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Everything posted by [S.K]

  1. [S.K]


    but where can we edit function
  2. [S.K]


    how can we add new Features to admin panel and how can we create a job
  3. [S.K]


    ok how can i add more Turf to it local pArea = createRadarArea( 2130, 630, 200, 100, 0, 255, 0, 175 ) local pArea2 = createRadarArea( 2488.8793945313, 680.78289794922, 250, 130, 0, 255, 0, 175 ) local pCuboid = createColCuboid( 2133.1950683594, 633.66455078125, 10, 197.5, 92, 30 ) local pCuboid2 = createColCuboid( 2486.5935058594, 678.20172119141, 9.5689830780029, 245, 133, 30 ) local pArea3 = createRadarArea( 1858, 623, 140, 165, 0, 255, 0, 175 ) local pCuboid3 = createColCuboid( 1856.2864990234, 627.07629394531, 9, 138.25, 152.75, 30 ) local pArea4 = createRadarArea( 1577, 663, 180, 130, 0, 255, 0, 175 ) local pCuboid4 = createColCuboid( 1576.8956298828, 662.84362792969, 9.671875, 181, 120.5, 30 ) local pArea4 = createRadarArea( 2778, 834, 110, 190, 0, 255, 0, 175 ) local pCuboid4 = createColCuboid( 2777.4248046875, 833.88018798828, 9.6484375, 113.5, 188, 30 ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() outputDebugString("Turf system by Enjoy ( manve ) |~| Has been turned on!") -- Please don't remove this =) end ) function info() ---- dont remove this please outputChatBox("------||~ INFO ~||------",source,0,255,0) outputChatBox("Made by: Salman",source,255,255,0) outputChatBox("Helpers: Salman Community ",source,255,255,0) outputChatBox("Testers: Enjoy ",source,255,255,0) outputChatBox("Have Fun turfing",source,255,255,0) outputChatBox("------||~ END ~||------",source,255,0,0) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, info) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) -- you should have added player param here if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid ) then outputChatBox("------||~ INFO ~||------", p, 0,255,0) outputChatBox("Turf owners: coming soon!", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Taken time: 10minutes.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Wait 10min to take turf.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("------||~ END ~||------", p, 255,0,0) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, true ) local pTeam = getPlayerTeam( p ) -- source is the col shape, you should use 'p', the player arg local iR, iG, iB = getTeamColor( pTeam ) setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea, iR, iG, iB, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "Congratulations, #FFFF00 you have taken the turf!", p, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else outputChatBox("Get in a group first!",p, 255, 0, 0) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( ) if( source == pCuboid ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea, false ) end end ) ----------------------------- addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) -- you should have added player param here if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid2 ) then outputChatBox("------||~ INFO ~||------", p, 0,255,0) outputChatBox("Turf owners: coming soon!", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Taken time: 10minutes.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Wait 10min to take turf.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("------||~ END ~||------", p, 255,0,0) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, true ) local pTeam2 = getPlayerTeam( p ) -- source is the col shape, you should use 'p', the player arg local iR2, iG2, iB2 = getTeamColor( pTeam2 ) setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea2, iR2, iG2, iB2, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "Congratulations, #FFFF00 you have taken the turf!", p, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else outputChatBox("Get in a group first!",p, 255, 0, 0) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( ) if( source == pCuboid2 ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea2, false ) end end ) ------------------------------------ addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) -- you should have added player param here if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid3 ) then outputChatBox("------||~ INFO ~||------", p, 0,255,0) outputChatBox("Turf owners: coming soon!", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Taken time: 10minutes.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Wait 10min to take turf.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("------||~ END ~||------", p, 255,0,0) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, true ) local pTeam3 = getPlayerTeam( p ) -- source is the col shape, you should use 'p', the player arg local iR2, iG2, iB2 = getTeamColor( pTeam3 ) setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea3, iR2, iG2, iB2, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "Congratulations, #FFFF00 you have taken the turf!", p, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else outputChatBox("Get in a group first!",p, 255, 0, 0) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( ) if( source == pCuboid3 ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea3, false ) end end ) ------------------------------------- addEventHandler( 'onColShapeHit', root, function( p ) -- you should have added player param here if (getPlayerTeam( p )) then if( source == pCuboid4 ) then outputChatBox("------||~ INFO ~||------", p, 0,255,0) outputChatBox("Turf owners: coming soon!", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Taken time: 10minutes.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("Wait 10min to take turf.", p, 255,255,0) outputChatBox("------||~ END ~||------", p, 255,0,0) setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, true ) local pTeam4 = getPlayerTeam( p ) -- source is the col shape, you should use 'p', the player arg local iR2, iG2, iB2 = getTeamColor( pTeam4 ) setTimer( function() setRadarAreaColor (pArea4, iR2, iG2, iB2, 100); givePlayerMoney( p, 4000 ); outputChatBox( "Congratulations, #FFFF00 you have taken the turf!", p, 0, 255, 0, true ); setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, false ) end, 600000, 1 ) end else outputChatBox("Get in a group first!",p, 255, 0, 0) end end ) addEventHandler( 'onColShapeLeave', root, function( ) if( source == pCuboid4 ) then setRadarAreaFlashing( pArea4, false ) end end )
  4. [S.K]


    i ask about this resourceRoot' where to post it in my script
  5. [S.K]


    ok as you want function createTheGate () gate1 = createObject ( 980, 96.638481140137, 1919.9578857422, 18.146516799927, 0, 0, 90 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), createTheGate ) function openMyGate ( ) moveObject ( gate1, 980, 2237.6000976563, 2784.8999023438, 12.60000038147 ) setTimer ( movingMyGateBack, 5000, 1 ) end addCommandHandler("salman",openMyGate) function movingMyGateBack () moveObject ( gate1, 980, 96.638481140137, 1919.9578857422, 18.146516799927 ) end
  6. [S.K]


    plz tell me where to post it
  7. [S.K]


    it work and it is easy ty but can i make from this a Job or give cars
  8. [S.K]


    how can i createmarker.
  9. [S.K]


    what is wrong at this function CreateMarker () createmarker = -1645.7694091797, 433.41793823242, 7.1796875 fadeCamera(source, true) setCameraTarget(source, source) outputChatBox("Welcome to My Server", source) end addEventHandler("marker", getRootElement(), Marker)
  10. [S.K]


    https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction this is very hard cant understand it
  11. [S.K]


    I Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed free script cause i have no paypal
  12. [S.K]


    simple i will build them one Bank Robbery and Turfing And Bus Job
  13. [S.K]


    ok wanna join my server and look all script which i have some are missing only and no one cant help for free
  14. [S.K]


    did you Get This i dont get it
  15. [S.K]


    what you dont get
  16. [S.K]


    what do mean ? i dont Translate and i speak English i speak three lang English,Urdu,Pashto clear and i need script for me server
  17. [S.K]


    but i dont have paypal so plz
  18. [S.K]


    plz guyz i need free scripting the server is 50% already script
  19. [S.K]

    Look this

    plz script with me for free plz i am only 10 years
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