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Everything posted by abu5lf
I know that, but what in the hand trick I will try again
Is there an explanation or an example? I did not understand
We have created a map and how to put vehicles Make frozen
I did not find the solution? News of the resource script, but does not support the Arabic language when I write seems to me just point! And also when I added the news directly from the server using the button u activated users can talk to me! Is there a solution? newsTicker_client.lua local w_newsTickerAnim = false local s_tickerMsg = {" أهلا بك", } local currentItem = 1 addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function(name) --Create the ticker GUI local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize () w_newsTickerWidth = 500 w_newsTickerHeight = 50 w_newsTickerLeft = (( screenWidth / 4 ) - ( w_newsTickerWidth / 4 )) w_newsTickerTop = -50 w_newsTickerMinWidth = 200 w_newsTicker = guiCreateWindow( w_newsTickerLeft, w_newsTickerTop, w_newsTickerWidth, w_newsTickerHeight, "News Ticker /hidenews /shownews", false ) --w_newsTicker = guiCreateWindow( 0.5, 0, 0.35, 0.1, "News Ticker /hidenews /shownews", true ) w, h = guiGetSize ( w_newsTicker, false ) if ( w < w_newsTickerMinWidth ) then w = w_newsTickerMinWidth end guiSetSize ( w_newsTicker, w, 20, false ) guiSetPosition ( w_newsTicker, ( screenWidth / 2 ) - ( w / 2 ), -20, false ) w_newsTickerName = guiCreateLabel ( w + 100, 25, w, 18, "News is loading... Please wait", false, w_newsTicker ) guiSetAlpha ( w_newsTicker, 0.50 ) guiWindowSetSizable ( w_newsTicker, false ) local guiLength = guiLabelGetTextExtent ( w_newsTickerName ) guiSetFont ( w_newsTickerName, "clear-normal" ) guiLabelSetColor ( w_newsTickerName, 0, 255, 0 ) guiSetSize ( w_newsTickerName, guiLength, 20, false ) setTimer ( function() if ( ( w_newsTickerAnim ) and ( w_newsTickerAnim:isPlaying() ) ) then return else guiSetPosition ( w_newsTickerName, w, 25, false ) guiSetText ( w_newsTickerName, s_tickerMsg[currentItem] ) guiLength = guiLabelGetTextExtent ( w_newsTickerName ) guiSetSize ( w_newsTickerName, guiLength, 18, false ) --w_newsTickerAnim = Animation.createAndPlay(w_newsTickerName, Animation.presets.guiMoveResize(guiLength - guiLength - guiLength - 100, 25, guiLength, 18, 10000 + (tonumber(guiLength)*50.45))) w_newsTickerAnim = Animation.createAndPlay(w_newsTickerName, Animation.presets.guiMoveResize( -guiLength , 25, guiLength, 18, 8000 + (tonumber(guiLength)*50.45))) currentItem = currentItem + 1 if ( currentItem > #s_tickerMsg ) then currentItem = 1 end end end, 1000, 0 ) end) function getPlayerCount() return #getElementsByType("player") end function hideNews() guiSetVisible ( w_newsTicker, false ) outputChatBox ( "News Ticker hidden, you can show it again by typing /shownews", 50, 255, 50 ) end function showNews() guiSetVisible ( w_newsTicker, true ) outputChatBox ( "News Ticker shown, you can hide it again by typing /hidenews", 50, 255, 50 ) end addCommandHandler ( "hidenews", hideNews ) addCommandHandler ( "HIDENEWS", hideNews ) addCommandHandler ( "shownews", showNews ) addCommandHandler ( "SHOWNEWS", showNews ) addEvent("new", true ) addEventHandler("new", getRootElement(), start) function yana(getPlayerName,s_tickerMsg) outputChatBox(getPlayerName,s_tickerMsg,getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) end addEvent("yanas", true ) addEventHandler("yanas", getRootElement(), yana) bindKey("u", "down", "chatbox","AM") client_anim_util.lua function table.find(t, ...) local args = { ... } if #args == 0 then for k,v in pairs(t) do if v then return k end end return false end local value = table.remove(args) if value == '[nil]' then value = nil end for k,v in pairs(t) do for i,index in ipairs(args) do if type(index) == 'function' then v = index(v) else if index == '[last]' then index = #v end v = v[index] end end if v == value then return k end end return false end function table.removevalue(t, val) for i,v in ipairs(t) do if v == val then table.remove(t, i) return i end end return false end client_anim.lua Animation = {} Animation.__index = Animation Animation.collection = {} function Animation.create(elem, ...) local anim = setmetatable({ type = 'anim', elem = elem, phases = {...