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Tete omar

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Everything posted by Tete omar

  1. server function onLogin(_,account) local acc = getAccountData(account,"1_Time") if acc == "1" then return end triggerClientEvent(source,"forEveryNewPerson",source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,onLogin) function saveData(thePlayer,theAccount) if (theAccount and not isGuestAccount(theAccount)) then local data = getElementData(thePlayer,"1_Time") if data then setAccountData(theAccount,"1_Time",tostring(data)) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,function()saveData(source,getPlayerAccount(source))end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",root,function(prev)saveData(source,prev)end) client http://pastebin.com/GT5HMuxZ -- sorry the client side is confused with the website smiles. gs is defined as guiSetText metals = labels This is a project of metals script , i mean , everyone whose joins the server then give him 10 for each metal, the player can sell and buy, so if that player bought .. e.g , 5 golds , and here goes the math calculation, then provide 5 on 10 = 15 ofc , did you understand one word from wat i said lol ?.
  2. It's too hard to explain ... , i'll do wat castillo told me.
  3. isn't possible to use tonumber or something else ... ? cuz that number wouldn't be only and always 10, it'll be changed by the player on a different ways. Can you explain better everything? I'm just wanna get that number without that string which mixed with it , look guiSetText(TEST,string.format("[ %d ]=TEST",10,"")) > [10]=TEST if i wanna get or change or do math calculations or something else with that number , what should i do ?
  4. Use Guieditor https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=141 it's the easier way to make gui-elements as you want and it's useful for the everyone. when u done downloading the zip file , put the zip file into the following directory, go to GTA folder > server > mods > deathmatch > [gameplay] afterward , run your local host server and start the script typing "start guieditor" on console , or start it with the admin panel. you should read the description carefully and correctly or you'll have no idea how this script is working, hope that helps.
  5. So you wanna make an gui-window containing weapons against levels ?.
  6. You could make ur own level system. and explain better ..
  7. isn't possible to use tonumber or something else ... ? cuz that number wouldn't be only and always 10, it'll be changed by the player on a different ways.
  8. Hello there i've got a little question , and it's about , how do i get a number into " string.format " and put it on an empty label guiSetText(TEST,string.format("[ %d ]=TEST",10,"")) theEmptyLabel = guiCreateLabel(..,..,..,..,"",false,test) "TEST" is defined as a label. now number nine should be inside "theEmptyLabel" but not with the string, just the number alone.
  9. تقصد حسيت ان اجابتك خطاء فـ قلت أضحك عليك
  10. MTA would not deal with the custom animations like this ... P.S. this video since 2010 and look viewtopic.php?f=102&t=43675&hilit=+Animations
  11. @@" هذآ اختصآر لـ كود وين الكود الأساسي ؟ الكود الاساسي بالويكي موجود https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Local وش دخل local بموضوعنا الاساسي
  12. You cannot , i've already posted a topic like this , and i got a negative replies , so it can't be happening.
  13. عدلها من ملفات الفري روم او تعال هنا https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/?url=i ... _scripting في المساعدة المباشرة
  14. ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
  15. الي انت عاطيه خطاء
  16. getPlayerIp ? و كلنت ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ جرب سيرفر addEvent("getIP",true) addEventHandler("getIP",root, function() local theIP=getPlayerIP(client) triggerClientEvent(client,"dd",client,theIP) end) كلنت PlayerIp = guiCreateLabel(10,200,300,20,'',false,GUIEditor_Tab[1]) guiLabelSetColor(PlayerIp,255,255,0) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function() triggerServerEvent("getIP",localPlayer) end) addEvent("dd",true) addEventHandler("dd",root, function(theIP) guiSetText(PlayerIp, "Your IP : " .. theIP) end) ملاحظة: لازم تحط اسم السكربت في قروب الادمن من لوحة الادمنية رح ل Manage acl بعدين Admin بعدين Add object بعدين حط resource.اسم سكربتك بس
  17. Tete omar


    بس اذا طاح ما تنقص صحته ... addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer) طيب؟ وش ذا
  18. I want a pic of someone throws up at someone's face.
  19. Tete omar


    بس اذا طاح ما تنقص صحته ...
  20. رح للفري روم ودور على الازرار وخذ اساميهم وحط اساميهم بدال Button مثل setElementData(Button, "tooltip-text", "سيارات", false) setElementData(Button1, "tooltip-text", "أدوات", false) وكذا ملاحظة : التول تبس العربية أحياناً تكون مي مفهومة.
  21. بس ليش روت ؟
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