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اول 3 ارقمنتات بعد الاحداثيات ..
سوية المتغير واحد مثآل : MySound = playSound(arg) MySound = playSound(arg) وسوي شروط مايكرر .. بـ حيث مآيكون فية مشـاكل نهائيا ..
It work's thanks
حيآكـ الله : )
كذآ خطأ !! مثآل : MySound = playSound("1.mp3",true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIScroll",GUIEditor_Scrollbar[1], function( ) local Scroll = guiScrollBarGetScrollPosition(GUIEditor_Scrollbar[1]) Volume = Scroll / 100 if not isElement( MySound ) then return end setSoundVolume(MySound,Volume) end,false )
ورني كودك
يعطيكـ العافية (( = بالتوفيق شرح كويس
يعني اللي تشغل فية الصوت sound = playSound(...)
! وظيفة رائعة فوق الصفر وأصغر من 255 r, g, b بس المفروض تتحقق من إن قيم لآ عآيدي : ) اللي بـ يستخدمها اذا مآشتغل اللون يتحول لـ آحمر تلقآئي ..
Doesn't work any more ! I Cant see the information now in the vehicle or with out it ._, @ SolidSnake Yes return to the PlayerName and You See i send "Player" from the Client GridText and i get bad argument @ getTeamName and nothing work DNL!
Go to L Then Lua .
[2013-04-26 05:24:37] WARNING: MyAdmin\Server.lua:21: Bad argument @ 'getElementModel' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean] [2013-04-26 05:24:37] WARNING: MyAdmin\Server.lua:22: Bad argument @ 'getVehicleName' [2013-04-26 05:24:37] WARNING: MyAdmin\Server.lua:23: Bad argument @ 'getElementHealth' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean] and getTeamName to !
Client : attempt to concatenate local 'VehicleName' (a nil value)
If you're not in a vehicle, the rest of the code will not run. ._. Ah , you are right -.- fuckn mistake but i want to check if not isPedInVehicle then return end and not getTheModel of the vehicle ! and the name ?
Nothing -.- .
@ No error's but the event not triggered to the client side -.- the problem is on the server side but i don't know where is it .
Can you PM me the full code, so i can try to fix? (I hate trying to script, if i don't know what the result is ) Will the problem is the event not triggered i outputChatBox after trigger it but nothing !
Bad argument @ getPlayerName Expected element at argument 1,got string 'Mr.Pres[T]ege' !
Hello Guys Am Working On My Own Script But I Have A Simple Problem! The Problem Is When I Click On The Grid List The Grid Trigger The Event To The Server But The Server Trigger To Client But The Client Doesn't Set The Text On The Panel ; -- Client -- addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",guiRoot, function ( button , state , absoluteX , absoluteY ) local Player = guiGridListGetItemText ( MyAdmin.gridlist[1], guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( MyAdmin.gridlist[1] ), 1 ) if ( source == MyAdmin.gridlist[1] ) then if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem(MyAdmin.gridlist[1]) ~= -1 ) then triggerServerEvent("GetData",localPlayer,Player) else guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[2],"Nick : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[3],"Account Name : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[4],"IP : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[5],"Serial : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[6],"Verison : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[8],"Health : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[9],"Armor : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[10],"Skin : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[11],"Team : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[13],"Money : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[14],"X : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[16],"Y : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[16],"Z : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[17],"Area : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[18],"Dimenison : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[19],"Interior : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[21],"Vehicle ID/Name : N/A") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[22],"Vehicle Health : N/A") end end end ) addEvent("SetTextSelectedPlayerInfo",true) addEventHandler("SetTextSelectedPlayerInfo",getRootElement(), function ( Nick,AccountName,IP,Serial,Health,Armor,Skin,teamName,Money,x,y,z,Area,Dimenison,Interior,VehicleID,VehicleName,VehicleHealth ) guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[2],"Nick : "..Nick.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[3],"Account Name : "..AccountName.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[4],"IP : "..IP.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[5],"Serial : "..Serial.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[6],"Verison : Soon ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[8],"Health : "..Health.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[9],"Armor : "..Armor.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[10],"Skin : "..Skin.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[11],"Team : "..teamName.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[13],"Money : "..Money.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[14],"X : "..x.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[16],"Y : "..y.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[16],"Z : "..z.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[17],"Area : "..Area.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[18],"Dimenison : "..Dimenison.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[19],"Interior : "..Interior.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[21],"Vehicle ID/Name : "..VehicleID.." | "..VehicleName.." ") guiSetText(MyAdmin.label[22],"Vehicle Health : "..VehicleHealth.." ") end ) -- Server -- addEvent("GetData",true) addEventHandler("GetData",getRootElement(), function ( Player ) local element = getPlayerFromName(Player) local Nick = getPlayerName(element) local Account = getPlayerAccount(element) if Account then local AccountName = getAccountName(Account) or "N/A" local IP = getPlayerIP(element) local Serial = getPlayerSerial(element) local Health = getElementHealth(element) local Armor = getPedArmor(element) local Skin = getElementModel(element) local team = getPlayerTeam(element) if team then local teamName = getTeamName(team) or "N/A" local Money = getPlayerMoney(element) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(element) local Area = getZoneName ( x,y,z ) local Dimenison = getElementDimension(element) local Interior = getElementInterior(element) if not isPedInVehicle(element) then return end local VehicleID = getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) local VehicleName = getVehicleName(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) local VehicleHealth = getElementHealth(getPedOccupiedVehicle(element)) if ( element and Nick and AccountName and IP and Serial and Health and Armor and Skin and teamName and Money and x and y and z and Area and Dimenison and Interior ) then triggerClientEvent(source,"SetTextSelectedPlayerInfo",source,Nick,AccountName,IP,Serial,Health,Armor,Skin,teamName,Money,x,y,z,Area,Dimenison,Interior,VehicleID,VehicleName,VehicleHealth) end end end end ) I Hope Some One Will Help Me Thanks In Advance!