} }, Animation) for i,phase in ipairs(anim.phases) do if type(phase) == 'table' then phase.from = phase.from or 0 phase.to = phase.to or 1 phase.time = phase.time or 0 phase.value = phase.from phase.speed = phase.time > 0 and ((phase.to - phase.from) / phase.time) or 0 end end return anim end function Animation.createAndPlay(elem, ...) local anim = Animation.create(elem, ...) anim:play() return anim end function Animation.createQueue(...) local queue = setmetatable({ type = 'queue' }, Animation) local args = { ... } if type(args[1]) == 'string' then queue.name = table.remove(args, 1) end for i,obj in ipairs(args) do queue:add(obj) end return queue end function Animation.createQueueAndPlay(...) local queue = Animation.createQueue(...) queue:play() return queue end function Animation.getQueue(name) for i,obj in ipairs(Animation.collection) do if obj:isQueue() and obj.name == name then return obj end end return false end function Animation.getOrCreateQueue(name) local queue = Animation.getQueue(name) if not queue then queue = Animation.createQueue(name) end return queue end function Animation:isPlaying() return self.playing or false end function Animation.playingAnimationsExist() return table.find(Animation.collection, 'playing', true) and true end function Animation:add(anim) if self:isQueue() then if type(anim) == 'function' then anim = setmetatable({ type = 'function', fn = anim }, Animation) end anim.queue = self anim.playing = self.playing table.insert(self, anim) end end function Animation:remove() if self.queue then table.removevalue(self.queue, self) if #self.queue == 0 then self.queue:remove() end else table.removevalue(Animation.collection, self) if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) Animation.prevTick = nil end end self.playing = false end function Animation:isAnimation() return self.type == 'anim' end function Animation:isQueue() return self.type == 'queue' end function Animation:play() if self:isPlaying() then return end if self:isQueue() then for i,anim in ipairs(self) do anim.playing = true end end if not table.find(Animation.collection, self) then table.insert(Animation.collection, self) end if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then Animation.prevTick = getTickCount() addEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) end self.playing = true end function Animation:pause() self.playing = false if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) Animation.prevTick = nil end end function updateAnim() local phase local curTick = getTickCount() local doRemove for i,obj in ipairs(Animation.collection) do if obj.playing then if obj:isQueue() then obj = obj[1] end if not isElement(obj.elem) then obj:remove() end end if obj.playing then phase = obj.phases[1] doRemove = false if type(phase) == 'function' then phase(obj.elem) doRemove = true else if not phase.starttick then phase.starttick = curTick end phase.prevpassed = phase.passed phase.passed = (curTick - phase.starttick) % phase.time if phase.prevpassed and phase.passed < phase.prevpassed then if phase.repeats and phase.repeats > 0 then phase.repeats = phase.repeats - 1 doRemove = phase.repeats == 0 elseif not phase.repeats then doRemove = true end end end if doRemove then table.remove(obj.phases, 1) phase = false if #obj.phases == 0 then obj:remove() obj = false end end if obj and phase then phase.value = phase.from + phase.speed*phase.passed if phase.fn then phase.fn(obj.elem, phase.transform and phase.transform(phase.value) or phase.value, phase) end end end end end Animation.presets = {} function Animation.presets.pulse(time, value, phase) if not value then return { from = 0, to = 2*math.pi, transform = math.sin, time = time, repeats = 0, fn = Animation.presets.pulse } else local elem = time if not phase.width then phase.width, phase.height = guiGetSize(elem, false) phase.centerX, phase.centerY = guiGetPosition(elem, false) phase.centerX = phase.centerX + math.floor(phase.width/2) phase.centerY = phase.centerY + math.floor(phase.height/2) end local pct = 1 - (value+1)*0.1 local width = pct*phase.width local height = pct*phase.height local x = phase.centerX - math.floor(width/2) local y = phase.centerY - math.floor(height/2) guiSetPosition(elem, x, y, false) guiSetSize(elem, width, height, false) end end function Animation.presets.guiMoveResize(x, y, width, height, time) if height then return { from = -math.pi/2, to = math.pi/2, time = time or 1000, transform = math.sin, endX = x, endY = y, endWidth = width, endHeight = height, fn = Animation.presets.guiMoveResize } else local elem, value, phase = x, (y + 1)/2, width if not phase.startX then phase.startX, phase.startY = guiGetPosition(elem, false) phase.startWidth, phase.startHeight = guiGetSize(elem, false) end guiSetPosition(elem, math.floor(phase.startX + value*(phase.endX - phase.startX)), math.floor(phase.startY + value*(phase.endY - phase.startY)), false) guiSetSize(elem, math.floor(phase.startWidth + value*(phase.endWidth - phase.startWidth)), math.floor(phase.startHeight + value*(phase.endHeight - phase.startHeight)), false) end end
I need help! How do I make the vehicle frozen in the map?
