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Everything posted by Sasu
Oh. I think that you have to create one more column which will be the deposit ID.
In the wiki you have examples. executeSQLQuery("UPDATE players SET color=?,sound=? WHERE name=?", colorName, soundName, playerName)
function puertaJ1abrir(jugador) if isElementWithinColShape(jugador, PuertaCol1) and getPlayerName(jugador) == "TUNOMBRE" then --Si el jugador esta en el colshape de la primer puerta entonces: moveObject(Puerta1, 3000, 955.22998046875, -1546.4072265625, 6.765999794006) setTimer (moveObject, 3000, 1, Puerta1, 3000, 955.22998046875, -1546.4072265625, 14.765999794006) --movemos la primer puerta... -- Y asi vamos agreagando mas elseif para ver en cual colshape esta y dependiendo de ese colshape se movera una puerta en especifico. end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit",PuertaCol1,puertaJ1abrir)
Es lo mismo ._. Es un colshape element .
En realidad si se puede haciendo unos pares de calculos. Lo se porque en el resource 'zombies' , al iniciar el recurso se crea un col atras del ped del jugador y usa onClientRender para posicionarlo siempre detras. Esto es de lo que te hablo: throatcol = createColSphere ( 0, 0, 0, .3) function movethroatcol () --[[local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local dcount = tostring(table.getn( myZombies )) dxDrawText( dcount, screenWidth-40, screenHeight -50, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 0, "pricedown" ) dxDrawText( dcount, screenWidth-42, screenHeight -52, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 0, "pricedown" )]]--Ignora esto. if isElement(throatcol) then local playerrot = getPedRotation ( getLocalPlayer () ) local radRot = math.rad ( playerrot ) local radius = 1 local px,py,pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) local tx = px + radius * math.sin(radRot) local ty = py + -(radius) * math.cos(radRot) local tz = pz setElementPosition ( throatcol, tx, ty, tz ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), movethroatcol )
See this post: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=61094
In the client side, At line 8, in the first argument of setElementData, Where did you define "pojazd"?
Try this: local isPlayerViewingPanel = false local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() start = getTickCount() end ) function main ( ) if isPlayerViewingPanel then addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawTheImage ) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, dxDrawTheImage) end end function dxDrawTheImage() x,y = guiGetScreenSize() ancho=550 alto=480 local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - start local endTime = start + 1500 local duration = endTime - start local progress = elapsedTime / duration local x1, y1, z1 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, ancho, alto, 255, progress, "OutBounce") posx = (x/2)-(x1/2) posy = (y/2)-(y1/2) dxDrawImage ( posx, posy-y2, x2, y2, "window.png" ) dxDrawText ( "Rules", sw/2 - 26, sh/2 - 230, sw/2 + 175, sh/2 + 80, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.6, "default-bold") end bindKey("O", "down",function() if ( isPlayerViewingPanel == true ) then isPlayerViewingPanel = false showCursor (false) main() else isPlayerViewingPanel = true showCursor (true) main() end end )
