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ABO-SR777777A @ سوي ترايقر للكلنت وسوي اخفاء للنافذه ذذ , triggerClientEvent + احس انك نسخ ولصق وش جاب الكوماند ذذ guiGetVisible(Window) guiElement اقصد انه بالويكي , bool guiSetEnabled ( element guiElement, bool enabled ) توقعت انه لازم احط الحاله - true or false ._. + حطيت مثال على نافذه ذذ
حطيته اول كذا , guiSetEnabled(guiGetVisible(Window)) لكن شفت الويكي ناقص ارقومنت ذذ
اختصر كذا ذذ bindKey("F2","down", function() guiSetVisible(Window,not guiGetVisible(Window)) showCursor(guiGetVisible(Windiw)) guiSetEnabled(guiGetVisible(Window)) end ) + اذا بتاخذ اكواد جاهزه ما بتتعلم ذذ
يعطيك العافيه ما قصرت يالذيب ,
1.3.2 , + محمل الباتش ذذ
الاحداثيات تمام عندي , واذا كتبت الامر يسوي لي احداثيات عشوائي + السيارة ما تظهر ويطلع خطأ بالديبوق
لايوجد سيارة ID = 605 هذه الغلط ذذ لا موجوده ذذ
--[[dbname]]serverContainer.Settings.user = 'u960889733_vb' --[[pass]]serverContainer.Settings.pass = 'pass' --[[host]]serverContainer.Settings.host = 'mysql.hostinger.ae' --[[name]]serverContainer.Settings.name = 'u960889733_vb' -- only for example ;p -- [url=http://lars.projectx-gaming.net/]http://lars.projectx-gaming.net/[/url] serverContainer.StartResource = function() local connection = dbConnect('mysql', 'dbname='..serverContainer.Settings.name..';host='..serverContainer.Settings.host, serverContainer.Settings.user, serverContainer.Settings.pass) if connection then outputDebugString('[_Login Panel]: Could connect to the mysql server') serverContainer.connection = connection; else outputDebugString('[_Login Panel]: Couldn\'t connect to the mysql server') end end جربه كذا , واذا ما ضبط فإن الموقع خربان ذذ
Position = { [1] = {x,y,z}, [2] = {x,y,z}, [3] = {x,y,z}, } addCommandHandler("set", function(player) if getElementType(player) == 'player' then Pos_X,Pos_Y,Pos_Z = unpack(Position[math.random(#Position)]) setElementPosition(player,Pos_X,Pos_Y,Pos_Z) local Position_X,Position_Y,Position_Z = getElementPosition(player) Car = createVehicle(605,Position_X,Position_Y,Position_Z) warpPedIntoVehicle(player,Car) end end ) Bad argument @ 'createVehicle'[Expected number at argument2,got nil]
قول وش الحل , يمكن غيرك متوهق
شوف سطر 2 , -[[dbname]] > --[[dbname]] = عشان ما يجي خطأ , + سطر 11 , startResource = اسم وظيفة في الويكي , ما يصير تخليها كذا , خليها كذا , - StartResource وجرب ,
+ getAccount - guiGetText - triggerServerEvent You must not make ' function ' for ' gui-window ' or ' gui-edit ' etc.
this explain everything local marker = createMarker ( x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 170 ) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", function ( player ) local PlayerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( player ) local Team = getTeamFromName ( "staff" ) if playerTeam == Team then outputChatBox ( "* welcome Staff ", player, 255, 0, 0) else killPed(player) end end ) # Replace 1- x, y ,x == the position for the area Suppose that a bird touching the circle! What will happen in your opinion? use getElementType to define it.
؟؟ عطيته آلفنكشن وآلحدث آول .. ومآ حآول قآلي صعب , فـ عطيته آلكود جآهز وآعرف آكتب زين ما تعطيه لين يحاول , واذا حاول وقال صححوا بعدين صحح له ._.
-- Client Side ! # bindKey("1","down", function() triggerServerEvent("Fix",localPlayer) end ) bindKey("2","down", function() triggerServerEvent("Nitro",localPlayer) end ) bindKey("3","down", function() triggerServerEvent("Flip",localPlayer) end ) bindKey("4","down", function() triggerServerEvent("Invisible",localPlayer) end ) -- Server Side ! # addEvent("Fix",true) addEventHandler("Fix",root, function() if isPedInVehicle(source) then if ( getPlayerMoney(source) >= 3000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source,3000) fixVehicle(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) outputChatBox("#FF0000*#0099FF You've bought repair",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000You dont have enough money.",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("You are not in the car",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) addEvent("Nitro",true) addEventHandler("Nitro",root, function() if isPedInVehicle(source) then if ( getPlayerMoney(source) >= 3000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source,3000) addVehicleUpgrade(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),1010) outputChatBox("#FF0000*#0099FF You've bought a nitro",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000You dont have enough money.",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("You are not in the car",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) addEvent("Flip",true) addEventHandler("Flip",root, function() if isPedInVehicle(source) then if ( getPlayerMoney(source) >= 3000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source,3000) rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) setElementRotation (getPedOccupiedVehicle(source), 0, 0, rx > 90 and rx < 279 and rz + 180 or rz) outputChatBox("#FF0000*#0099FF You've bought flip",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000You dont have enough money.",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("You are not in the car",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) addEvent("Invisible",true) addEventHandler("Invisible",root, function() if isPedInVehicle(source) then if ( getPlayerMoney(source) >= 3000 ) then takePlayerMoney(source,3000) setElementAlpha(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source),0) setElementAlpha(source,0) setPlayerNametagShowing(source, false) setTimer( setElementAlpha, 60000, 1, source, 500, true) setTimer( setElementAlpha, 60000, 1, getPedOccupiedVehicle(source), 500, true) setTimer( setPlayerNametagShowing, 60000, 1, source, true, true) outputChatBox("#FF0000*#0099FF You've bought invisible",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000You dont have enough money.",source,255,255,255,true) end else outputChatBox("You are not in the car",source,255,0,0,true) end end )
اي عرفت لكن ليه مسوي اتصال بالسيرفر ؟ اقصد trigger ? + setVehicleRotation Client and Server function This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions. Please use setElementRotation instead. + getVehicleRotation Client and Server function This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions. Please use getElementRotation instead.
viewtopic.php?f=160&t=46670 + قولنا وش المشكله بالضبط , ,وقولنا وش تبي تسوي ,؟
ما فهمت وش المشكلهه بالضبط,
Do you want set the player level if write [[command]] ? or do you want set the level name ?
^ اي بس المفروض تحطها مع الكود عشان ما يتلخبط هو,
طبعاً ممكن تختصرها اذا كنت تحب الاختصار addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), function(button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY) if ( source == login ) then triggerServerEvent("login",getLocalPlayer(), user, pass) elseif ( source == register ) then triggerServerEvent("register",getLocalPlayer(), user, pass) end end ) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if ( source == login ) then triggerServerEvent("login",getLocalPlayer(), guiGetText(user), guiGetText(pass)) elseif ( source == register ) then triggerServerEvent("register",getLocalPlayer(), guiGetText(user), guiGetText(pass)) end end )
+ triggerServerEvent You must trigger it - redirectPlayer - Server Side only !!!