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Everything posted by 3NAD

  1. طيب حط بارامترhttps://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnMarkerHit ----- Parameters [*]hitElement: The element that hit the marker [*]matchingDimension: True if the element is in the same dimension as the marker he hit ----- انت بتحتاج اول بارامتر , لو تلاحظ بعد الترجمة يقولك هو الإلمنت اللي لمس الماركر . function ( ) end function ( hitElement ) end بعد ماضفته داخل القوس تقدر تستخدم كـ عنصر في الأكواد getPlayerName ( hitElement )
  2. انت تبي تجيب اسم الماركر ؟
  3. يعني كذا local name = getPlayerName(localPlayer) localPlayer -- للكلنت فقط
  4. Insults = { -- Note: USE lowercase LETTERS -- Format: { "Insult Word", "Replace Word" }, { ":O", "cow" }, } function chatL ( msg ) for k,v in ipairs (Insults) do if string.find( string.lower ( msg ),v[1]) then msg = msg:gsub ( msg, v[2] ) end end cancelEvent ( ) local plrTeam = getPlayerTeam ( source ) if plrTeam then local r, g, b = getTeamColor ( plrTeam ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source )..": #ffffff"..msg, root, r, g, b, true ) else local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor ( source ) outputChatBox ( getPlayerName ( source )..": #ffffff"..msg, root, r, g, b, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, chatL ) مو مرتاح لـ كود البحث عن الكلمات احس فيه غلط صغير ..
  5. مايحتاج جدول .. ضيف شرط if ( serial == "" ) or ( serial == "" ) or ( serial == "" ) then end
  6. 3NAD


    This will be definition, Not ( matching / comparing ) on Conditional clause. You must make it like this: if xxx == 1 then
  7. 3NAD


    if ( isPlayerMuted ( player ) ) then if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getPlayerAccountName ( source ), aclGetGroup ( "Console" ) ) then action = "un"..action else return end end
  8. 3NAD


    xDD ?? if g_MessageCount = 1 then
  9. 3NAD


    admin/server/admin_server.lua find this line: if ( isPlayerMuted ( player ) ) then action = "un"..action end replace it: if ( isPlayerMuted ( player ) ) then return end
  10. 3NAD


    Hmm.. i don't think so. But the 'spam code' will block any repeated messages. And you can make table to block some words.
  11. if tonumber ( text ) > 0 then end
  12. 3NAD


    I think you can block it with 'onPlayerCommand'. if find 'bind' then cancelEvent
  13. 3NAD


    bind .. say b will be under "onPlayerChat". so the previous code will do that.
  14. 3NAD


    ----Anti-Spam-Script-by-HyPeX-- ----Locals---- MuteTimePerMins = 5 ------------------------------- ----Messages of Startup---- outputChatBox ("#00aaff[AntiSpam]: Script v2.0 by HyPeX Started.",root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox ("#00aaff[AntiSpam]: Special Thanks to 3NAD for helping me.",root, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox ("#00aaff[AntiSpam]: Aviable commands: sleft",root , 255, 255, 255, true) ------------------------------- ----Functions--- function credits(onPlayerJoin) outputChatBox ( "Anti-Spam Script By HyPeX Loaded", source, 55, 125, 255 ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, credits) SpamTable = { }; AntiSpam = function ( msg, type ) if not SpamTable[source] then SpamTable[source] = { Timer = { }; Command = { }; Mute = { }; MuteTime = { }; }; end if type == 0 then if SpamTable[source] then if SpamTable[source].Mute == true then outputChatBox("[AntiSpam]: Type /sleft to get your time left muted.", source, 0, 170, 255) return end if SpamTable[source].Command == msg then if isTimer ( SpamTable[source].Timer ) then if SpamTable[source].Mute ~= true then SpamTable[source].Mute = true SpamTable[source].MuteTime = setTimer ( function ( player ) if isElement ( player ) then UnMutePlayer ( player ) SpamTable[player].Mute = false end end, MuteTimePerMins*60*1000, 1, source ) setPlayerMuted(source, true) outputChatBox("[AntiSpam]: ".. (string.gsub(getPlayerName(source), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) .." has have been muted for flooding for "..MuteTimePerMins.." Mins.", source, 0, 170, 255) cancelEvent ( ) return end end cancelEvent ( ) outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: You have been Warned.", source, 0, 170, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: If you Spam again withing 10 secs, you will be muted.", source, 0, 170, 255, true ) SpamTable[source].Timer = setTimer ( function ( player ) if isElement ( player ) then SpamTable[player].Command = nil end end, 10000, 1, source ) else SpamTable[source].Command = msg end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerChat", root, AntiSpam ) function timerDetails ( source ) if SpamTable[source].MuteTime then if isTimer ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime ) then local remaining, executesRemaining, totalExecutes = getTimerDetails ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime ) outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: Time left muted: "..string.format ( '%02d:%02d', math.floor(remaining/60/1000), math.fmod(math.floor(remaining/1000),60)), source, 0, 170, 255, true ) else outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: You are not muted.", source, 0, 170, 255, true ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "sleft", timerDetails ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function ( ) for i, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do onDeleteTables ( v ) end end ) onDeleteTables = function ( player ) if not player then player = source end SpamTable[player] = nil end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, onDeleteTables ) ----UnmutePlayer function UnMutePlayer(player) if isElement ( player ) then if isPlayerMuted( player ) then setPlayerMuted(player, false) else outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]:".. (string.gsub(getPlayerName(player), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) .."is now unmuted!",player,0, 175 ,255 ) end end end ----Manage on quit or join function OnPlayerMutedLeft() local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) if not isGuestAccount ( playerAccount ) then if isPlayerMuted( source ) or isTimer ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime )then local remaining, executesRemaining, totalExecutes = getTimerDetails ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime ) if remaining then setAccountData( playerAccount, "MutedTimeScript", tostring(remaining) ) setPlayerMuted( source, false) killTimer(SpamTable[source].MuteTime) end else setAccountData( playerAccount, "MutedtimeScript", false ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, OnPlayerMutedLeft) function OnPlayerMutedJoint ( _, acc ) local MutedLeft = getAccountData( acc, "MutedTimeScript" ) if MutedLeft then if not SpamTable[source] then SpamTable[source] = { Timer = { }; Command = { }; Mute = { }; MuteTime = { }; }; end setPlayerMuted(source, true) setTimer(UnMutePlayer, tonumber(MutedLeft), 1, source ) SpamTable[source].MuteTime = setTimer ( function ( player ) if isElement ( player ) then SpamTable[player].Mute = false end end, tonumber(MutedLeft), 1, source ) outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: Welcome back, here's your time left muted:", source, 0, 170, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: Time left muted: "..string.format ( '%02d:%02d', math.floor(MutedLeft/60/1000), math.fmod(math.floor(MutedLeft/1000),60)), source, 0, 170, 255, true ) setAccountData( acc, "MutedTimeScript", false ) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, OnPlayerMutedJoint) ----Prevent Muted from changing nick function StopMuted() if isPlayerMuted( source ) or isTimer ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime ) then outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]:".. (string.gsub(getPlayerName(source), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) .."was kicked for trying to change his nick while muted!", source,0, 175 ,255 ) kickPlayer( source, AntiSpam, "You are muted dont change ur nick!" ) cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), StopMuted) local disabledCmds = { [ "me" ] = true, [ "pm" ] = true } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerCommand", root, function ( cmd ) if disabledCmds [ cmd ] then if isPlayerMuted ( source ) or isTimer ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime) then outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: ".. (string.gsub(getPlayerName(source), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) .." was kicked for trying to use commands while muted!", root, 0, 175 ,255 ) kickPlayer ( source, "AntiSpam: Dont try to use commands while muted!" ) end end end )
  15. 3NAD


