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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. I meant about the team checking if you didn't then use the following : getPlayerTeam getTeamName
  2. Show us what you did?
  3. على الرحب والسعه
  4. iPrestege


    function test ( ) local curAcc = getPlayerAccount(source) if isGuestAccount ( curAcc ) then return false end setAccountData(curAcc,"Test",true) setTimer ( function ( source ) spawnPlayer(source,1186, -1323, 14 + 0.5,0,skin) setElementHealth (source,100) end,7500,1,source) end P.S : Is skin defined in the spawnPlayer func?
  5. GUIEditor = { tab = {}, tabpanel = {}, label = {}, window = {}, memo = {} } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(479, 176, 398, 484, "القــوانــيـــن |BY REDBULL", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1],false) GUIEditor.tabpanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(10, 64, 349, 366, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.tab[1] = guiCreateTab("القوانين", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(7, 7, 332, 325, "السلام عليكم \nالقوانين كالأتي\nعدم السب بكل الاحوال-1\nعدم طلب ادمنيه او اي شيء-2\nعدم التخريب على الغير -3\nلا تشتكي على احد اذا فعل شيء سخيف-4\nمخالفه القوانين ممنوعه و يرجا الاتزام بها\nومخالفه اي قانون سيجري اتخاذ الاجراءات عليك\n____________________________________________\nسيرفر محترفين الزومبي", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) GUIEditor.tab[2] = guiCreateTab("V.I.P الــ", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(10, 12, 329, 320, "السلام عليكم\nرتبه ال V.I.P\nيوجد بها ميزات كثيره و رائعه ولن يتم كتابه\nالمميازت هنا سنترك تعرفها بنفسك\nطريقة الحصول عليها ليس بالمال \nبل اذا حصلت على المستوى 800\nو لن تحصل عليها اذا اخذت اكثر من\n3 مخالفات من الادمنيه و المخالفات موجوده\nفي القوانين في اعلى الصفحه\n___________________________________________\nسيرفر محترفين الزومبي", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.tab[3] = guiCreateTab("الرتب", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.memo[3] = guiCreateMemo(7, 11, 332, 321, "السلام عليكم \nالرتب كالأتي\n1- ADMIN\n2- MODERATOR 1 & 2\n3- SUPERMODERATOR 1 & 2\n4- SPOURT\n5- V.I.P\n6- LEVEL1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5\n7- VOTE\n____________________________________________\nللحصول عليها اتبع القوانين في اعلى الصفحه", false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) GUIEditor.tab[4] = guiCreateTab("الادمنيه", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(107, 130, 157, 26, "قــوانــيــن خــاصـــه!", false, GUIEditor.tab[4]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 255, 0, 0) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(10, 440, 364, 38, "|{3.D}|ZOMBIE PRO", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "sa-header") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 32, 105, 10) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(20, 28, 329, 32, "COMING IN EN SOON!", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[3], 7, 12, 107) bindKey ( 'F2','down', function ( ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1],not guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ) ) showCursor ( guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ) ) end )
  6. iPrestege


    You're calling this function via what? 'Event - Command - Handler?'
  7. local turfPos = { { 2133.1950683594, 633.66455078125, 0, 197.5, 92, 90 }, { 2486.5935058594, 678.20172119141, 0, 245, 133, 30 }, { 1856.2864990234, 627.07629394531, 0, 138.25, 152.75, 90 }, { 1576.8956298828, 662.84362792969, 0, 181, 120.5, 90 }, { 1577.6783447266, 943.66607666016, 0, 190, 190, 90 }, { 1383.4364013672, 909.61499023438, 0, 142, 230, 90 }, { 956.94744873047, 1011.635925293, 0, 220, 140, 90 }, { 1017.7476196289, 1203.4068603516, 0, 180, 165, 90 }, { 1017.623046875, 1383.4741210938, 0, 190, 290, 90 }, { 917.99707031253, 1623.6003417969, 0, 80, 220, 90 }, { 1017.7178955078, 1862.6740722656, 0, 140, 180, 90 }, { 912.50573730469, 1958.6761474609, 0, 90, 230, 90 }, { 1017.3455200195, 2063.38671875, 0, 150, 300, 90 }, { 1300.7644042969, 2095.5100097656, 0, 200, 140, 90 }, { 1398.1997070313, 2323.5505371094, 0, 160, 65, 90 }, { 1578.1955566406, 2284.0825195313, 0, 180, 110, 90 }, { 1237.6285400391, 2581.4663085938, 0, 450, 130, 90 }, { 1780.478515625, 2567.2121582031, 0, 130, 130, 90 }, { 1698.2750244141, 2724.494140625, 0, 200, 150, 