي ماهي مجانية وعندك امثله كثير تعديلها مستحيل يمسح بصمتك فيها لانه معروف كل مبرمج وله طريقته في كتابة الاكواد اذا احد عدل عليها شوي ومسح حقوقك وراح يبيعها او يستخدمها تقدر تبلغ عليه او انك تحذر الناس منه
  8. دامك عدلتها من الستنق وماضبطت عدلها من السكربت نفسه سيرفر سايد سطر 1 و 3 مثلاً local showtime = 500 local maxbubbles = 3
  9. You cant do cancelEvent for onPlayerDamge, read the wiki https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerDamage Canceling this event has no effect. Cancel the client-side event onClientPlayerDamage instead.
  10. it's original GTA:SA car or modded car? if it's modded car you should replace the car with a gta car has 4 doors
  11. If the car has 4 doors this is already possible just press G instead of F or Enter
  12. ALw7sH

    Rocket help

  13. local delay = 1 -- in seconds local health = 5 -- per delay function toggleRegen(player) local state = getElementData(player,"regen") setElementData(player,"regen",not state) if state then outputChatBox("Regen has been #00FF00enabled",255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("Regen has been #FF0000disabled",255,255,255,true) end end addCommandHandler("regen",toggleRegen) setTimer( function() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v,"regen") == true then local maxHealth = (getPedStat(v, 24)-569)/4.31 local playerHealth = getElementHealth(v) if playerHealth < (maxHealth+100) then setElementHealth(v,playerHealth+health) end end end end,delay*1000,0)
  14. ALw7sH

    PHP return

    You can check the original scoreboard it has something like that but it's with js not php
  15. Server: function getCheaterID(g) local sql = dbQuery(dbConnection,"SELECT * FROM TabsCheaterzy") local result = dbPoll ( sql, -1 ) if result then triggerClientEvent ( g, "ZMDA", g, result ) end end addCommandHandler ( "cc", getCheaterID ) Client: function grid(cheaters) local ListCheaters = guiCreateGridList ( 0.7, 0.10, 0.2, 0.60, true,t5 ) local ColumnCheaters = guiGridListAddColumn( ListCheaters, "Cheater", 0.85 ) if (isElement(ListCheaters)) then for id, row in ipairs(cheaters) do local player = row["Nick_Cheatera"] guiGridListSetItemText(ListCheaters, guiGridListAddRow(ListCheaters), ColumnCheaters, player, false, false) end end end addEvent( "ZMDA", true ) addEventHandler( "ZMDA", localPlayer,grid)
  16. to enable/disable the autoregeneration bindKey setElementData then do timer with loop for all the players and check if he enabled the autoregeneration and do player health + 5 or whatever you want setTimer getElementsByType -- loop to get all the players getElementData -- check if he have the data(if he enabled the autoregeneration) getElementHealth -- get the player health setElementHealth -- set the player health his current health + 5 or whatever you want
  17. function getSongs ( ) local songList = { } local file = xmlLoadFile ( "songs.xml" ) for i, v in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren ( file ) ) do songList[tostring ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "name" ) )] = {xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "length"),tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( v, "played" ) )} end xmlUnloadFile ( file ) return songList end function loadSongsInGridlist() for i, v in pairs ( getSongs ( ) ) do local name = i table.insert(songListGridlist,name) end end print(songList["song name"][1]) -- length print(songList["song name"][2]) -- played
  18. you have missed end for line 7 end function onPlayerQuit ( ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then local vip = getElementData(source,"VIP") if vip == true then setAccountData ( playeraccount, "VIP", true ) else setAccountData ( playeraccount, "VIP", false ) end end end function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount ) if ( playeraccount ) then local accvip = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "VIP" ) if accvip == true then setElementData ( source,"VIP", true) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin )
  19. return سطر 28 المفروض ماتحط لانه كذا بيوقف الفنكشن والكود الي كاتبه بنهاية الفنكشن مابيشتغل
  20. Idont think the problem is from the server side, because i cant see anything worng on this code
  21. since you want it client and server side you can use XML or elementdata
  22. onClientResourceStart this is a client side event and you are using server side functions
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