    If you used 'local' It will be definition on his function, You can make it general definition by removing 'local' word
  16. 3NAD


    at second function, move this line: setAccountData( acc, "MutedTimeScript", false ) under outputChatBox Functions. And you need to definition 'remaining' word
  17. 3NAD


    Try this. function OnPlayerMutedLeft() local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) if not isGuestAccount ( playerAccount ) then if isPlayerMuted( source ) or isTimer ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime )then local remaining, executesRemaining, totalExecutes = getTimerDetails ( SpamTable[source].MuteTime ) if remaining then setAccountData( playerAccount, "MutedTimeScript", tostring(remaining) ) setPlayerMuted( source, false) killTimer(SpamTable[source].MuteTime) end else setAccountData( playerAccount, "MutedtimeScript", false ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, OnPlayerMutedLeft) function OnPlayerMutedJoint ( _, acc ) local MutedLeft = getAccountData( acc, "MutedTimeScript" ) if MutedLeft then setPlayerMuted(source, true) setAccountData( acc, "MutedTimeScript", false ) setTimer(UnmutePlayer, tonumber(MutedLeft), 1 ) SpamTable[source].MuteTime = setTimer ( function ( player ) if isElement ( player ) then SpamTable[player].Mute = false end end, tonumber(MutedLeft), 1, source ) outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: Welcome back, here's your time left muted:", source, 0, 170, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( "[AntiSpam]: Time left muted: "..string.format ( '%02d:%02d', math.floor(remaining/60/1000), math.fmod(math.floor(remaining/1000),60)), source, 0, 170, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, OnPlayerMutedJoint)
  18. 3NAD


    You can make this: Table = { } addCommandHandler ( "test", function ( player ) Table[player] = player end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) if Table[source] then outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(source), root ) end end )
  19. king2 مافي شيء يشغل الوظيفة هذي GUIEditor_Image = {} GUIEditor_Image[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(4,3,790,589,"xxx.png",false) GUIEditor_Image[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(4,3,790,589,"xxx1.png",true) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Image[2], false ) sound = playSound("xxx.mp3", true ) function king ( ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Image[1], false ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Image[2], true ) setTimer ( king2, 4000, 1 ) end setTimer ( king, 4000, 1 ) function king2 ( ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Image[2], false ) stopSound( sound ) end
  20. السطر ذا حطه داخل الوظيفة اللي راح تشتغل setTimer ( king2, 4000, 1 ) يعني بيصير تايمر جديد يوم تشتغل الوظيفة الأولى
  21. GUIEditor_Image[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(4,3,790,589,"xxx1.png",false) يآليت تراجع التآيمر .. لأنك حاط بعد 4 ثواني تشتغل الوظيفة الأولى - اخفاء الصورة 1 - اظهار الصورة 2 و تايمر ثاني بـ نفس التوقيت يشغل الوظيفة الثانية - اخفاء الصورة 2 يعني اظهرتها واخفيتها بـ نفس الوقت ذذ
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