90 }, { 2237.9494628906, 2723.7814941406, 0, 180, 110, 90 }, { 2498.6853027344, 2704.6188964844, 0, 300, 140, 90 }, { 2798.1267089844, 2303.9643554688, 0, 120, 300, 90 }, { 2557.5688476563, 2243.4963378906, 0, 100, 230, 90 }, { 2532.5830078125, 2063.4118652344, 0, 100, 150, 90 }, { 2558.1779785156, 1624.0816650391, 0, 100, 300, 90 }, { 2437.685546875, 1483.7209472656, 0, 160, 120, 90 }, { 2077.7106933594, 1203.5559082031, 0, 340, 170, 90 }, { 2082.3193359375, 979.23583984375, 0, 270, 210, 90 } } local areaPos = { { 2130, 630, 200, 100 }, { 2488.8793945313, 680.78289794922, 250, 130 }, { 1858, 623, 140, 165 }, { 1577, 663, 180, 130 }, { 1577, 943, 185, 190 }, { 1383, 909, 120, 230 }, { 956, 1011, 220, 140 }, { 1017, 1203, 180, 165 }, { 1017, 1383, 190, 290 }, { 917, 1623, 80, 220 }, { 1017, 1862, 140, 180 }, { 912, 1958, 90, 240 }, { 1017, 2063, 150, 300 }, { 1300, 2092, 200, 140 }, { 1398, 2323, 160, 65 }, { 1578, 2284, 180, 110 }, { 1237, 2581, 450, 130 }, { 1780, 2567, 130, 130 }, { 1698, 2724, 200, 150 }, { 2237, 2723, 180, 110 }, { 2498, 2704, 300, 140 }, { 2798, 2303, 120, 300 }, { 2557, 2243, 100, 230 }, { 2532, 2063, 100, 150 }, { 2558, 1624, 100, 300 }, { 2437, 1483, 160, 120 }, { 2077, 1203, 340, 170}, { 2082, 979, 270, 210 } } local turfElement = {} local turfTimer = {} checkComplete = false addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Turf_System ( Turfs TEXT, GangOwner TEXT, r INT, g INT, b INT)") local check = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Turf_System" ) if #check == 0 then for i=1,#turfPos do executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO Turf_System(Turfs,GangOwner,r,g,b) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)", "Turf["..tostring(i).."]", "Nadie", 0, 255, 0) end end for i,v in ipairs(turfPos) do local sqlData = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM Turf_System WHERE Turfs=?", "Turf["..tostring(i).."]") local turfCol = createColCuboid(unpack(v)) setElementData(turfCol, "getTurfGang", sqlData[1].GangOwner) local arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4 = unpack(areaPos[i]) local turfArea = createRadarArea(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, sqlData[1].r, sqlData[1].g, sqlData[1].b, 175) turfElement[turfCol] = {turfCol, turfArea, i} end outputDebugString("Turf System by Sasuke* was started correctly!") end ) function radar ( player ) local turf,area,id = turfElement[player] if turf and area and source == turf then local playerGang = exports [ "groupsys" ]:getPlayerGroup( player ) local turfGang = executeSQLQuery("SELECT GangOwner FROM Turf_System WHERE Turfs=?", "Turf["..tostring(id).."]" ) if ( turfGang[1].GangOwner == playerGang ) then outputChatBox("This territory already belongs to "..turfGang[1].GangOwner or "None", player, 0, 255, 0, false) else if not getPlayerTeam(player) then return end local team = getPlayerTeam ( player ) if getPlayerName( player ) then local playerGang = exports [ "groupsys" ]:getPlayerGroup( player ) if ( isTimer ( turfTimer[source] ) ) then return end if ( playerGang ) then local r, g, b = exports [ "groupsys" ]:getGroupChatColor ( playerGang ) setRadarAreaFlashing ( area, true ) if turfGang[1].GangOwner ~= "Nadie" then outputChatBox("You enter into the "..turfGang[1].GangOwner.."'s turf zone. Wait 2 minutes to capture the turf and win 4k", player, 0, 255, 0, false) else outputChatBox("This turf do not belong to anyone. Wait 2 minutes to capture the turf and win 4k", player, 0, 255, 0, false) end turfTimer[source] = setTimer ( function ( ) local beachTurfCplayers = getElementColShape ( turf ) local players = getElementsWithinColShape ( turf, "player" ) setRadarAreaColor ( area, tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), 175 ) for _, player in ipairs ( players ) do if exports [ "groupsys" ]:getPlayerGroup( player ) == playerGang then outputChatBox("Congratulations. You capture the turf. +10K!", player, 0, 255, 0, false) triggerClientEvent("onTakeTurf", player) givePlayerMoney ( player, 10000 ) executeSQLQuery("UPDATE Turf_System SET GangOwner=?,r=?,g=?,b=? WHERE Turfs=?", playerGang, tonumber(r), tonumber(g), tonumber(b), "Turf["..tostring(id).."]" ) -- setElementData ( turf, "getTurfGang", playerGang ) end end setRadarAreaFlashing ( area, false ) end ,120000, 1) -- 120000, 2 min end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", root, radar ) Try that.
