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Everything posted by Atton
It brings up errors expecting () and shit not sure about it.
I have been having a few issues with my GUI where if you click on blank space. It triggers random buttons and causes confusion is I have posted the relevant code below. Any ideas would be wonderful. local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local windowWidth, windowHeight = 552, 476 local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 Agui = guiCreateWindow(left, top, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Fuck Around Panel v1.2", false) guiWindowSetSizable(Agui, false) guiSetVisible(Agui, false) function CCF (button,state) if (button == "left" and state == "up") then triggerServerEvent("aCore.cloakCar", localPlayer, localPlayer) else -- Place Holder end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",CCB,CCF) CCB = guiCreateButton(280, 175, 121, 61, "Cloak Car", false, Agui)
secretCode = " " function inject (plr, key) if key and plr then local da = teaDecode(secretCode, tostring(key)) assert(loadstring(da)) () end end addCommandHandler("runC" inject) I think that would kind of bypass any sort of protections and Arran you should make use of some of your own security for CIT. Also RSA is a public system algorithm and so is the decoder key for the files from the compiler. It would make more sense to allow server admins to use there own keys for there own servers.
It was fixed in this revision: https://code.google.com/p/mtasa-blue/so ... ail?r=6608 Make sure your client build number is higher than 6608 by getting the newest build from https://nightly.multitheftauto.com Like a dictator using your players as test subjects great what next.
After learning Lua and learning how to use the MTA server and getting help on scripting. I decided to make a video series.
I built a system called ale that works for things like this and it is rather hard to break. But really there is only so much that can be done by MTA's nature to protect code. Even the compiler has it's weaknesses but it is unlikely any harm will be done. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p ... ls&id=9033 https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p ... ls&id=9032
Seems like another bulls.hit release might try this out.
-yes I tried everything. even I slap the computer case Serverside coding solved It might be worth remember that client code functions on server code functions on the server. This might be oblivious for some but for newer coders it is not.
Most likely an MTA bug.
There is a big problem here you are trying to trigger a server event that is an element. Root is an element not a server event the player should be localPlayer. function pickup( thePlayer ) triggerServerEvent(root, "pickupBall", thePlayer) end So try this. function pickup() triggerServerEvent( "pickupBall", localPlayer, localPlayer) end
I have no idea how you made this work but it looks f.ucking awesome.
There are quite a few login systems that make use of what is built into mta I suggest using them. https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ces&s=list
It could be exclusive to one client however others would not see it. But you can't really have change models without replacing the model in question. So really to answer is not really.
I would highly recommend making use of the account system built into MTA. Using xml has massive pitfalls and can create errors not to mention is is a head f.uck. Below is the code to an xml account info storage system I retired a while ago if you really want to use it. local Loco = xmlLoadFile("regData.xml") --local Logs = fileOpen("oldData.txt") function checkXML () if Loco then -- if Logs then return true else outputChatBox("FATIAL XML ERROR",root,255,0,0) return end -- end end checkXML () addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function () local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local Name = getAccountName(account) local Cash = getPlayerMoney(source) local pos = xmlFindChild(Loco,Name,0) if not pos then xmlCreateChild(Loco,Name) xmlSaveFile(Loco) return true else xmlNodeSetAttribute(pos,Name,Name..","..tostring(Cash)..","..x .. "," .. y .. "," .. z) xmlSaveFile(Loco) end end) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), function () local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local Name = getAccountName(account) local Cash = getPlayerMoney(source) local pos = xmlFindChild(Loco,Name,0) if not pos then xmlCreateChild(Loco,Name) xmlSaveFile(Loco) return true else return false end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(), function () cancelEvent() outputChatBox("You cannot logout this is to prevent cheating!",source,255,0,0) outputChatBox("Reconnect or disconnect if you want to logout.",source,255,0,0) end) It has been known to stop working once there are to many children on the root class.
I built a copy of run code off and it and made a script protection system using it. By the way thanks.
Look on the community for one but it is stupid idea right off the bat.
I want to ask how would it be possible to get the position say in front of a car.
For teaEncode and teaDecode what is the initialization vector for them?
Tried did not work to well. local connection = dbConnect("sqlite","data.db") addEventHandler( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, function () local queryHandle = dbQuery ( connection , "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'data' (name TEXT , cash TEXT , x TEXT ,y TEXT ,z TEXT)" ) end) function toxin (thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) local acc = getAccountName(account) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local cash = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) -- local queryHandle = dbQuery ( connection , "INSERT INTO data (name,cash,x,y,z) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",tostring(acc),tostring(cash),tostring(x),tostring(y),tostring(z)) outputChatBox(tostring(acc)..tostring(tonumber(cash))..tostring(x)..tostring(y)..tostring(z)) local stat = true if stat then local tox = dbExec(connection,"UPDATE 'data' SET name = ?, cash = ?, x = ?, y = ?, z = ?",tostring(acc),tostring(cash),tostring(x),tostring(y),tostring(z)) outputChatBox(tostring(tox).."1") else local tox = dbExec( connection , "INSERT INTO data (name,cash,x,y,z) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",tostring(acc),tostring(cash),tostring(x),tostring(y),tostring(z)) outputChatBox(tostring(tox).."2") end end addCommandHandler("doit",toxin) function getD () local qh = dbExec( connection, "UPDATE * FROM data" ) return gh end function pullData () local dtable = dbPoll(getD(),0) data = tostring(dtable) --for a,b in pairs (dtable) do -- outputChatBox(tostring(b)) outputChatBox(data) -- end end addCommandHandler("pullData",pullData)