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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. iPrestege

    Problem in MTA

    After download the "MTADiag" You have to follow the instructions and choose the version you have and check for problems ...etc after that you will get a pastebin url active it and post it to Town .
  2. iPrestege


    nothing marker but i want all pickup not to one script and i want droped like that photo Post your code this was should work .
  3. guiGridListGetSelectedItem getPlayerFromName
  4. iPrestege


    You Can Do Like That e.g ; addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) local x,y,z = x,y,z -- Put the Pickup and Marker Position -- put it the same the marker and the pickup! local pickup = createPickup( x,y,z -0.3,3,1212 ); local marker = createMarker( x,y,z,"corona",1,0, 255, 0, 100 ); local element = attachElements( pickup,marker ); end ); Can you test it and tell me the results you get .
  5. Use ; createTeam setPlayerTeam triggerServerEvent outputChatBox cancelEvent "onPlayerChat" "onClientResourceStart"
  6. + قبل كل هذا onPlayerJoin then setPlayerTeam لو تلاحظ قلتها بـ الرد الاول ^
  7. تسوي onClientResourceStart then triggerServerEvent then setPlayerTeam To nil Team .
  8. تسوي تيم وتحطة فية وتسوي تعديل على التاج
  9. Markers = { {902.95196,-3810.00244,-0.55000, "checkpoint",5, 0, 255, 0, 170 }, {836.29919,-3749.23046,-0.55000, "checkpoint",5, 0, 0, 255, 170}, {708.62615,-3855.13085,-0.55000, "checkpoint",5, 255, 0, 0, 170}, {993.61877,-3796.88793,10.31985, "ring",6, 0, 255, 0, 170}, {1131.90075,-3832.30273,7.55000, "ring",6, 255, 255, 0, 170}, {1187.44982,-3777.85327,7.55000, "ring",6, 0, 255, 0, 170} } for _,v in ipairs ( Markers ) do -- CreateMarker end
  10. This function can change an element's visibility. This does not work with all entities - vehicles, players and objects are exempt. This is because these objects are required for accurate sync (they're physical objects). local Marker = createMarker ( 1544.29223, -1354.51025, 328.47225, "cylinder",5, 255, 255, 255, 170 ); function Hit(player) if ( getElementType(player) == "player" ) then triggerClientEvent(player,"Ped",player) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",Marker,Hit) peds = { {120, 1566.41735, -1259.45605, 277.8813, 160}, {17, 1555.38732, -1256.55517, 277.88281, 160}, {120, 1562.02270, -1257.09252, 277.88055, 160}, {120, 1567.18994, -1257.94104, 277.88076, 160}, {120, 1567.26599, -1227.53027, 277.87860, 160}, {120, 1573.79064, -1230.17395, 277.87701, 160}, {120, 1580.79064, -1230.18395, 277.87701, 160}, {120, 1500.40454, -1224.24951, 277.87976, 160} } addEvent("Ped",true) addEventHandler("Ped",root, function() for k,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("ped",resourceRoot) ) do destroyElement(v) end for k,v in ipairs ( peds ) do createPed(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5]) end end) تسلم لـ التعديل بس الغريب انة مابين انة يتكرر الا لمآ ذبحت بيد وطلع ورآهـ 10 تسلم ,
  11. شغال جربتة ضربت البيد ولمست اكثر من مرة الماركر ؟
  12. اطرح الكود الي مسوي منة تريقر اجربة
  13. 1 = القيمة الاولى من الجدول الاي دي مايهم عدد البيد لو يكون 1000 2= اححداثي 3- احداثي 4- احداثي 5- الدوران #,
  14. تحط الكاميرا ماتركس؟ كيف بيلعب اذا دخل؟؟؟ ممكن يكون كذا ؟ + ما نتبهت للكاميرا ماتركس addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() showTextForPlayer ( source, 6000, 255, 0, 0, 1.5, "Wlecom To Server Drift & Gang Wars") showTextForPlayer1 ( source, 6000, 255, 0, 0, 1.5, "Please wait to download all server resources....!") setCameraMatrix(source,512.2, -1263.57, 32.53,542.16, -1287.07, 17.24) setTimer ( function() fadeCamera(true) setCameraTarget(source, source) end, 5000, 1 ) end ) لا تحط ماتركس!
  15. الاعب و لا القيم؟ نفسة؟ يعني هو يسرع يصير كل شيء حولة سريع مثلا يصير كل شيء يشوفة سريع صح؟ setGameSpeed
  16. peds = { {id,x,y,z,rot}, {id,x,y,z,rot}, {id,x,y,z,rot}, {id,x,y,z,rot}, {id,x,y,z,rot}, {id,x,y,z,rot}, {id,x,y,z,rot}, {id,x,y,z,rot} } addEvent("Ped",true) addEventHandler("Ped",root, function() if isElement( Ped ) then destroyElement(Ped) Ped = nil end for k,v in ipairs ( peds ) do Ped = createPed(v[1],v[2],v[3],v[4],v[5]) end end )
  17. مهي مطلوبة بس لو حبيت استخدم الفنكشن وسوي شات بوكس او كليب بورد ..ألخ المهم توجة الكاميرا على مكان وتجيبها بالفنكشن ذا getCameraMatrix
  18. Required Arguments thePlayer: The player whose camera is to be changed. positionX: The x coordinate of the camera's position. positionY: The y coordinate of the camera's position. positionZ: The z coordinate of the camera's position. Optional Arguments lookAtX: The x coordinate of the point the camera faces. lookAtY: The y coordinate of the point the camera faces. lookAtZ: The z coordinate of the point the camera faces.
  19. addEvent("Ped",true) addEventHandler("Ped",root, function() if isElement( ped ) then destroyElement(ped) ped = nil end ped = createPed ( 120, 1566.41735, -1259.45605, 277.8813, 160 ); end)
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