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Dany Alex

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Everything posted by Dany Alex

  1. Dany Alex


    [2015-11-20 13:37:06] WARNING: [gameplay]/neonapi/server.lua:21: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2015-11-20 13:37:06] ERROR: [gameplay]/neonapi/server.lua:22: attempt to index local 'neonElNs' (a boolean value) local neonColors = {["red"] = 14399, ["blue"] = 14400, ["green"] = 14401, ["yellow"] = 14402, ["pink"] = 14403, ["white"] = 14404} function attachNeon(color, vehicle, zDis) if not color then return end if not vehicle then return end if not neonColors[color] then return end if hasNeon(vehicle) then return false end local neonElement = createElement("neon") local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) local vHandling = getVehicleHandling(vehicle) local rDis = vHandling["suspensionLowerLimit"] local neon1 = createObject(neonColors[color], x, y, z) setElementRotation(neon1, rx, ry, rz) local neon2 = createObject(neonColors[color], x, y, z) setElementRotation(neon2, rx, ry, rz) attachElements(neon1, vehicle, 0.8, 0, -(zDis+rDis)) attachElements(neon2, vehicle, -0.8, 0, -(zDis+rDis)) local function destroyNeon() if not getElementData(vehicle, "neon") then return end local neonEl = getElementData(vehicle, "neon") local neonElNs = getElementData(neonEl, "neon") destroyElement(neonElNs[1]) destroyElement(neonElNs[2]) destroyElement(neonEl) end addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", vehicle, destroyNeon) setElementData(neonElement, "neon", {neon1, neon2}) setElementData(neonElement, "vehicle", vehicle) setElementData(vehicle, "neon", neonElement) setElementData(neonElement, "color", color) return neonElement end addEvent("createNeon", true) addEventHandler("createNeon", getRootElement(), attachNeon) function setNeonColor(vehicle, color) if not color then return end if not vehicle then return end if not neonColors[color] then return end if not getElementData(vehicle, "neon") then return end local neonElement = getElementData(vehicle, "neon") local neons = getElementData(neonElement, "neon") local neon1aO = {getElementAttachedOffsets(neons[1])} local neon2aO = {getElementAttachedOffsets(neons[2])} local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) destroyElement(neons[1]) destroyElement(neons[2]) local neon1 = createObject(neonColors[color], x, y, z) setElementRotation(neon1, rx, ry, rz) local neon2 = createObject(neonColors[color], x, y, z) setElementRotation(neon2, rx, ry, rz) attachElements(neon1, vehicle, unpack(neon1aO)) attachElements(neon2, vehicle, unpack(neon2aO)) setElementData(neonElement, "neon", {neon1, neon2}) setElementData(neonElement, "vehicle", vehicle) setElementData(vehicle, "neon", neonElement) setElementData(neonElement, "color", color) return neonElement end function getNeonColor(vehicle) if not vehicle then return end if hasNeon(vehicle) then return getElementData(getElementData(vehicle, "neon"), "color") else return false end end function addNeon(vehicle, color) if not vehicle then return end local controller = getVehicleController(vehicle) local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(vehicle) if not controller then if #occupants >= 1 then for seat, occupant in pairs(occupants) do if getElementType(occupant) == "player" then outputChatBox("Triggered Neon Event to random Vehicle Occupant") return triggerClientEvent(occupant, "createNeonS", getRootElement(), color, vehicle) end end else local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local aCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 300) local players = getElementsWithinColShape(aCol) destroyElement(aCol) if #players >= 1 then outputChatBox("Triggered Neon Event to random Player near the Vehicle") return triggerClientEvent(players[math.random(1, #players)], "createNeonS", getRootElement(), color, vehicle) end end else return triggerClientEvent(controller, "createNeonS", getRootElement(), color, vehicle) end end function hasNeon(vehicle) if not vehicle then return end if getElementData(vehicle, "neon") then return true else return false end end function removeNeon(vehicle) if not vehicle then return end if hasNeon(vehicle) == false then return end local neonElement = getElementData(vehicle, "neon") local neonTubes = getElementData(neonElement, "neon") destroyElement(neonTubes[1]) destroyElement(neonTubes[2]) removeElementData(vehicle, "neon") destroyElement(neonElement) return true end addCommandHandler("neon", function(source, cmd, color) if not color then return end if not isPedInVehicle(source) then return end addNeon(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source), color) end) addCommandHandler("neoncolor", function(source, cmd, color) if not color then return end if not isPedInVehicle(source) then return end setNeonColor(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source), color) end) addCommandHandler("neonremove", function(source, cmd) if not isPedInVehicle(source) then return end removeNeon(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) end)
  2. [2015-11-20 19:46:34] WARNING: [gameplay]/autoteams/server.lua:54: Bad argument @ 'setPlayerTeam' [Expected player at argument 1] [2015-11-20 19:46:34] WARNING: [gameplay]/autoteams/server.lua:56: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1] [2015-11-20 19:46:34] ERROR: [gameplay]/autoteams/server.lua:56: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got boolean) ---------------do not change or touch this---------- Names={} Tags={} Colors={} ACL={} -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Clanurile--------------------------------------- local names ={"Staff"} local tags ={"RPP|"} local colors ={"#FF9900"} local acls ={"none"} -------- load------------ function loadTeams() for i,name in pairs(names) do Names[i]=name end for i,tag in pairs(tags) do Tags[i]=tag end for i,color in pairs(colors) do Colors[i] = color end for i,acl in pairs(acls) do ACL[i] = acl end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),loadTeams) --------------------------------------------------- ----- move on start------------------ function moveOnStart() for i,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do check(player) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(),moveOnStart) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------check---------------------------- function check (player) setPlayerTeam(player,nil) for i,tag in pairs(tags) do if string.find(getPlayerName(player),tag) then local account=getPlayerAccount(player) if ACL[i]~="none" and not isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..getAccountName(account) , aclGetGroup ( ACL[i] ) ) then return end local name = Names[i] local color = Colors[i] if not getTeamFromName(name) then createTeam(name,getColorFromString(color)) end local team = getTeamFromName(name) setPlayerTeam(player,team) end end end -------------------------------- ----------remove Empty Team ---------- function remove() for t,teams in pairs(names) do local team = getTeamFromName(teams) if team then if countPlayersInTeam ( team )==0 then destroyElement(team) end end end end ----------------------------------------------------- -------NickChange------------- function nick(old,new) setTimer(check,1000,1,source) setTimer(remove,1500,1) end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick",getRootElement(),nick) --------------------------------------------- -------Join-------------------------------- function join() setTimer(check,4000,1,source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),join) ------------------------------- ---------Quit--------------------- function quit(player) setTimer(remove,1000,1) end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",getRootElement(),quit) ------------------------------------ ---------Login--------------------- function login() setTimer(check,1000,1,source) setTimer(remove,1500,1) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",getRootElement(),login) ------------------------------------ ---------Logout--------------------- function logout() setTimer(check,1000,1,source) setTimer(remove,1500,1) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",getRootElement(),logout) ------------------------------------
  3. Afecteaza crede-ma,e ceva invalid. Lag sau timed out.
  4. Are cineva idee cum se rezolva? [2015-12-12 15:16:34] WARNING: File 'img/123.png' in resource 'TXD-RUAS' is invalid. [2015-12-12 15:16:34] WARNING: File 'img/999.png' in resource 'TXD-RUAS' is invalid. [2015-12-12 15:16:34] WARNING: File 'img/38.png' in resource 'TXD-RUAS' is invalid. [2015-12-12 15:16:34] WARNING: File 'img/1256.png' in resource 'TXD-RUAS' is invalid. [2015-12-12 15:16:34] WARNING: File 'img/k_gK0NaFE4E.png' in resource 'TXD-RUAS' is invalid. [2015-12-12 15:16:34] WARNING: File 'img/12563.png' in resource 'TXD-RUAS' is invalid. [2015-12-12 15:16:34] WARNING: File 'img/ws_traingravel.png' in resource 'TXD-RUAS' is invalid.
  5. Dany Alex


