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Tete omar

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Everything posted by Tete omar

  1. Given that this topic was reported and tosfera's comment that supports the evidence, these codes are apparently stolen. Locked
  2. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f ... 22#p853022
  3. http://www.totaljerkface.com/happy_whee ... id=8763016 اتحدى احد يفوز في الليفل حقي ازرار اللعبة - Tab + R رستارت الليفل - Arrow Up يمشي - Arrow Down - يرجع - Arrow Right - ينحني إلى الأمام - Arrow Left - ينحني إلى الوراء الي ما يعرف يقرا اللافتات الي بالانجليزي - اترك الدراجة - دع ابنك يموت - امسك الحبال - تأرجح لآخر حبل واتركه - فزت التحكمات (اللافتة الي بالاخضر)ء (Shift) - يترك الدراجة (Space) - يمسك الحبل (Z) - يترك الحبل (Arrow Right) - يتأرجح يمين (Arrow Left) - يتأرجح يسار
  4. http://www.totaljerkface.com/happy_wheels.tjf ؟Happy Wheels في احد هنا يلعب
  5. ينقل إلى القسم الرئيسي
  6. ههههههه سبحان الله ما في شي يمدح فيه إلا تجي مصيبة بعدها, يا الله متى يمدح بإسرائيل وأمريكا هذا فقط مزح ولا يقصد به التشاؤم
  7. تكلموا بالسياسة لكن بدون جدال ولا هواش, إذا تبون تستمرون على هذا, الأفضل خارج المنتدى تم حذف المشاركات السياسية الأخيرة
  8. ينقل إلى قسم البرمجة
  9. يمنع التعليق على المواضيع القديمة جداً, راجع القوانين يغلق
  10. يمنع التعليق على المواضيع القديمة جداً, راجع القوانين يغلق
  11. هذا نص ملون تدريجياً. اتحداك تعرف تكتب مثله لكن بجملة ثانية ||| ادعولي بالتوفيق والنجاح
  12. اكثركم ما فهم الصورة... تحسبوني اتكلم من جد. الصورة هذي الغرض منها سخرية يعني الحين واحد مسوي عرض.. يقول تفصيل ثوب 100 ريال وتفصيل ثوبين 200 ريال اجل وش جاب جديد؟ وين العرض أو التخفيض أو "البشرى" هذي؟ ههههههه
  13. تم حذف المشاركات المخالفة والتي أكثرها خالفت هذه القاعدة
  14. Hello MTA folks! I would like to introduce my new highly customizable radar simulator that I've always wanted to make since i knew about MTA and began learning how to script. And well, considering the fact that i may be inactive for a very long time in the next few days for education purposes, i decided to show everyone one of my favorite scripting works. I know it's not that useful, but it was a dream that I always wanted to become true in MTA. Enjoy the video! Images Detailed Description About the Script This is basically the idea of how this script works that aint pizza! A radar has it's own position in the world, it's own radius, height, etc. It detects elements inside a specific range at a fixed time and reports them to players viewing (syncing) it on the screen layout. Each element has it's own color shown in the DX layout when detected so that one could distinguish between elements. Detectable elements are players (red), vehicles (white) and peds (blue). This script was entirely made based on the idea that it will be used by scripters, so only advanced users may understand this. The radar script counts basically on MTA elements. Each radar made can be accessed by it's element. Each element has it's own data internally stored within the script. A radar can be shown to a player by syncing it to them, either by inserting them in a table that will be passed as an argument to the creator function or by using a function. Any server-side changes made to a radar will be immediately synced to the players syncing this radar. A player can sync multiple radars at once. The script also provides security for it's users. Every exported function is checked for any potential errors before it's executed. Customizable Features Ability to change the radius of the detection Ability to change the height (could be tubular/not having a specific height) Ability to change the speed of the detection (rotation speed) Ability to sync/desync a radar to a player Ability to let the radar only detect elements with certain types Ability to change the radar's layout screen position Ability to change the radar's layout screen size Ability to change the radar's layout alpha Ability to change the radar's layout properties (the following is a list of the changeable properties) the color of the rotating line enabling/disable fading effect the color of the fading effect enabling/disabling the detection sound the volume of the detection sound the color of the detected player in the layout the color of the detected vehicle in the layout the color of the detected ped in the layout [*]Ability to change the visibility of the layout [*]Ability to enable/disable the development mode (draws the structure of the radar in the world) NOTE: The color here represents the side (server/client) in which these features are changeable. Download I regret to tell you that it's just for show. I might upload it publicly at any time. Honestly, the reason why I'm so hesitant about giving it out is that it took me so long to get to this level of scripting skill and the core idea of how this can be done. If you're so determined on downloading it though, we can negotiate the price on PM. Please note that i may not reply instantly or might not reply at all for a long time because like what i stated earlier, i will be very busy and sorry for that in advance.
  15. عساكم من عواده وليس من جلابه كل عام وانتم بخير
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