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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. You want to get the player name with a hex color code?
  2. مانستقبل طلبات هنا .. نساعد بـ برمجة [ Lua ] ")
  3. الموضوع ي ليت مايطلع من مسارة و ينحذف ! ي ليت مشرف يشيل ردودهم
  4. -- # Server Side ~ : addEventHandler('onResourceStart',resourceRoot, function ( ) setTimer( function ( ) ReseteNameTag ( ) end , 1000 , 0 ) end ) function ReseteNameTag ( ) for _,player in ipairs ( getElementsByType('player') ) do local PlayerWanted = getPlayerWantedLevel ( player ) local PlayerName = getPlayerName ( player ) if ( PlayerWanted and PlayerWanted >= 0 and PlayerName ) then setPlayerNametagText ( player, ' [ '..PlayerWanted..' ] '..PlayerName..' ' ) end end end جرب كذآ ..
  5. الله مير يسلمك
  6. عادي شغل المود لانة طافي ماقدر يتصل بة وتأكد من اسمة drawData
  7. بعد مايطلع شيء كلنت؟ شغال مود الداتا؟ ديبوق وش يقول ؟
  8. addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerChangeNick", root, function ( oldNick, newNick ) exports["drawData"]:outputDraw ( ' * '..oldNick..' is Known as '..newNick..' .',255,255,255,true ) end )
  9. iPrestege


    You're welcome .
  10. المود ماهو دقيق مرة خخخ بس يلا : exports["drawData"]:outputDraw ( text, r, g, b, false ) Ex : exports["drawData"]:outputDraw ( 'Prestege', 255, 255, 0, false ) Ex 2 : exports["drawData"]:outputDraw ( '#FF0000Prestege',255,255,255,true ) مايصلح الا كلنت
  11. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=160&t=60734 غير السيارات لـ اسلحة
  12. Here's an example : local LastHandled = { } function buyhealth ( thePlayer ) if not LastHandled [ thePlayer ] then LastHandled [ thePlayer ] = { } end if LastHandled [ thePlayer ] == false then return outputChatBox('Please Wait 20 Sec!',thePlayer,255,0,0) end local money = getPlayerMoney ( thePlayer ) if money >= 500 then outputChatBox("Você comprou Vida por 500$",thePlayer, 255, 106, 106) local thePlayerhealth = getElementHealth ( thePlayer ) setElementHealth ( thePlayer, 569 ) takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 500 ) else outputChatBox("Não há dinheiro suficiente, necessário 500$",thePlayer, 139, 101, -- s8) --> end LastHandled [ thePlayer ] = false setTimer ( function ( ) LastHandled [ thePlayer ] = true end,20000,1 ) end addCommandHandler ( "vida", buyhealth ) This is for the health make it for anything you want .
  13. iPrestege


    table.insert( Firewall, { account = serial } ) Try this. or : function add(account, serial) if account and serial and not Firewall[account] then Firewall[account] = serial end end
  14. iPrestege


    You mean add a new serial - account using exports?
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