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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Am not sure but i think should i replace this with my gta files? https://community.multitheftauto.com/data.zip
  2. Hello Mta I Need Help Please I Can't Wait Any More I Need To Play! What's This Problem When I Enter To My Own Server I Get This Msg "You were kicked from the game(SD #13@COBA4A7F) " ??pastebin ; http://pastebin.com/cFvx8RyH Help Me Please !
  3. You want to save the nick or what?
  4. iPrestege


    Post the meta.xml file .
  5. Ah Yah Thank's Fixed And Work .
  6. اكيد لازم تسويها تقدر تسوي كذا addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker2, function ( player ) if ( getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then destroyElement(marker2) marker2 = nil end end ) وتسوي وظيفة ثانية تسويه if isElement(marker2) then destroyElement(marker2) marker2 = nil end marker2 = createMarker(..)
  7. لم يتم التجربة : addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker2, function ( player ) if ( getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then setElementVisibleTo ( marker2,getRootElement(),false ) end end )
  8. لا هذا يحذفة نهائي مثل ماقلت
  9. addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker2, function ( player ) if ( getElementType ( player ) == "player" ) then destroyElement(marker2) marker2 = nil end end )
  10. ححاول اكثر من مرة = عجز
  11. outputChatBox("mohssan", source, 255, 0, 0, true) source للايفنت هو الماركر يصير كذا : outputChatBox("mohssan", player, 255, 0, 0, true)
  12. vehicle[player] = createVehicle(id,x,y,z) id = حط اي دي السيارة x,y,z = مكان اللي يسوية فيها
  13. انسخ الاخير هذا ^ و الانشاء لانة شال الماركر حق السيارة يسوية ثانية
  14. عشآن لا طلع تنسحب السيارة عشان الاق -- مخالف
  15. اعذرني كودك ماله اي معنى حآول ثآنية ورآجع الويكي زين
  16. 1- I Have A Gui Panel With Memo I Want To Set The Player Who Send The Msg Using Send Btn And if you want the full client script i can send it . 2- Yes i change it .
  17. Hmmm.... i get the same "nil" but i have another problem now when i press send button show my serial on the grid and not my name?
  18. -- Client Side When Any Player Click The Send Msg Button -- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function ( ) if ( source == GUIEditor.button[1] ) then local Number = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) local Url = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]) local Name = getPlayerName(localPlayer) local Serial = getPlayerSerial(localPlayer) if ( Number == "" or Number == " " or Number == " " or Number == " " or Number == " " ) then return outputChatBox("* Check Number!",255,0,0,true) end if ( Url == "" or Url == " " or Url == " " or Url == " " or Url == " " ) then return outputChatBox("* Check The Url!",255,0,0,true) end triggerServerEvent("SendRequest",localPlayer,Number,Url,Name,Serial) outputChatBox("* Send It!",0,255,0,true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]," ") guiSetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]," ") playSoundFrontEnd(11) end end ) -- Full Server Code -- addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) executeSQLQuery ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Receiving_System (Number,Url,Name,Serial)" ) end ) function setReceiving_System ( Number, Url, Serial, Name ) return executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO `Receiving_System` ( `Number`, `Url`, `Serial`, `Name` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )", Number, Url, Serial, Name ) end function SelectFromSql ( ) local data = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM Receiving_System" ) if ( type ( data ) == "table" and #data == 0) or not data then return { } else return data end end function UpDateListInSql ( element ) if ( not isElement ( element ) ) then return end local Upsql = SelectFromSql ( ) triggerClientEvent ( element, "CreateListRequest", element, Upsql ) end addEvent ( "RefreshSQLData", true ) addEventHandler ( "RefreshSQLData", root, function ( ) UpDateListInSql ( source ) end ) addEvent ( "SendRequest", true ) addEventHandler ( "SendRequest", root, function ( Number, Url, Serial, Name ) setReceiving_System ( Number, Url, Serial, Name ) triggerClientEvent ( root, "ListRequest", root, Number, Url, Serial, Name ) end ) addEvent ( "ReadMsg", true ) addEventHandler ( "ReadMsg", root, function ( Number, Url, Serial, Name ) triggerClientEvent ( source,"ClientMsg",source,Number, Url, Serial, Name) end )
  19. التايمر وذا لاق وانصحك ماتسويها لانها معقدة شوي
  20. scale: A floating point value indicating the scale of the text. The default is 1.0, which is around 12pt. ذا الارقمنت
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