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0xCiBeR last won the day on June 12 2024

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About 0xCiBeR

  • Birthday 15/06/1996

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  • Godfather (The MTA Team)


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  • Interests
    Docker, k8s & Pentesting

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Community Answers

  1. Happy holidays everyone, may this new year bring joy and incredible adventures for all!
  2. 0xCiBeR


    En el ejemplo de esta funcion, tenes exactamente lo que buscas: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerDamage
  3. Define wonky and glitchy? It depends really on if your script is properlly programmed. I haven't had issues with either functions not behaving as intended.
  4. You can see if something like that is already available here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ If not, you are going to have to do it yourself or hire someone. This forum is for scripting help, not for asking for stuff to be made.
  5. Habria que ver como esta hecho tu script para poder ayudarte.
  6. 0xCiBeR


    Hola, te recomiendo hacer una instalacion limpia de GTA. Tenes muchos archivos modificados de manera custom y puede traer problemas a la hora de jugar MTA.
  7. Se te indico por discord el motivo del ban y los pasos para el desban los cuales no cumpliste. Se deniega la solicitud.
  8. TUSERVER.AR TUSERVER.AR es una empresa de hosting latinoamericana, con presencia en múltiples países. Contamos con infraestructura de muy alto nivel, y el objetivo principal de la empresa es brindar un servicio con seguridad avanzada. Para ello, en cada una de nuestras ubicaciones disponibles, trabajamos par a par con el área de redes de los datacenter para desplegar soluciones de protección DDoS de calidad, implementando firewalls custom y reglas especificas para mantener tu servidor libre de ataques. Ademas, contamos con enlaces redundantes, lo cual permite que si un enlace es saturado por algún tipo de ataque grande, automáticamente se activa el segundo enlace brindando 2 o más vías de conectarse al servidor. Características Protección Anti DDoS Gamer Dedicada. Panel de Control de última tecnología que hace uso de Contenedores Docker para mantener tu servidor siempre arriba! Un equipo con amplia experiencia en el rubro, con varias certificaciones IT y soporte dedicado. PoP internacionales: Puntos de Presencia internacionales USA/ARGENTINA y sumando...! Trabajamos con los máximos estándares de seguridad, donde tu servidor es virtualmente aislado de otros clientes, y los backups son realizados de manera automática y autónoma. Ofrecemos soluciones a medida, no importa si solo necesitas un servidor para mapear, o si sos un server con más de 200 jugadores, tenemos planes a medida para vos y te garantizamos que estarás muy contento con el servicio. Actualmente, contamos con planes para MTA. ALOJAMIENTO WEB y VPS. Si no ven un servicio listado en la página, los invitamos a abrir un ticket en nuestro Discord para poderlos asesorar. Estamos abiertos a recibir en este post el feedback, y a trabajar en conjunto para cada día brindar soluciones de mayor calidad. Web: Link Discord: https://discord.gg/ctvANVaNSN
  9. Hey, you can get more info on docker at their site: https://docs.docker.com/get-started/overview/
  10. Sorry, this appeal is denied. Not only you leaked resources that were not your property, but you took control over another communities social networks and disgraced them.
  11. Gracias por el tutorial, lo pinie al subforo.
  12. TUSERVER.AR MTASA.HOST is a hosting company that focuses on MTA:SA server hosting. We run each game server on an isolated docker container with minimum privileges offering maximum security when it comes to script and data protection. The docker images that we run were tailor made for running MTA servers with little to no overhead, making it one of the most compact and resource efficient ways to run a MTA Server. We started about 5 years ago initially under another name(Global Gaming Hosting), when we offered more game services other than MTA, but we realized that MTA needed a more dedicated hosting company like there already is for some other major games, like Minecraft, so we changed our business model to accommodate most of our efforts on hosting MTA Dedicated Servers. Our business model is resource usage based and not slot based, meaning we charge for resource usage rather than predefined slot amount. The amount of slots that you want to actually have, depends on you, as long as you are in within the resources you hired for the services you'll be all set. Some key features that we have: Resource based usage(not slot locked) Upgrade your plan anytime Game DDoS Mitigation Geo-routed frontend panel with fallbacks in case a region goes offline with a very good UI Fast support via discord SFTP MySQL Databases included with every plan Scheduled Tasks Data vault for backups Automatic MySQL backups No overselling(we keep our dedicated machines with a low load average to ensure max performance at all times) Instant activation after payment for all our payment methods Locations: North America, Europe, Latin America You can find a more detailed overview of our plans at our Website and custom plans may be made via a support request. Bellow some pictures of our panel: Visit our website at Link Disclaimer: TUSERVER.AR is a privately owned company and is in no way affiliated with MTA:SA in any way, nor it is affiliated with GTA: San Andreas or its stakeholders. All rights are reserved to their respective owners.
  13. @Artur_Sagitovplease only use english in this section. @MrLoKiyou should post your code here and then ask for help. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetOnlineAdmins this can be of use.
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