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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Which Line? And there's no error's on the debug?
  2. ضيفة لـ قروب الادمن؟ resource. ?
  3. لم يتم التجربة .. -- Client -- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function ( ) if ( source == GUIEditor_Button[5] ) then local Player = guiGridListGetItemText ( GUIEditor_Grid[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( GUIEditor_Grid[1] ), 1 ) if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor_Grid[1]) == -1 ) then return outputChatBox("الرجاء اختيار لاعب ..") end triggerServerEvent("KickSelectedPlayer",localPlayer,Player) end end ) -- Server -- addEvent("KickSelectedPlayer",true) addEventHandler("KickSelectedPlayer",getRootElement(), function ( Player ) SelectedElement = getPlayerFromName ( Player ) if ( SelectedElement ) then kickPlayer( SelectedElement,"Reason" ) end end ) بالتوفيق و لاتنسى تضيفة السكربت لـ الصلاحيات بـ الادمن ...
  4. خطأ لآزم تجيب الاعب من القريد وتسوي -- client -- guiGridListGetItemText guiGridListGetSelectedItem -- server -- getPlayerFromName وارسلها اللي من الكلنت بالترايقر وجيب اسم الاعب من السيرفر ,
  5. اي السورس للايفنت الاعب
  6. if (getElementModel(source) == 411) then هنآ تجيب شخصية الاعب ؟ وسوية جدول آحسن / =
  7. اطرح الكود الكلنت و السيرفر آشوفهم ..؟
  8. طيب؟ صح عليه كودك يوم يسجل خروج ويطلع عشان تنسحب عشان الاق ..
  9. iPrestege

    big problem

    You have to translate this to English Language !
  10. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809 -- ^ مهمة https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=39678 -- مهمة ^
  11. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",Button, function ( ) local element = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( element ) then setElementPosition ( element,x,y,z ) else setElementPosition ( localPlayer,x,y,z ) end end )
  12. ينقل السيارة بس ذذ خزن السيارة كقيمة متغير, يعني شي = السيارة وبعدين سوي النقل للشي ذذ لا ينقل الاعب هو والسيارهـ (( =
  13. لازم تنقل السيارهـ واللبيد = الاعب اللي فيها ,
  14. No, i will give them this ver to try it soon .
  15. His EXE is fine. You can see that from the MD5 found in his pastebin URL. MD5sum for C:\Users\USER\Desktop\GTA-SA\gta_sa.exe: 170b3a9108687b26da2d8901c6948a18 Value should be: 170b3a9108687b26da2d8901c6948a18 (HOODLUM 1.0) Ah, Yes i just download the driver that Twon give me and work's fine but there's much people have the same problem i don't know what should i told them ?
  16. حتى لو تسوية بـ الداتا بيتحقق انة معكـ الداتا .. ويحسب الايفنت و يشيلة نهائيا عن الكل ( ( =
  17. No that's wrong post the script when you create the object ?
  18. You're welcome Good luck .
  19. Would you like to tell us what's the problem now?
  20. If Will Try this ; client ; VehiclesID = { [470]=true,[422]=true,[437]=true,[433]=true,[497]=true,[478]=true,[468]=true } local allow = nil addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function ( ) setTimer( function ( ) if allow then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if not vehicle then return end if isElementInWater ( vehicle ) then if ( VehiclesID[getElementModel(vehicle)] ) then setTimer( function( ) allow = true triggerServerEvent("Data",localPlayer,vehicle) end,1000,1) end end end,250,0) end ) addEvent("allow",true) addEventHandler("allow",root, function () allow = nil end ) server ; addEvent("Data",true) addEventHandler("Data",root, function ( vehicle ) if not isPedInVehicle(source) then return end blowVehicle( vehicle ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.".. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then outputChatBox("* The Player ; "..getPlayerName(source).." Vehicle Has Been Blowed!",getRootElement(),0,255,255,true) end triggerClientEvent(source,"allow",source) end ) And tell me what happened .
  21. Ah witch group you want to see it? Group Name = ?
  22. You can edit the main window post client side .
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