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Everything posted by WASSIm.

  1. WASSIm.

    i need help

    CLIENT local sound = { } addEvent( "onStartMusic", true ) addEventHandler( "onStartMusic", getRootElement(), function (vehicle) if vehicle then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local d = getElementDimension(vehicle) local i = getElementInterior(vehicle) local sound[vehicle] = playSound3D( "s.mp3", x, y, z, true) attachElements(sound[vehicle],vehicle,0,0,0) setSoundMaxDistance(sound[vehicle], 200) setElementDimension(sound[vehicle], d) setElementInterior(sound[vehicle], i) end end ) SERVER addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), function () local mm55 = createVehicle(560, 1586.3, -1656.8, 28.6) triggerClientEvent ( "onStartMusic", getRootElement(), mm55 ) end )
  2. WASSIm.

    i need help

    local mm55 = createVehicle(560, 1586.3, -1656.8, 28.6) function sound () local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( mm55 ) local sound = playSound3D("s.mp3",x, y, z, true) setSoundMaxDistance( sound, 50 ) attachElements(sound, mm55) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, sound)
  3. اهوم سيارات كثيييييييييييرررررررررر
  4. WASSIm.


    thank you this what i need
  5. WASSIm.


    my function server side an you show me it in client and file xml is in server not client
  6. WASSIm.


    what do you mean ?
  7. WASSIm.


    he is show me true
  8. local thePlayer = getPlayerFromName(guiGridListGetItemText (GUIEditor.Grid,guiGridListGetSelectedItem(GUIEditor.Grid),1))
  9. WASSIm.


    BUT HOW. MAKE LIKE THIS FAIL???? SERVER addEvent ( "onShowInfoBan", true ) addEventHandler ( "onShowInfoBan", getRootElement(), function ( ) getPlayerBantime( source ) end ) CLIENT addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function ( ) local btime = triggerServerEvent ( "onShowInfoBan", localPlayer ) dxDrawText( btime, sx*0.2, sy*0.1, sx, sy, tocolor(255,0,0,255),(sx/1024)*0.5,"bankgothic","left","top",false,false,false ) end )
  10. WASSIm.


    i have this function server-side i want show in dxdrawtext but how function getPlayerBantime( thePlayer ) assert ( isElement ( thePlayer ) and getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player", "Bad player element" ) local ip = getPlayerIP ( thePlayer ) local serial = getPlayerSerial ( thePlayer ) if ( thePlayer ) then local theBans = xmlNodeGetChildren( banlist ) for i, theNode in ipairs( theBans ) do local theValueSerial = xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Serial" ) local theValueIP = xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "IP" ) if ( theValueSerial == serial) or ( theValueIP == ip ) then local theValue = xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Bantime" ) return theValue else return false end end end end
  11. WASSIm.


    this is problem idk how use triggerServerEvent triggerClientEvent
  12. WASSIm.


    how use getMaxPlayers to show in DxDrawText ?
  13. WASSIm.

    Request Ideas

    most prople want scripts for server RPG like job system
  14. finish it working thx all
  15. timers = {} marker = createMarker(895.98,-1221.20,16.97,"cylinder") createBlipAttachedTo(marker,48) function markerx(playerhit) player = playerhit outputChatBox("Stoj tu zeby zarobic jak jestes bezrobotny.",player) timers[player] = setTimer ( givePlayerMoney, 5000, 0, player, 15) end function stopmarker(playerleave) killTimer ( timers[playerleave] ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerHit",marker,markerx) addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerLeave",marker,stopmarker)
  16. timers = {} marker = createMarker(895.98,-1221.20,16.97,"cylinder") createBlipAttachedTo(marker,48) function markerx(player) outputChatBox("Stoj tu zeby zarobic jak jestes bezrobotny.",player) timers[player] = setTimer (function () givePlayerMoney(player,15)end, 5000, 0 ) end function stopmarker(player) killTimer ( timers[player] ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerLeave",marker,stopmarker) addEventHandler("onPlayerMarkerHit",marker,markerx)
  17. i change command name and now show me in debug Bad argument @ 'outputChatBox' [Expected string at argument 1,got boolean]
  18. how see returning function ? why ?
  19. i try this but nothing and nothing in debug function test2 (source) local ban = getPlayerBanSerial ( source ) outputChatBox(ban) end addCommandHandler ( "test", test2 )
  20. post code and problem connection post here: viewforum.php?f=105
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