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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. بيكرر الاسم في القريد وبيسبب لاق استخدم : guiGridListClear
  2. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=50659&p=494538&hilit=ToolTips#p494538 التحريك : setTimer guiSetPosition guiGetPosition
  3. local rx, ry = guiGetScreenSize() local x2, y2 = rx / 2, ry / 2 local Gang = {} local label = {} local GangBut = {} Gang[1] = guiCreateWindow(x2 - 168, y2 - 209, 336, 418, "Group System | You're Name xD", false) label[2] = guiCreateLabel(10, 99, 314, 16, "_____________________________________________", false, Gang[1]) label[5] = guiCreateLabel(8, 303, 319, 16, "_____________________________________________", false, Gang[1]) label[1] = guiCreateLabel(11, 29, 109, 22, "Create a Group:", false, Gang[1]) label[3] = guiCreateLabel(12, 120, 287, 18, "Group Name:", false, Gang[1]) label[4] = guiCreateLabel(10, 177, 240, 20, "Group Invites: 0", false, Gang[1]) label[6] = guiCreateLabel(10, 237, 149, 20, "Group Info:", false, Gang[1]) label[7] = guiCreateLabel(13, 331, 148, 19, "Group Administration:", false, Gang[1]) createGangEdit = guiCreateEdit(11, 55, 183, 35, "", false, Gang[1]) createGangBut = guiCreateButton(202, 54, 120, 35, "Create Group", false, Gang[1]) viewMembersBut = guiCreateButton(12, 143, 192, 26, "View My Group Members", false, Gang[1]) viewGangInvites = guiCreateButton(12, 201, 193, 28, "View My Group Invites", false, Gang[1]) gangAdminBut = guiCreateButton(264, 334, 56, 68, "Group Leader Admin", false, Gang[1]) gangInfoBut = guiCreateButton(13, 263, 194, 28, "View/Edit My Group Info", false, Gang[1]) leaveGangBut = guiCreateButton(263, 126, 56, 61, "Leave Group", false, Gang[1]) inviteBut = guiCreateButton(14, 360, 151, 33, "Invite Player to Group", false, Gang[1]) viewGangListBut = guiCreateButton(246, 205, 73, 41, "View Group List", false, Gang[1]) GangBut[2] = guiCreateButton(247, 252, 73, 41, "Close Window", false, Gang[1]) اللي حاب يسوي
  4. كودك كيف يحدث الاعبين؟
  5. خل اعتقداتك لـ نفسك لا فيها اوامر امر اغلق لوحه من اف 6 ههههههههههههه ظريف مثلا؟
  6. Yes, this way will decompile the file
  7. وعليكم السلامم , يعطيك العافية سورا بس السكربت فية خطأ بسيط ذذ؟ الازرار ماهي مركبة صح باللوحة ؟ لاني بس اضغط شيء بالقريد يختفي الازرار تروح خلف القريد # ومشكور عـ السكربت ( = تقبل مروري #
  8. function sigarette ( thePlayer, commandName ) x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) exports [ "bone_attach" ]:attachElementToBone ( sig, thePlayer,1,-0.01,-0.01,-0.02,90,90,0) sig = createObject ( 1485,x,y,z) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "jump", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "sprint", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "crouch", false ) end addCommandHandler ( "smoke", sigarette ) function sigarette ( thePlayer, commandName ) destroyElement(sig) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "jump", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "sprint", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "crouch", true ) end addCommandHandler ( "smokeoff", sigarette )
  9. This is true, but everything is fine now thanks .
  10. I Don't Mean You I Mean Who Ask It's Possible Or What? That's All. And i Speak in arabic to the arabic people understand me and you .
  11. تبية لوحة أو bindKey?
  12. لول .. انت عارف هو زر GUI او Key
  13. getPlayerMoney takePlayerMoney setElementHealth triggerServerEvent "onClientGUIClick
  14. Do you have a problem in consideration for this post? Or what? If you do not know the meaning of reply, he says in Arabic: يمديك تسوية عادي ذذ
  15. Don't use that one, it's from 2008. For the latest resource updates go to MTA:SA Google Code page. Here, found it: http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resource ... p&can=2&q= Ah,Thanks just am using the community from year's .
  16. Ok,Thanks am using opera now and work's fine .
  17. I do not have a backup, but you can look here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=9
  18. منافسة ايش؟ لا نخلي مسار الموضوع #
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