Intenta con este: "Rom" version="1.3" name="Puerta" type="script">
"Rom" name="Puerta" version="1.0.0" type="script" />
function dxDrawAnimWindow(text,alto,ancho,color,font,anim) --dxDrawAnimWindow(tittle, height, width, color, font, anim( easing value ) local x,y = guiGetScreenSize() btAncho = ancho btAlto = alto/20 local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - start local endTime = start + 1500 local duration = endTime - start local progress = elapsedTime / duration local x1, y1, z1 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, ancho, alto, 255, progress, anim) local x2, y2, z2 = interpolateBetween ( 0, 0, 0, btAncho, btAlto, btAlto/11, progress, anim) posx = (x/2)-(x1/2) posy = (y/2)-(y1/2) dxDrawRectangle ( posx, posy-y2, x2, y2, color ) dxDrawRectangle ( posx, posy, x1, y1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 200 ) ) dxDrawText ( text, 0, -(y1)-y2, x, y, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), z2, font,"center","center") --For more information of animation, visit the next page: [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Easing]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Easing[/url] end This function was made by @Bc# : viewtopic.php?f=146&t=61065
Script From Valhalla? https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=7667 DONE
In the same script: countryNames = { ['AD'] = 'Andorra', ['AE'] = 'United Arab Emirates', ['AF'] = 'Afghanistan', ['AG'] = 'Antigua & Barbuda', ['AI'] = 'Anguilla', ['AL'] = 'Albania', ['AM'] = 'Armenia', ['AN'] = 'Netherlands Antilles', ['AO'] = 'Angola', ['AQ'] = 'Antarctica', ['AR'] = 'Argentina', ['AS'] = 'American Samoa', ['AT'] = 'Austria', ['AU'] = 'Australia', ['AW'] = 'Aruba', ['AZ'] = 'Azerbaijan', ['BA'] = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', ['BB'] = 'Barbados', ['BD'] = 'Bangladesh', ['BE'] = 'Belgium', ['BF'] = 'Burkina Faso', ['BG'] = 'Bulgaria', ['BH'] = 'Bahrain', ['BI'] = 'Burundi', ['BJ'] = 'Benin', ['BM'] = 'Bermuda', ['BN'] = 'Brunei Darussalam', ['BO'] = 'Bolivia', ['BR'] = 'Brazil', ['BS'] = 'Bahama', ['BT'] = 'Bhutan', ['BU'] = 'Burma', ['BV'] = 'Bouvet Island', ['BW'] = 'Botswana', ['BY'] = 'Belarus', ['BZ'] = 'Belize', ['CA'] = 'Canada', ['CC'] = 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', ['CF'] = 'Central African Republic', ['CG'] = 'Congo', ['CH'] = 'Switzerland', ['CI'] = "C“te D'ivoire (Ivory Coast)", ['CK'] = 'Cook Iislands', ['CL'] = 'Chile', ['CM'] = 'Cameroon', ['CN'] = 'China', ['CO'] = 'Colombia', ['CR'] = 'Costa Rica', ['CS'] = 'Czechoslovakia', ['CU'] = 'Cuba', ['CV'] = 'Cape Verde', ['CX'] = 'Christmas Island', ['CY'] = 'Cyprus', ['CZ'] = 'Czech Republic', ['DD'] = 'German Democratic Republic', ['DE'] = 'Germany', ['DJ'] = 'Djibouti', ['DK'] = 'Denmark', ['DM'] = 'Dominica', ['DO'] = 'Dominican Republic', ['DZ'] = 'Algeria', ['EC'] = 'Ecuador', ['EE'] = 'Estonia', ['EG'] = 'Egypt', ['EH'] = 'Western Sahara', ['ER'] = 'Eritrea', ['ES'] = 'Spain', ['ET'] = 