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Everything posted by iPrestege
createMarker 'onMarkerHit' getElementType isTimer setTimer isElementWithinMarker doesPedHaveJetPack removePedJetPack 'onMarkerLeave' isTimer killTimer
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == Roll~1 then waste = true end end) function onWaste() if waste then setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z) waste = false end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, onWaste)
Oh sorry i forgot the value in the set ped stat change this : setPedStat ( source,getAccountData (account,"save-stats".. stats) or nil,getAccountData (account,"save-stats".. stats) or 0 )
ان شاء الله
كذا ؟ addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if source == Roll~1 then waste = true end) function onWaste() if waste then setElementPosition(localPlayer, x, y, z) waste = false end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, onWaste) Roll~1 ? ورني وينة ومايصلح ~ ذذ
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then for stats = 69,81 do setAccountData ( account,"save-stats".. stats,getPedStat ( source,stats ) ) end for slot = 1, 12 do setAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot, getPedWeapon ( source, slot ) ) setAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot, getPedTotalAmmo ( source, slot ) ) end local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if ( team ) then setAccountData ( account, "save-team", getTeamName ( team ) ) setAccountData ( account,"save-wanted",getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local team = getTeamFromName ( getAccountData ( account, "save-team" ) ) if not ( team ) then outputChatBox ( "Get a Job NOOB", source ) return end setPlayerTeam ( source, team ) for slot = 1, 12 do local wep = getAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot ) local ammo = getAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot ) giveWeapon ( source, wep, ammo ) local playerWanted = getAccountData (account, "save-wanted") setPlayerWantedLevel ( source,playerWanted or 0 ) for stats = 69,81 do setPedStat ( source,getAccountData (account,"save-stats".. stats) or nil ) outputChatBox('SET PED STAT DONE',source) end end end end ) See if it output the chat box or no .
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then for stats = 69,81 do setAccountData ( account,"save-stats".. stats,getPedStat ( source,stats ) ) end for slot = 1, 12 do setAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot, getPedWeapon ( source, slot ) ) setAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot, getPedTotalAmmo ( source, slot ) ) end local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if ( team ) then setAccountData ( account, "save-team", getTeamName ( team ) ) setAccountData ( account,"save-wanted",getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local team = getTeamFromName ( getAccountData ( account, "save-team" ) ) if not ( team ) then outputChatBox ( "Get a Job NOOB", source ) return end setPlayerTeam ( source, team ) for slot = 1, 12 do local wep = getAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot ) local ammo = getAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot ) giveWeapon ( source, wep, ammo ) local playerWanted = getAccountData (account, "save-wanted") setPlayerWantedLevel ( source,playerWanted or 0 ) for stats = 69,81 do setPedStat ( source,getAccountData (account,"save-stats".. stats) ) end end end end )
تقدر بداتا : setElementData and getElementData or TAPL Func
ماحس اني فاهمك وضح
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then for stats = 69,81 do setAccountData ( account,"save-stats".. stats,getPedStat ( source,stats ) ) end for slot = 1, 12 do setAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot, getPedWeapon ( source, slot ) ) setAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot, getPedTotalAmmo ( source, slot ) ) end local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if ( team ) then setAccountData ( account, "save-team", getTeamName ( team ) ) setAccountData ( account,"save-wanted",getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local team = getTeamFromName ( getAccountData ( account, "save-team" ) ) if not ( team ) then outputChatBox ( "Get a Job NOOB", source ) return end setPlayerTeam ( source, team ) for slot = 1, 12 do local wep = getAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot ) local ammo = getAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot ) giveWeapon ( source, wep, ammo ) local playerWanted = getAccountData (account, "save-wanted") setPlayerWantedLevel ( source,playerWanted or 0 ) for stats = 69,81 do local stats = getAccountData (account,"save-stats".. stats) setPedStat ( source,stats ) end end end end )
مثل كنق ؟ على فكرة أنا بطلت ارد على ردودكـ لاني غسلت يدي منكـ خخخ لأنه بصراحة لو بجلس اصحح لكـ رح اغير الكود كامل + كل ما أحد يصحح لكك تقول سوري مانتبهت أو سهران أو مخي ملحوس < دايم ملحوس خخ على قولة أحمد لا لانكم فيكم نفسيه... الكود شغال ومافيه اخطاء لازم تعدلوه 360 درجه,, اممم شوف كودي و كودك وقلي الفرق كودك تايمر يضيف كلام ويسوي مليون قريد متكرر كودك حوسة يخبص الواحد ومدري هو جد شغال؟
حدث : onClientGUIClick وظائف : triggerServerEvent addEventHandler addEvent 'Event' function ( ) isPedDead ( ped or player ) setElementPosition
اهم شيء استفدت .. حياكـ الله ..
addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',Button, function ( ) if guiGetVisible ( OldWindow ) and not guiGetVisible ( NewWindow ) then guiSetVisible ( OldWindow , false ); guiSetVisible ( NewWindow , true ); end end,false ) Button = MyButton
^ انا اقل منك ذذ مالي الا سنة .. ذذ بس عموما موفق
Are you sure you have a wanted level ? And please see what the debug say .
ياخوي كودي تمام شكلك مبتدئ بالبرمجة شوف الويكي تأكد من اكواك ثانية اذا ماتبي تطرحة .. ذذذذذ
كودي تمام ومختصر بس الله العالم وش مشكلتك .. ذذ
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then for slot = 1, 12 do setAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot, getPedWeapon ( source, slot ) ) setAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot, getPedTotalAmmo ( source, slot ) ) end local team = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if ( team ) then setAccountData ( account, "save-team", getTeamName ( team ) ) setAccountData ( account,"save-wanted",getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( account and not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local team = getTeamFromName ( getAccountData ( account, "save-team" ) ) if not ( team ) then outputChatBox ( "Get a Job NOOB", source ) return end setPlayerTeam ( source, team ) for slot = 1, 12 do local wep = getAccountData ( account, "save-wep".. slot ) local ammo = getAccountData ( account, "save-ammo".. slot ) giveWeapon ( source, wep, ammo ) local playerWanted = getAccountData (account, "save-wanted") setPlayerWantedLevel ( source,playerWanted or 0 ) end end end )
ماغير شيء بس اكيد عندك اخطاء بالمتغيرات قلنا لك اطرح الكود منت راضي ..
اطرح الكود حقك اللي اشتغل ..
انا اصلا انلحست وش تبي الحين انت؟
الكود كامل ماأقدر أرسله لك خاص ؟ لو اقدر قلت ارسلة بس عندي قانون يمنع هالشيء من كم اسبوع مطبقة .. عموما اذا حاب تطرحة و قدرت اساعدك مافية اشكالية اما ترسلي خاص اعذرني ..
تدري اطرح كودكـ كامل باللوحة وكل شيء وخلنا نصلحة لك شكلك عافس الدنيا ^ فوق لـ تحت
العكس المفروض تسهل بس الشكوى لله نسهل و ينلحسون .. |: .. kill me ..