    Drifting on MTA:SA 1.5 IP: mtasa://
  6. a)FREEROAM: ERROR: [gameplay]/freeroam/fr_server.lua:273: 'for' limit must be a number WARNING: [gameplay]/freeroam/fr_server.lua:295: Bad argument @ 'getWeaponNameFromID' [Expected number at argument 1, got nil] WARNING: [gameplay]/freeroam/fr_server.lua:524: Bad argument @ 'fixVehicle' [Expected element at argument 1] b)Autoteams [2015-11-20 19:46:34] WARNING: [gameplay]/autoteams/server.lua:54: Bad argument @ 'setPlayerTeam' [Expected player at argument 1] [2015-11-20 19:46:34] WARNING: [gameplay]/autoteams/server.lua:56: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1] [2015-11-20 19:46:34] ERROR: [gameplay]/autoteams/server.lua:56: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got boolean) [2015-11-20 19:46:45] WARNING: [gameplay]/autoteams/server.lua:144: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerTeam' [Expected player at argument 1] c)Neonapi [2015-11-20 13:37:06] WARNING: [gameplay]/neonapi/server.lua:21: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1] [2015-11-20 13:37:06] ERROR: [gameplay]/neonapi/server.lua:22: attempt to index local 'neonElNs' (a boolean value)
  7. [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: [SWAT]#ff0000conn2910 left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: mohamedbrans left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: TalentedDiadem91 left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: Badass left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: Kwerio left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: #ffff00PD|Mihai-SF left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: JoN_Andrei left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: PD|#696969Killer-LV left the game [Timed out] [2015-11-17 16:48:54] QUIT: #B3B3B3WO#FFA900LF left the game [Timed out] and open closed...
  8. Dany Alex


