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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. -- Server Side ... function walking(walking) setPedAnimation( johnny, "ped", "WOMAN_walknorm") end johnny = createPed( 79, 366.4220, -73.4700, 1001.5080 ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for k, i in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" )) do bindKey ( i, "u", "down", walking ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function () bindKey ( source, "u", "down", walking ) end )
  2. Hmm.. i think that to because i do that the ped jump for 1 time and the key won't bind -_-" dman : local johnny = createPed ( 120, 2068.70020 ,985.72357 ,10.67188 ) function Test() setPedControlState ( johnny, "jump", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", root , Test ) bindKey ("F4", "down", Test )
  3. You mean you want it for admin group or what ?
  4. So , Me to i try it and doesnot work and nothing in debugscript just wait some time .
  5. العفو واذا واجهت اي مشاكل اطرحها ونساعدك ( =
  6. function funcInput() setPedControlState ( johnny, "crouch", true ) end bindKey ( "F4", "both", funcInput ) addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot , funcInput )
  7. جربت هذا ؟؟ اي شغال تمام
  8. createMarker getElementType guiSetVisible showCursor "onClientMarkerHit"
  9. الكود للمعلومية سيرفر وحياك يا الغالي .
  10. تبدل الاوبجكت بـ ملفات txd , dff حق اللعبه الاصلية .
  11. العفو ولو ادري تطرح مواضيع كذا من اول ماصححت .
  12. onVehicleStartEnter -- Server PlaySound -- Client
  13. Serial = { ["سريالكـ"] = true, } addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick",root, function (old,new) local getSerial = getPlayerSerial (source) if ( new ~= "النكـ" ) then return end if ( new == "النكـ" and Serial[getSerial] ) then return outputChatBox ( "تم التحقق من اسمك بـ السريال بـ نجاح (=", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "لم يتم التحقق من الـ : السريال ويبدو انة ليس : النكـ", root, 255, 255, 0, true ) banPlayer ( source, false, false, true, source, "السبب" ) cancelEvent() end end )
  14. الايفنت تخريفي -_-" ماراح يشتغل
  15. مدري عنك اكيد لازم تعدل الصورة من جديد -_-" وش رآيكـ ذذ .
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