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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. createTeam setPlayerTeam spawnPlayer giveWeapon setTeamFriendlyFire triggerServerEvent "onClientGUIClick" --Event <
  2. مادري كيف بتسوية لوحة او او او ..الخ بس استعمل : createTeam setPlayerTeam spawnPlayer giveWeapon setTeamFriendlyFire triggerServerEvent
  3. مافية كود جاهز
  4. Yes that's what I thought, thank you anyway Anderl Sorry to bother you but i mean this topic he can use export function on server side? if he is trigger it if am right ? . Yes, as he and I said. Oh,Didn,t See That Just Now I Saw it , Thanks .
  5. Yes that's what I thought, thank you anyway Anderl Sorry to bother you but i mean this topic he can use export function on server side? if he is trigger it if am right ? .
  6. Use what? Functions that work on the client side!
  7. What You Mean ? Didn,t get it -_-" ? It's not for being DirectX functions that you can't call a client side function in server. Client side functions are created in the MTA client, server functions are in the server. They're not in the same Lua state so you can't call each others that way. Do you mean that you can not use it on the server side?
  8. Yes That , Right . function="Test" type="server"/> function="Test" type="client"/>
  9. What You Mean ? Didn,t get it -_-" ?
  10. function="FunctionName" type="client"/>
  11. Do You Mean if u Use it on the server side it won,t work?
  12. i know that but copy this and paste it on the add object : resource.KLAM-WS5
  13. Not resources !! Should to be : resource.KLAM-WS5 -_-"
  14. I've tested now and it works , Show you,re meta.xml .
  15. No Problem But Should Work On Server Side .
  16. Yes Script Name Add it To "Admin" Group "ACL" . Example : resource.Mute_System
  17. Words = { ["sever"] = true, } ----- Muting Function addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), function(msg, msgType) local theMsg = msg if Words[theMsg] then cancelEvent() pName = getPlayerName(source) outputChatBox(" (( #FFFFFF".. pName .." #ff0000 )) #808080 Have Been Muted By Consle Rason = Bad Mouth",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) setPlayerMuted(source, true) setTimer (function ( player ) setPlayerMuted (player, false ) outputChatBox(" (( #FFFFFF".. pName .." #0000ff )) #ff0000 You Have Been UnMuted By Consle Don't Try That Agine",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) end, 300000,1, source ) end end ) Should Have Admin Rights | resource.Name
  18. Next Time Use Lua/Lua Tag Same This : function changeColor ( ButtonC ) if ButtonC == "left" then local number4 = guiGetText(TextC) number4 = tonumber(number4) if not number4 then outputChatBox( "Invalid input, use numbers only!", 255, 255, 255) return false end triggerServerEvent("onColorChangeRequest",getLocalPlayer(),number4) end end
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