    Te inteleg frate
  9. Se poate,eu nu am mai vazut obiectul asta.
  10. https://www.google.ro/search?q=samp+obj ... wJUA&dpr=1
  11. On folders mods,deathmatch and dumps?
  12. Dany Alex

    problem 28

    ================================================================== = Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.5 ================================================================== = Server name : || RPP-Gaming Fun/Drift/Freeroam | Romanian/English || = Server IP address: = Server port : 2004 = = Log file : ..service2197/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log = Maximum players : 100 = HTTP port : 2004 = Voice Chat : Disabled = Bandwidth saving : Medium ================================================================== [2015-11-13 21:07:35] Compacting accounts database 'internal.db' ... [2015-11-13 21:07:46] Resources: 75 loaded, 0 failed [2015-11-13 21:07:46] Compacting database 'registry.db' ... [2015-11-13 21:07:47] Starting resources... [2015-11-13 21:07:48] Server minclientversion is now 1.5.0-9.07486 [2015-11-13 21:07:49] Creating new DB table recordsDrift [2015-11-13 21:07:49] INFO: Sql Group System , Loaded . [2015-11-13 21:07:49] INFO: Checking for Mod Downloader updates [2015-11-13 21:07:54] Gamemode 'SA multimods FR | Stunt | Drift | FUN' started. [2015-11-13 21:07:54] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [2015-11-13 21:07:54] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [2015-11-13 21:07:54] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [2015-11-13 21:07:54] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:1 - Infernus Drift! [2015-11-13 21:07:54] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:2 - BMW M5! [2015-11-13 21:07:54] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:3 - Audi R8 Spyder! [2015-11-13 21:07:54] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:4 - BMW 570iL! [2015-11-13 21:07:54] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:5 - Ford Shelby! [2015-11-13 21:07:54] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:6 - Toyota Supra! [2015-11-13 21:07:54] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:7 - Porsche 911! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:8 - Mclaren! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:9 - Dacia 1310! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:10 - Bugatti Veyron! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:11 - VW Golf 4! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:12 - Mitsubishi Lancer! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:13 - Mercedes Benz AMG! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:14 - Dacia Logan! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:15 - Astron Martin! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:16 - Mazda RX7! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:17 - Dodge Changeller! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:18 - Nissan GTR! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:19 - Chevrolet Camaro! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:20 - Police Car RPP! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:21 - nrg-500! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:22 - Jaguar Cabriolet! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #1:23 - Audi A630! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:1 - Vin Diesel! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:2 - Politia S.P.I.R! [2015-11-13 21:07:55] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:3 - Militar! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:4 - Uzzi din BugMafia! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:5 - Caine! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:6 - Rappper! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:7 - Red Alers Member! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:8 - 50Cent! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:9 - Anonymous! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:10 - Fata! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:11 - Franklin GTA V! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:12 - Fox 360 Green! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:13 - Skeleton! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:14 - Skin APB! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:15 - Cloud Strife! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:16 - Micheal GTA V! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:17 - CJ copil! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:18 - Graffiti! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:19 - Naruto! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:20 - skin! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:21 - V.I.P! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:22 - Miliardar! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #2:23 - skin2! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:1 - ak47! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:2 - m4! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:3 - colt! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:4 - weapon! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:5 - mp5! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:6 - shotgun! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:7 - sniper! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:8 - uzi! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:9 - silen! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:10 - spaz! [2015-11-13 21:07:56] INFO: Successfully loaded mod #3:11 - off! [2015-11-13 21:07:57] Querying MTA master server... problem (28). Retrying... P.S: Linux CentOS
  13. Dany Alex


    ShowTime s-a lasat de mta din cauza pitacilor care jucau. S-a enervat a pus un timp scripturile pe net si acum nu se mai stie nimic de el,cel putin eu numai stiu de el.
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