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Everything posted by WASSIm.

  1. WASSIm.

    dx movement

  2. done function giveMoney (player, command) if (getPlayerTeam ( player ) and getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( player ) ) == "Staff") then local luckyBugger = getRandomPlayer() givePlayerMoney (luckyBugger, 1000) outputChatBox ( "You've recieved $1000", luckyBugger ) end end addCommandHandler ("moneyevent", giveMoney)
  3. WASSIm.

    Please Help Me.

    I Did It it comes This I Took SS http://www.upload.ee/image/3613642/YoLo.png you only need entre server in local tab
  4. WASSIm.

    Please Help Me.

    of course show for you in local and other people show in internet
  5. WASSIm.

    Please Help Me.

    are u really mad? i event dont know that there is CSG Server and,i am not leaking any of it and i want to tell u that i made scripts of my own i just asked here how to bring it online oh sry i don't see your name server i see just tag i think your server name ( City of Online Gaming ). ok your all port opened. you need send people ip and add :22003 in ip like this here can get your ip: http://www.adresseip.com/ remember you can't see your server in list just in tab local
  6. WASSIm.


    no one make scripts free. if want free scripts go here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  7. WASSIm.

    Please Help Me.

    i know server COG he is server use leak scripts CSG
  8. like them model="3276" posX="-1436.30005" posY="-971.59998" posZ="200.60001" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" interior="0" dimension="0"
  9. hi guys. have question about createElement. i want make create gate in file map like this id="1" model="3276" posX="-1436.30005" posY="-971.59998" posZ="200.60001" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" interior="0" dimension="0">> i know i can make this with createElement but how fixed post ?
  10. WASSIm.


    you can. but you need edite slothbot resource
  11. change isElementWithInMarker to isElementWithinMarker
  12. finish i fixed it. problem fail just i don't remember ban myself for test
  13. i use outputChatBox but nothing : / bindKey( "0", "down", function ( ) --if (getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) and getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) ) == "STAFF") then local window = guiGetVisible ( windows ) if ( window == true ) then guiSetVisible ( windows, false ) showCursor ( false) else guiSetVisible ( windows, true ) showCursor ( true) triggerServerEvent("onLoadPlayerList", getRootElement()) triggerServerEvent("onLoadResourcesList", getRootElement()) triggerServerEvent("onLoadAccountsList", getRootElement()) triggerServerEvent("onLoadBansList", getRootElement()) end --end end )
  14. not working and nothing in guiGridList yes
  15. hi guys i have problem. its not working and nothing in debug Server local banlist = xmlLoadFile ( "banlist.xml" ) function onLoadBansList ( ) local names = { } local ips = { } local serials = { } local banners = { } local reasons = { } local times = { } local untimes = { } for _, theNode in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren( banlist ) ) do table.insert ( names, xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Name" ) ) table.insert ( ips, xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "IP" ) ) table.insert ( serials, xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Serial" ) ) table.insert ( banners, xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Banner" ) ) table.insert ( reasons, xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Reason" ) ) table.insert ( times, xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Bantime" ) ) table.insert ( untimes, xmlNodeGetAttribute( theNode, "Unbantime" ) ) end triggerClientEvent ( "onClientLoadBansList", root, names, ips, serials, banners, reasons, times, untimes) end addEvent ( "onLoadBansList", true ) addEventHandler ( "onLoadBansList", getRootElement(), onLoadBansList ) Client addEvent ( "onClientLoadBansList", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientLoadBansList", root, function ( names, ips, serials, banners, reasons, times, untimes ) guiGridListClear ( tabbanslist ) for _, name in ipairs ( names ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tabbanslist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tabbanslist, row, tabbanslistcolumnP, name, false, false ) end for _, ip in ipairs ( ips ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tabbanslist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tabbanslist, row, tabbanslistcolumnI, ip, false, false ) end for _, serial in ipairs ( serials ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tabbanslist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tabbanslist, row, tabbanslistcolumnS, serial, false, false ) end for _, banner in ipairs ( banners ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tabbanslist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tabbanslist, row, tabbanslistcolumnB, banner, false, false ) end for _, reason in ipairs ( reasons ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tabbanslist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tabbanslist, row, tabbanslistcolumnR, reason, false, false ) end for _, time in ipairs ( times ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tabbanslist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tabbanslist, row, tabbanslistcolumnT, time, false, false ) end for _, untime in ipairs ( untimes ) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( tabbanslist ) guiGridListSetItemText ( tabbanslist, row, tabbanslistcolumnU, untime, false, false ) end end )
  16. addEventHandler( "onClientRender",root, function( ) local px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz, dist px, py, pz = getCameraMatrix( ) for _, v in ipairs( getElementsByType 'player' ) do tx, ty, tz = getElementPosition( v ) dist = math.sqrt( ( px - tx ) ^ 2 + ( py - ty ) ^ 2 + ( pz - tz ) ^ 2 ) if ( dist < 30.0 ) and ( getElementData ( source, "tagadmin" ) == true ) then if isLineOfSightClear( px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz, true, false, false, true, false, false, false ) then local sx, sy, sz = getPedBonePosition( v, 5 ) local x,y = getScreenFromWorldPosition( sx, sy, sz + 0.3 ) if x then -- getScreenFromWorldPosition returns false if the point isn't on screen dxDrawText( getPlayerName( v ), x, y, x, y, tocolor(150, 50, 0), 0.85 + ( 15 - dist ) * 0.02, "bankgothic" ) end end end end end ) function teste (source) local tagadmin = getElementData ( source, "tagadmin" ) setElementData ( source, "tagadmin" , not tagadmin ) end addCommandHandler("adm" , teste )
  17. a3ml bil PayPal 5ir feha Donate ama mafhmtch kif na3mlha
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