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Everything posted by manawydan

  1. download is big (approximately 90 mb). thanks for the comment.
  2. function lafuncionsita ( source) -- Posicionsita local X, Y, Z = getElementPosition ( source ) -- Explosionsita createExplosion ( X, Y, Z, 6, source ) end addCommandHandler ( "elcomandito", lafuncionsita ) edit TomasitoCaram code
  3. addCommandHandler createExplosion
  4. setTimer getTickCount getControlState getPlayerWantedLevel setPlayerWantedLevel can be userful
  5. you can use: math.random setCameraMatrix some tables some variables
  6. não vi erro no seu codigo, use /debugscript 3 no seu server para ver os possiveis erros. tentei isso no server se quiser manda a mensagem apenas pro jogador que entrou no server. function entrouFunctions() triggerClientEvent ( source,"fucsEntrou", source) end addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), entrouFunctions) ja que o primeiro arguemento é para quem o evento vai ser mandado.
  7. wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/En ... rldTexture
  8. addEvent("onZombieWasted",true) addEventHandler("onZombieWasted",getRootElement(), function (killer) local skin = getElementModel(source) if (skin == 200) then givePlayerMoney(killer,100) elseif(skin == 301) then givePlayerMoney(killer,50) end end) puede utilizar tables.
  9. setElementInterior to exit marker
  10. i fix, just change setCameraMatrix function.
  11. i think using sql and/or acountData
  12. manawydan

    ac 130 bug

    so i am using ac-130 resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=3919 so the bug is the camera back and i cant aim. when i use in version 1.3.3 i no get this bug. but now 1.3.5 this bug appers. ps: i try use /fixAc130 but no work, iam using the latest version 1.0.5 thanks!
  13. so any progress guys?
  14. one example(just example): local Vtimers = {} addEventHandler("onVehicleExit",root, function() if not Vtimers[source] then Vtimers[source] = setTimer(destroyElement,30000,1,source) end end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",root, function() if Vtimers[source] and isTimer(Vtimers[source]) then killTimer(Vtimers[source]) end end)
  15. probar cambiar: addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), crearD ) to addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, crearD )
  16. oh sorry. you can try use setElementInterior, or setElementDimension, if this interiors is in another dimension.
  17. interior 17 try change to 0
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