'Ethiopia', ['FI'] = 'Finland', ['FJ'] = 'Fiji', ['FK'] = 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', ['FM'] = 'Micronesia', ['FO'] = 'Faroe Islands', ['FR'] = 'France', ['FX'] = '"France, Metropolitan"', ['GA'] = 'Gabon', ['GB'] = 'United Kingdom (Great Britain)', ['GD'] = 'Grenada', ['GE'] = 'Georgia', ['GF'] = 'French Guiana', ['GH'] = 'Ghana', ['GI'] = 'Gibraltar', ['GL'] = 'Greenland', ['GM'] = 'Gambia', ['GN'] = 'Guinea', ['GP'] = 'Guadeloupe', ['GQ'] = 'Equatorial Guinea', ['GR'] = 'Greece', ['GS'] = 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', ['GT'] = 'Guatemala', ['GU'] = 'Guam', ['GW'] = 'Guinea-Bissau', ['GY'] = 'Guyana', ['HK'] = 'Hong Kong', ['HM'] = 'Heard & McDonald Islands', ['HN'] = 'Honduras', ['HR'] = 'Croatia', ['HT'] = 'Haiti', ['HU'] = 'Hungary', ['ID'] = 'Indonesia', ['IE'] = 'Ireland', ['IL'] = 'Israel', ['IN'] = 'India', ['IO'] = 'British Indian Ocean Territory', ['IQ'] = 'Iraq', ['IR'] = 'Islamic Republic of Iran', ['IS'] = 'Iceland', ['IT'] = 'Italy', ['JM'] = 'Jamaica', ['JO'] = 'Jordan', ['JP'] = 'Japan', ['KE'] = 'Kenya', ['KG'] = 'Kyrgyzstan', ['KH'] = 'Cambodia', ['KI'] = 'Kiribati', ['KM'] = 'Comoros', ['KN'] = 'St. Kitts and Nevis', ['KP'] = "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of'", ['KR'] = '"Korea, Republic of"', ['KW'] = 'Kuwait', ['KY'] = 'Cayman Islands', ['KZ'] = 'Kazakhstan', ['LA'] = "Lao People's Democratic Republic", ['LB'] = 'Lebanon', ['LC'] = 'Saint Lucia', ['LI'] = 'Liechtenstein', ['LK'] = 'Sri Lanka', ['LR'] = 'Liberia', ['LS'] = 'Lesotho', ['LT'] = 'Lithuania', ['LU'] = 'Luxembourg', ['LV'] = 'Latvia', ['LY'] = 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', ['MA'] = 'Morocco', ['MC'] = 'Monaco', ['MD'] = '"Moldova, Republic of"', ['MG'] = 'Madagascar', ['MH'] = 'Marshall Islands', ['ML'] = 'Mali', ['MM'] = 'Myanmar', ['MN'] = 'Mongolia', ['MO'] = 'Macau', ['MP'] = 'Northern Mariana Islands', ['MQ'] = 'Martinique', ['MR'] = 'Mauritania', ['MS'] = 'Monserrat', ['MT'] = 'Malta', ['MU'] = 'Mauritius', ['MV'] = 'Maldives', ['MW'] = 'Malawi', ['MX'] = 'Mexico', ['MY'] = 'Malaysia', ['MZ'] = 'Mozambique', ['NA'] = 'Nambia', ['NC'] = 'New Caledonia', ['NE'] = 'Niger', ['NF'] = 'Norfolk Island', ['NG'] = 'Nigeria', ['NI'] = 'Nicaragua', ['NL'] = 'Netherlands', ['NO'] = 'Norway', ['NP'] = 'Nepal', ['NR'] = 'Nauru', ['NT'] = 'Neutral Zone', ['NU'] = 'Niue', ['NZ'] = 'New Zealand', ['OM'] = 'Oman', ['PA'] = 'Panama', ['PE'] = 'Peru', ['PF'] = 'French Polynesia', ['PG'] = 'Papua New Guinea', ['PH'] = 'Philippines', ['PK'] = 'Pakistan', ['PL'] = 'Poland', ['PM'] = 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', ['PN'] = 'Pitcairn', ['PR'] = 'Puerto Rico', ['PT'] = 'Portugal', ['PW'] = 'Palau', ['PY'] = 'Paraguay', ['QA'] = 'Qatar', ['RE'] = 'R‚union', ['RO'] = 'Romania', ['RU'] = 'Russian Federation', ['RW'] = 'Rwanda', ['SA'] = 'Saudi Arabia', ['SB'] = 'Solomon Islands', ['SC'] = 'Seychelles', ['SD'] = 'Sudan', ['SE'] = 'Sweden', ['SG'] = 'Singapore', ['SH'] = 'St. Helena', ['SI'] = 'Slovenia', ['SJ'] = 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands', ['SK'] = 'Slovakia', ['SL'] = 'Sierra Leone', ['SM'] = 'San