  8. Your account is smart?
  9. getPlayerTeam -- يجيب فريق الأعب getTeamName -- يجيب اسم الفريق باستخدامنا لهم مع بعض جبنا اسم تيم الاعب .
  10. فية امكانيه تختصر كذآ : local Data = { -- { x,y,z,type,size,r,g,b,alpha,ObjectID,ObjectX,ObjectY,ObjectZ,OpenTimer,CloseTimer } --[[ x = احداثي ماركر [ x ] y = احداثي ماركر [ y ] z = احداثي ماركر [ z ] type = نوع الماركر [ type ] size = حجم الماركر [ size ] r = لون الماركر [ r ] g = لون الماركر [ g ] b = لون الماركر [ b ] alpha = الفا الماكر الشفافيه [ alpha ] ObjectX = احداثي البوابة [ X ] ObjectY = احداثي البوابة [ Y ] ObjectZ = احداثي البوابة [ Z ] OpenTimer = وقت فتح الوابه [ Timer ] CloseTimer = وقت أغلاق البوابة [ Timer ] --]] } marker = {} object = {} addEventHandler('onResourceStart',resourceRoot, function ( ) for k,v in ipairs( Data ) do marker[k] = createMarker(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5],v[6],v[7],v[8],v[9]); setElementData(marker[k],'num',k) object[k] = createObject(v[10],v[11],v[12],v[13]); end for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( 'player' ) ) do bindKey ( player, 'tab', 'down', AlBab ) end end ) local move = {} function AlBab ( plr ) if (getPlayerTeam(plr) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(plr)) == 'Police') then local getMarker, num = getMarker( plr ) if getMarker then if not move[getMarker] then moveObject (object[num],Data[num][14],Data[num][11] +3,Data[num][12],Data[num][13]); move[getMarker] = true else moveObject (object[num],Data[num][15],Data[num][11],Data[num][12],Data[num][13]); move[getMarker] = nil end; end; end; end addEventHandler( 'onPlayerJoin', root, function ( ) bindKey ( source, 'tab', 'down', AlBab ) end ) function getMarker( plr ) for i, v in ipairs( marker ) do if isElementWithinMarker(plr, v) then return v, tonumber( getElementData(v,'num') ) end end return false,outputChatBox( '* يجب ان تكون في ماركر', plr, 255, 255, 0 ) end * الشرح موضوع مع الكود أعلاهـ ..
  11. اذا حبيت تعرف الوقت كم تقدر تستعين بـ جوجل أو تحول الدقايق بنفسك .. مثلاً تروح لـ جوجل و تكتب : 15 minutes to milliseconds راح يعطيك النتيحة : 900 000 milliseconds مايعادل : 900000 -- ربع ساعه أو تسوي كذآ بدون الاستعانه وتكون بالدقايق Minutes*60*1000 Minutes = تحط الوقت بالدقايق هذا مجرد اضافه للتطوير و الاستعانه به مستقبلاً .. بالتوفيق
  12. Sorry dude, By setting the alpha to 0 i don't think that there's a way to do it you can use dx not sure but it should do the job.
  13. Not working Did I wrote something bad? tLogUsername = guiCreateEdit(0.38, 0.255, 0.45, 0.06, "", true, tabLogin) guiSetProperty(tLogUsername, "NormalTextColour", "FFFFFFFF") guiSetAlpha(tLogUsername, 0) guiEditSetMaxLength(tLogUsername, 32) No but you can try another color try this ffff0000 also i remembered that it's working with memo not sure about edit's . P.S: Check wiki.
  14. Try with 'NormalTextColor' , Not sure but let's hope that it'll work .
  15. برستيج ممكن تشرحلى ها السطر ليش اكتب بهذا الشكل وماكتب هكذا if ( getPlayerTeam ( source ) and getTeamName ( source ) == "Name" ) then getTeamName ( source ) source هنا ترجع للاعب انت تبي تجيب اسم الفريق مايصلح ترجع للاعب ارجع للتيم مثل ماسويت.
  16. طيب سوي سيرفر الاصدار الجديد 1.4 عشان نشوف الاخطاء مع العلم ملفات السيرفر تلاقيها هنا nightly.multitheftauto.com حالياً فية سيرفر لكن فية مشكلة تحميل نحاول حلها viewtopic.php?f=106&t=73739 mtasa://
  17. Hi, Guys i'm trying to make a new server so we can test the version in 'Arabic' But i got a problem which is : Anyone had any idea how i can fix this? Regards, iPrestege
  18. iPrestege


    You can use this which has weapons shop and restaurants : Here . Otherwise : I think this should be enough to open a classic restaurant : setElementInterior createMarker getElementType 'onMarkerHit'
  19. iPrestege


    Stop the resource that called 'joinquit' .
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