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Everything posted by 3NAD

  1. More Explanation : I need to move ' Internal.db ' To new Server, But when i uploaded it to the new Server i can't log into any account ! Actually the database is running at the old Server !!!!
  2. كودكـ ماكان فيه صناعة صورة لذلك حطيته مخرج نص بالشات .. و مو صعب عليكـ ان تبدل مخرج النص بـ الصورة =) function CreateQuestion ( ) questionsTable = { [1] = "من هو افضل لاعب كرة قدم؟", [2] = "كم عدد سور القرآن الكريم ؟", } answersTable = { [1] = "ميسي", [2] = "114", } local QuestionsSize = #questionsTable local AnswersSize = #answersTable if QuestionsSize ~= AnswersSize then outputChatBox ( "* Error, Check The Tables !!", 255, 0, 0, true ) guiSetText ( Question, "لا يوجد سؤال" ) return end local OrgnizeValues = math.random ( QuestionsSize ) NewQuestion = questionsTable [ OrgnizeValues ] NewAnswer = answersTable [ OrgnizeValues ] guiSetText ( Question, NewQuestion ) guiSetText ( AnswerBox, "" ) end function centerWindow(center_window) local screenW,screenH=guiGetScreenSize() local windowW,windowH=guiGetSize(center_window,false) local x,y = (screenW-windowW)/2,(screenH-windowH)/2 guiSetPosition(center_window,x,y,false) end myWin = guiCreateWindow(0,0,500,95,"",false) centerWindow ( myWin ) guiSetVisible ( myWin, false ) guiSetAlpha ( myWin, 100 ) Question = guiCreateLabel(10,20,500,20,"لا يوجد سؤال",false,myWin) AnswerBox = guiCreateEdit(225,45,250,25, "", false,myWin) AnswerButton = guiCreateButton(110,50,97,20,"أدخل الجواب",false,myWin) chgQuestionButton = guiCreateButton(10,50,97,20,"تغيير السؤال",false,myWin) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign ( Question, "center" ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if source == AnswerButton then if NewAnswer then local text = guiGetText ( AnswerBox ) if text == "" or text == " " then return end if text == NewAnswer then outputChatBox ( "* إجابة صحيحة", 0, 255, 0, true ) NewAnswer = nil CreateQuestion ( ) else outputChatBox ( "* إجابة خاطئة", 255, 0, 0, true ) end end guiSetProperty ( AnswerButton, "Disabled", "True" ) setTimer ( guiSetProperty, 5000, 1, AnswerButton, "Disabled", "False" ) elseif source == chgQuestionButton then if NewAnswer then NewAnswer = nil end CreateQuestion ( ) guiSetProperty ( chgQuestionButton, "Disabled", "True" ) setTimer ( guiSetProperty, 5000, 1, chgQuestionButton, "Disabled", "False" ) end end ) bindKey ( "f3", "down", function ( ) if guiGetVisible ( myWin ) then guiSetVisible ( myWin, false ) showCursor ( false ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) else guiSetVisible ( myWin, true ) showCursor ( true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) CreateQuestion ( ) end end )
  3. اطرح كود عرض الأسئلة #
  4. addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if source == buttonAnswer then local Answer = guiGetText ( myLable ) if Answer == "ميسي" then guiSetVisible ( myImage, true ) else guiSetVisible ( myImage2, true ) end end end )
  5. Hello, hmm.. I have a Problem, When i Downloaded ' Internal.db ' From a Server To Upload it to another Server. I Can't Enter Any Account. All Accounts Say ' Wrong Password '. * He didn't Say This Account is not registered !! i Tried a Lot of ' Databases ', And i saw the Same Problem. But When I remained The Database at the First Server And who had create the Database ' Internal.db ' All Accounts Are Running %100 !!!! Can you help me ? And I hope You understand my language = ) Thank you .
  6. 3NAD