Marino', ['SN'] = 'Senegal', ['SO'] = 'Somalia', ['SR'] = 'Suriname', ['ST'] = 'Sao Tome & Principe', ['SU'] = 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (no longer exi', ['SV'] = 'El Salvador', ['SY'] = 'Syrian Arab Republic', ['SZ'] = 'Swaziland', ['TC'] = 'Turks & Caicos Islands', ['TD'] = 'Chad', ['TF'] = 'French Southern Territories', ['TG'] = 'Togo', ['TH'] = 'Thailand', ['TJ'] = 'Tajikistan', ['TK'] = 'Tokelau', ['TM'] = 'Turkmenistan', ['TN'] = 'Tunisia', ['TO'] = 'Tonga', ['TP'] = 'East Timor', ['TR'] = 'Turkey', ['TT'] = 'Trinidad & Tobago', ['TV'] = 'Tuvalu', ['TW'] = '"Taiwan, Province of China"', ['TZ'] = '"Tanzania, United Republic of"', ['UA'] = 'Ukraine', ['UG'] = 'Uganda', ['UM'] = 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', ['US'] = 'United States of America', ['UY'] = 'Uruguay', ['UZ'] = 'Uzbekistan', ['VA'] = 'Vatican City State (Holy See)', ['VC'] = 'St. Vincent & the Grenadines', ['VE'] = 'Venezuela', ['VG'] = 'British Virgin Islands', ['VI'] = 'United States Virgin Islands', ['VN'] = 'Viet Nam', ['VU'] = 'Vanuatu', ['WF'] = 'Wallis & Futuna Islands', ['WS'] = 'Samoa', ['YD'] = 'Democratic Yemen', ['YE'] = 'Yemen', ['YT'] = 'Mayotte', ['YU'] = 'Yugoslavia', ['ZA'] = 'South Africa', ['ZM'] = 'Zambia', ['ZR'] = 'Zaire', ['ZW'] = 'Zimbabwe', ['ZZ'] = 'Unknown' } addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function()
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() local country = exports['admin']:getPlayerCountry(source) if country then setElementData(source, "Country", country) local thecountry = countryNames[country] exports.killmessages:outputMessage("* #FFFF00[ ".. getPlayerName(source) .." #FFFF00] #6E6A6BHas Joined The Server From #FF8900[" .. thecountry .. "]" , getRootElement(), 2, 255, 2, true) end end) P.D.: You can use this table. countryNames = { ['AD'] = 'Andorra', ['AE'] = 'United Arab Emirates', ['AF'] = 'Afghanistan', ['AG'] = 'Antigua & Barbuda', ['AI'] = 'Anguilla', ['AL'] = 'Albania', ['AM'] = 'Armenia', ['AN'] = 'Netherlands Antilles', ['AO'] = 'Angola', ['AQ'] = 'Antarctica', ['AR'] = 'Argentina', ['AS'] = 'American Samoa', ['AT'] = 'Austria', ['AU'] = 'Australia', ['AW'] = 'Aruba', ['AZ'] = 'Azerbaijan', ['BA'] = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', ['BB'] = 'Barbados', ['BD'] = 'Bangladesh', ['BE'] = 'Belgium', ['BF'] = 'Burkina Faso', ['BG'] = 'Bulgaria', ['BH'] = 'Bahrain', ['BI'] = 'Burundi', ['BJ'] = 'Benin', ['BM'] = 'Bermuda', ['BN'] = 'Brunei Darussalam', ['BO'] = 'Bolivia', ['BR'] = 'Brazil', ['BS'] = 'Bahama', ['BT'] = 'Bhutan', ['BU'] = 'Burma', ['BV'] = 'Bouvet Island', ['BW'] = 'Botswana', ['BY'] = 'Belarus', ['BZ'] = 'Belize', ['CA'] = 'Canada', ['CC'] = 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', ['CF'] = 'Central African Republic', ['CG'] = 'Congo', ['CH'] = 'Switzerland', ['CI'] = "C“te D'ivoire (Ivory Coast)", ['CK'] = 'Cook Iislands', ['CL'] = 'Chile', ['CM'] = 'Cameroon', ['CN'] = 'China', ['CO'] = 'Colombia', ['CR'] = 'Costa Rica', ['CS'] = 'Czechoslovakia', ['CU'] = 'Cuba', ['CV'] = 'Cape Verde', ['CX'] = 'Christmas Island', ['CY'] = 'Cyprus', ['CZ'] = 'Czech Republic', ['DD'] = 'German