local marker = createMarker ( x,y,z, "cylinder",2, 0, 255, 0, 100 ) -- نسوي الماركر addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker, -- الايفنت function ( element ) -- وظيفة if ( getElementType ( element ) == ( "player" ) ) then -- يتحقق من اللي يلمس الماركر لاعب if ( getElementData ( element ,"ChangeStartHitMarker" ) == HiteMarker ) then -- يتحقق اذا كان فية داتا مايسوي الوظيفة outputChatBox("* لقد قمت بـ الدخول للماركر مسبقا عذرا لايممكننا عمل الوظيفة!",element)-- يطلع لة انة انت دخلت من قبل ! return -- يرجع element -- لالمنت الاعب end -- ينهيها setElementData ( element,"ChangeStartHitMarker",HiteMarker ) -- نسوي الداتا اذا ماكان ماخذها giveWeapon ( element,22,1 ) -- نعطية السلاح outputChatBox("* لقد حصلت على سلاح لايمكنك الدخول مرة اخرى!",element) -- مخرج شات end -- اغلاق end -- اغلاق ) -- اغلاق !
setElementData return getElementData
CreateTextItem Server : Function السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاتة .. آخبآركم آن شاء الله آلكل بـ صحة و سلآمةة .. اليوم حبيت اطرح وظيفة مفيدهـ و تسهل عليكـ بـ حيث تقدر تسوي كلام بـكل سهولة وبسآطة تآبع الامثلة و السآينتكس # Function Syntax : [color=#FF8000]CreateTextItem[/color] bool CreateTextItem ( player playerToAdd , time, int red = 255, int green = 255, int blue = 255, float scale = 1, string text, [ float x, float y, string alignX = "left", string alignY = "top"] ) Required Arguments playerToAdd: The player that should observe the textdisplay. time: The number of times you want to the remove The textdisplay ,number of milliseconds (the minimum is 50)(1000 milliseconds = 1 second) red: A value between 0 and 255 indicating how red the text should be. green: A value between 0 and 255 indicating how green the text should be. blue: A value between 0 and 255 indicating how blue the text should be. scale: A floating point value indicating the scale of the text. The default is 1.0, which is around 12pt. text: A string of text you want to display Optional Arguments x: A floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how far across the screen the text should be shown, as a percentage of the width, from the left hand side. y: A floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how far down the screen the text should be shown, as a percentage of the height, from the top. scale: A floating point value indicating the scale of the text. The default is 1.0, which is around 12pt. alignX: A string representing the X-alignment of the text. ("left", "center", "right") alignY: A string representing the Y-alignment of the text. ("top", "center", "bottom") Source Function : function CreateTextItem ( player, time, r, g, b, scale, text, x, y, alignX, alignY) if not player or not time or not text then return end if not tonumber(r) and not tonumber(g) and not tonumber(b) then r, g, b = 255, 0, 0 end if not scale then scale = 1 end if ( isElement( player ) and type ( text ) == 'string' and tonumber( time) ) then local Display = textCreateDisplay () local newtextItem = textCreateTextItem ( text, x or 0.5, y or 0.5, 2, r, g, b, 255, scale, alignX or "center", alignY or "center" ) textDisplayAddText ( Display, newtextItem ) textDisplayAddObserver ( Display, player ) setTimer(textDestroyTextItem, time, 1, newtextItem) setTimer(textDestroyDisplay, time, 1, Display) end end Exmple | مثال Server : addCommandHandler("Create", function ( element , cmd , item ) local Text = tostring ( item ) if ( Text ) then CreateTextItem ( element, 5000, 255, 255, 0, 5,Text ) end end ) صفحة الوظيفة على الويكي : CreateTextItem و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركآتة ..
"onMarkerHit" destroyElement يسحب المآركر نهآئي ..