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About crismar

  • Birthday November 30


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    Romania, Galati

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  1. Ma bucur sa vad ca resursele de la comunitatea mea se plimba nestingherit printre voi. "Scripturi originale". Jesus.
  2. Howdy there, I've a similar laptop, except mine's got GT 940M. It's an Asus from what I can tell (as mine). Installing your nVidia drivers should open a new option while right clicking on the .exe: "Run with graphics processor". Select "nVidia High Performance Graphics" instead of "Intel HD Graphics" (which for unknown reasons is set to default to some high-end games). Good luck.
  3. Cred ca glumesti, jumatate din intrebarile tale de pe forumul asta sunt de scripting, si vrei sa-l ajuti sa faca un GM de RP?
  4. dxDrawRectangle dxDrawText getElementHealth getVehicleEngineState destroyElement getElementModel getVehicleNameFromModel isPedInVehicle onVehicleEnter onVehicleExit onClientRender Good luck.
  5. Ai postat 2 intrebari legate de GM-ul de RP, chiar vrei sa-ti pierzi urmatoarele 2 luni incercand sa-l faci sa mearga ? E cel mai complex gamemode de pe tot MTA-ul, nu poti sa-l faci sa mearga cerand resurse, trebuie configurate anumite chestii etc.
  6. Lol inca se mai fac servere noi de MTA.
  7. Nu inteleg exact cum inaptii care nu pot sa lege doua propozitii in romana au fost capabili sa faca un server de RP sa functioneze ?... As avea o explicatie da' tre' sa arunc cu maro in Axel, desi cred ca e si el constient de asta.
  8. O investie de genu' asta, nu e rentabila. 1. Dezvoltatorul o sa aiba o copie de la gamemode, in eventualitatea in care e de succes o sa poata sa apara un al 2lea server. 2. RPul e acaparat de incapabili in Romania, nu poti face un server de RP serios, in conditiile in care exista 9 servere de RP cu 100 000$ + la inceput.
  9. Va fi deschis pe PC de acasa? Daca da, sa stim.
  10. crismar

    ACL groups

    Take PSerial outside the 'for' loop, you're not going to need to get the serial every time you loop. Doesn't have a large impact on perfomance, but it's better to learn to write optimised code directly.
  11. Nu poti concura cu Euphobia lui Raileanu si Mihailescu. N o sa vina.mai mult de 10 persoane diaspuse sa munceasca 100 ore cand exista servere cu bani de inceput, detinute de 2 semi-analfabeti.
  12. Use tostring(neededparts). It appears that the specified element data doesn't exist, in this case it should display' false'.
  13. triggerServerEvent provides a sends to the server the client (element) that triggered the event in the form of the 'client' variable. Replace your 'source' with 'client' in order to get it working properly.
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