Democratic Republic', ['DE'] = 'Germany', ['DJ'] = 'Djibouti', ['DK'] = 'Denmark', ['DM'] = 'Dominica', ['DO'] = 'Dominican Republic', ['DZ'] = 'Algeria', ['EC'] = 'Ecuador', ['EE'] = 'Estonia', ['EG'] = 'Egypt', ['EH'] = 'Western Sahara', ['ER'] = 'Eritrea', ['ES'] = 'Spain', ['ET'] = 'Ethiopia', ['FI'] = 'Finland', ['FJ'] = 'Fiji', ['FK'] = 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)', ['FM'] = 'Micronesia', ['FO'] = 'Faroe Islands', ['FR'] = 'France', ['FX'] = '"France, Metropolitan"', ['GA'] = 'Gabon', ['GB'] = 'United Kingdom (Great Britain)', ['GD'] = 'Grenada', ['GE'] = 'Georgia', ['GF'] = 'French Guiana', ['GH'] = 'Ghana', ['GI'] = 'Gibraltar', ['GL'] = 'Greenland', ['GM'] = 'Gambia', ['GN'] = 'Guinea', ['GP'] = 'Guadeloupe', ['GQ'] = 'Equatorial Guinea', ['GR'] = 'Greece', ['GS'] = 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', ['GT'] = 'Guatemala', ['GU'] = 'Guam', ['GW'] = 'Guinea-Bissau', ['GY'] = 'Guyana', ['HK'] = 'Hong Kong', ['HM'] = 'Heard & McDonald Islands', ['HN'] = 'Honduras', ['HR'] = 'Croatia', ['HT'] = 'Haiti', ['HU'] = 'Hungary', ['ID'] = 'Indonesia', ['IE'] = 'Ireland', ['IL'] = 'Israel', ['IN'] = 'India', ['IO'] = 'British Indian Ocean Territory', ['IQ'] = 'Iraq', ['IR'] = 'Islamic Republic of Iran', ['IS'] = 'Iceland', ['IT'] = 'Italy', ['JM'] = 'Jamaica', ['JO'] = 'Jordan', ['JP'] = 'Japan', ['KE'] = 'Kenya', ['KG'] = 'Kyrgyzstan', ['KH'] = 'Cambodia', ['KI'] = 'Kiribati', ['KM'] = 'Comoros', ['KN'] = 'St. Kitts and Nevis', ['KP'] = "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of'", ['KR'] = '"Korea, Republic of"', ['KW'] = 'Kuwait', ['KY'] = 'Cayman Islands', ['KZ'] = 'Kazakhstan', ['LA'] = "Lao People's Democratic Republic", ['LB'] = 'Lebanon', ['LC'] = 'Saint Lucia', ['LI'] = 'Liechtenstein', ['LK'] = 'Sri Lanka', ['LR'] = 'Liberia', ['LS'] = 'Lesotho', ['LT'] = 'Lithuania', ['LU'] = 'Luxembourg', ['LV'] = 'Latvia', ['LY'] = 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', ['MA'] = 'Morocco', ['MC'] = 'Monaco', ['MD'] = '"Moldova, Republic of"', ['MG'] = 'Madagascar', ['MH'] = 'Marshall Islands', ['ML'] = 'Mali', ['MM'] = 'Myanmar', ['MN'] = 'Mongolia', ['MO'] = 'Macau', ['MP'] = 'Northern Mariana Islands', ['MQ'] = 'Martinique', ['MR'] = 'Mauritania', ['MS'] = 'Monserrat', ['MT'] = 'Malta', ['MU'] = 'Mauritius', ['MV'] = 'Maldives', ['MW'] = 'Malawi', ['MX'] = 'Mexico', ['MY'] = 'Malaysia', ['MZ'] = 'Mozambique', ['NA'] = 'Nambia', ['NC'] = 'New Caledonia', ['NE'] = 'Niger', ['NF'] = 'Norfolk Island', ['NG'] = 'Nigeria', ['NI'] = 'Nicaragua', ['NL'] = 'Netherlands', ['NO'] = 'Norway', ['NP'] = 'Nepal', ['NR'] = 'Nauru', ['NT'] = 'Neutral Zone', ['NU'] = 'Niue', ['NZ'] = 'New Zealand', ['OM'] = 'Oman', ['PA'] = 'Panama', ['PE'] = 'Peru', ['PF'] = 'French Polynesia', ['PG'] = 'Papua New Guinea', ['PH'] = 'Philippines', ['PK'] = 'Pakistan', ['PL'] = 'Poland', ['PM'] = 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', ['PN'] = 'Pitcairn', ['PR'] = 'Puerto Rico', ['PT'] = 'Portugal', ['PW'] = 'Palau', ['PY'] = 'Paraguay', ['QA'] = 'Qatar', ['RE'] = 'R‚union', ['RO'] = 'Romania', ['RU'] = 'Russian Federation', ['RW'] = 'Rwanda', ['SA'] = 'Saudi