    createPed setCameraMatrix
  7. 3NAD


    طلبك مو واضح إذا تقصد ان البيد صورة تقدر تستخدم guiGetPosition guiSetPosition setTimer على شأن تنزلها من فوق إلى النص و الفريق setPlayerTeam
  8. -- لم يتم التجربة marker = createMarker ( 1849.50, 2793.02, 56.89, "checkpoint", 1.5, 0, 255, 0, 0 ) car = { } addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker, function ( person ) if getElementType ( person ) == "player" then if car [person] then destroyCar ( person ) end x, y, z = getElementPosition ( person ) car [person] = createVehicle ( 429, x, y, z ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( person, car [person] ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", car [person], removeCar ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", car [person], removeCar ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) if car [source] then destroyCar ( source ) end end ) function removeCar ( ) destroyElement ( source ) end function destroyCar ( person ) destroyElement ( car[person] ) car [person] = nil end
  9. 3NAD


    addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for _, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do bindKey ( v, "r", "down", Flip ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function ( ) bindKey ( source, "r", "down", Flip ) end ) function Flip ( ) if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then if ( getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= 10000 ) then takePlayerMoney ( source, 10000 ) rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation ( getPedOccupiedVehicle( source ) ) setVehicleRotation ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ), rx +180, ry, rz +180) outputChatBox ( "Car Successfully fliped", source, 255, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "Not enough money.", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox ( "You are not in a vehicle", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end
  10. 3NAD


    https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ils&id=141 تعلم على ذا
  11. جربه ماجربته local tempCol = createColCuboid ( X, Y, Z, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 ) if ( tempCol == false ) then toggleControl ( source, "tempCol_Enter ", false ) toggleControl ( source, "tempCol_Enter ", true ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", tempCol, tempCol_Enter ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", tempCol, tempCol_Leave ) end كودكـ خطير ممكن تفسر لي وظيفته ؟
  12. لـ المعلومية / تكرار التريقر في اقل من ثانية يسبب لاق يعني واحد جالس يستهبل يفك و يقفل بالبوابة رآح يضر السيرفر #
  13. Event : "onClientRender " -- مهم
  14. @ Alhajarii إلى متى تكرار الردود ؟
  15. -- لم يتم التجربة Words = { "كلمة", "كلمة", "كلمة", } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, function ( msg, msgType ) for _, v in ipairs ( Words ) do if string.find ( msg, v ) then cancelEvent ( ) pName = getPlayerName ( source ) outputChatBox ( "[[ #FFFFFF".. pName .." #FF0000]] -----> تــٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍم صككً ميؤوؤت .. لكلآمـك الوصصخ <-----", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) setPlayerMuted ( source, true ) local player = source setTimer ( unMutePlayer, 30000, 1, player ) return end end end ) function unMutePlayer ( player ) setPlayerMuted ( player, false ) outputChatBox("#0000ff ===== تـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍـٍم فك الميؤوؤت .. لآتكــررهآإ لآلإهنتّ =====", player, 0, 255, 0, true ) end إذا ماخاب ظني يحتآج إلى صلاحية أدمن #
  16. ^ الإحداثيات جلبتها مرة وحدة يعني الصورة بتثبت في مكان واحد : )
  17. FPS مآ اعتقد فيه طريقة ترفع إلا بـ مواصفات الجهاز .. أنصحكـ بـ معالج Core i5 الرام 4 GB كرت الشاشة 2 GB ولو تآخذ كرت شاشة بـ مساحة أكبر أفضل #
  18. تقدر تختصر بـ كود warpPedIntoVehicle
  19. setElementPosition كودكـ ناقص #
  20. ماجربت بس يمكن يفيدكـ https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementPosition https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawImage3D يعني تاخذ احداثيات اللاعب و تستخدمها في الصورة
  21. كآن بإمكانكـ تختصر في إيفنت واحد بـ هالشكل # addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if source == A then -- Your Code. elseif source == B then -- Your Code. elseif source == C then -- Your Code. end end )
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