Arabia', ['SB'] = 'Solomon Islands', ['SC'] = 'Seychelles', ['SD'] = 'Sudan', ['SE'] = 'Sweden', ['SG'] = 'Singapore', ['SH'] = 'St. Helena', ['SI'] = 'Slovenia', ['SJ'] = 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands', ['SK'] = 'Slovakia', ['SL'] = 'Sierra Leone', ['SM'] = 'San Marino', ['SN'] = 'Senegal', ['SO'] = 'Somalia', ['SR'] = 'Suriname', ['ST'] = 'Sao Tome & Principe', ['SU'] = 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (no longer exi', ['SV'] = 'El Salvador', ['SY'] = 'Syrian Arab Republic', ['SZ'] = 'Swaziland', ['TC'] = 'Turks & Caicos Islands', ['TD'] = 'Chad', ['TF'] = 'French Southern Territories', ['TG'] = 'Togo', ['TH'] = 'Thailand', ['TJ'] = 'Tajikistan', ['TK'] = 'Tokelau', ['TM'] = 'Turkmenistan', ['TN'] = 'Tunisia', ['TO'] = 'Tonga', ['TP'] = 'East Timor', ['TR'] = 'Turkey', ['TT'] = 'Trinidad & Tobago', ['TV'] = 'Tuvalu', ['TW'] = '"Taiwan, Province of China"', ['TZ'] = '"Tanzania, United Republic of"', ['UA'] = 'Ukraine', ['UG'] = 'Uganda', ['UM'] = 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', ['US'] = 'United States of America', ['UY'] = 'Uruguay', ['UZ'] = 'Uzbekistan', ['VA'] = 'Vatican City State (Holy See)', ['VC'] = 'St. Vincent & the Grenadines', ['VE'] = 'Venezuela', ['VG'] = 'British Virgin Islands', ['VI'] = 'United States Virgin Islands', ['VN'] = 'Viet Nam', ['VU'] = 'Vanuatu', ['WF'] = 'Wallis & Futuna Islands', ['WS'] = 'Samoa', ['YD'] = 'Democratic Yemen', ['YE'] = 'Yemen', ['YT'] = 'Mayotte', ['YU'] = 'Yugoslavia', ['ZA'] = 'South Africa', ['ZM'] = 'Zambia', ['ZR'] = 'Zaire', ['ZW'] = 'Zimbabwe', ['ZZ'] = 'Unknown' } This table was made by @csmit195 . Original Post: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=57205
If you want to use in client side you can use: local player = getElementsByType("player") local randomPlayer = player[math.random(1, #player)]
O simplemente usa: getPlayerName(source):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")
this is fuill code ? Of course no. But the full code it isn't needed.
I have this script: local pickups = {} addEvent("onPlayerTrash", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerTrash", root, function(wName, wAmmo) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local pickup = createPickup(x, y, z, 2, getWeaponIDFromName(wName), 1000, tonumber(wAmmo)) table.insert(pickups, pickup) if pickup then addEventHandler("onPickupHit", pickup, isRecentlyPickup) outputChatBox("*Has tirado correctamente el arma "..wName, source, 0, 255, 0) takeWeapon(source, getWeaponIDFromName(wName), tonumber(wAmmo)) else outputChatBox("*Ha ocurrido un error al tirar el arma. Reporta este bug en /report.", source, 255, 0, 0) end end ) function isRecentlyPickup() addEventHandler("onPickupHit", source, destroy) removeEventHandler("onPickupHit", source, isRecentlyPickup) cancelEvent() end function destroy() destroyElement(pickups[source]) pickups[source] = nil end But It's still respawn.
A mi tambien me gustaria saber que funciones se nesecitan. Si alguien puede responder, le agradeceria.
You must turn off the freeroam resource, or edit it.
Ahi ya tendrias que crearlo por SQLite o MySQL y obtener la ID.