There was a problem in the compilation of money, thank you very much @Draken
local from = get("from") local to = get("to") function consoleGiveCash ( ) local cx = math.random(5555,1005) setPlayerMoney( getRootElement(), cx ) outputChatBox(" Has Won "..cx.."$" ,root, 255, 255,0,true ) end setTimer ( consoleGiveCash, 1000, 1 ) Giving money, but after the passage of time does not give him
I do not know you should download a dedicated Scoreboard
Name the country and the flag also works in the scoreboard but Upon entering the player does not appear in the chat
This has not succeeded exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('Country') Country = { ['AD'] = 'Andorra', ['AE'] = 'United Arab Emirates', ['AF'] = 'Afghanistan', ['AG'] = 'Antigua and Barbuda', ['AI'] = 'Anguilla', ['AL'] = 'Albania', ['AM'] = 'Armenia', ['AO'] = 'Angola', ['AP'] = 'ARIPO', ['AR'] = 'Argentina', ['AT'] = 'Austria', ['AU'] = 'Australia', ['AW'] = 'Aruba', ['AZ'] = 'Azerbaijan', ['BA'] = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', ['BB'] = 'Barbados', ['BD'] = 'Bangladesh', ['BE'] = 'Belgium', ['BF'] = 'Burkina Faso', ['BG'] = 'Bulgaria', ['BH'] = 'Bahrain', ['BI'] = 'Burundi', ['BJ'] = 'Benin', ['BM'] = 'Bermuda', ['BN'] = 'Brunei Darussalam', ['BO'] = 'Bolivia', ['BQ'] = 'Bonaire', ['BR'] = 'Brazil', ['BS'] = 'Bahamas', ['BT'] = 'Bhutan', ['BV'] = 'Bouvet Island', ['BW'] = 'Botswana', ['BY'] = 'Belarus', ['BZ'] = 'Belize', ['CA'] = 'Canada', ['CD'] = 'Congo', ['CF'] = 'Central African Republic', ['CG'] = 'Congo', ['CH'] = 'Switzerland', ['CI'] = 'Cote d?Ivoire', ['CK'] = 'Cook Islands', ['CL'] = 'Chile', ['CM'] = 'Cameroon', ['CN'] = 'China', ['CO'] = 'Colombia', ['CR'] = 'Costa Rica', ['CU'] = 'Cuba', ['CV'] = 'Cape Verde', ['CW'] = 'Curacao', ['CY'] = 'Cyprus', ['CZ'] = 'Czech Republic', ['DE'] = 'Germany', ['DJ'] = 'Djibouti', ['DK'] = 'Denmark', ['DM'] = 'Dominica', ['DO'] = 'Dominican Republic', ['DZ'] = 'Algeria', ['EC'] = 'Ecuador', ['EE'] = 'Estonia', ['EG'] = 'Egypt', ['EH'] = 'Western Sahara', ['ER'] = 'Eritrea', ['ES'] = 'Spain', ['ET'] = 'Ethiopia', ['FI'] = 'Finland', ['FJ'] = 'Fiji', ['FK'] = 'Malvinas', ['FO'] = 'Faroe Islands', ['FR'] = 'France', ['GA'] = 'Gabon', ['GB'] = 'United Kingdom', ['GD'] = 'Grenada', ['GE'] = 'Georgia', ['GG'] = 'Guernsey', ['GH'] = 'Ghana', ['GI'] = 'Gibraltar', ['GL'] = 'Greenland', ['GM'] = 'Gambia', ['GN'] = 'Guinea', ['GQ'] = 'Equatorial Guinea', ['GR'] = 'Greece', ['GT'] = 'Guatemala', ['GW'] = 'Guinea-Bissau', ['GY'] = 'Guyana', ['HN'] = 'Honduras', ['HR'] = 'Croatia', ['HT'] = 'Haiti', ['HU'] = 'Hungary', ['ID'] = 'Indonesia', ['IE'] = 'Ireland', ['IL'] = 'Israel', ['IM'] = 'Isle of Man', ['IN'] = 'India', ['IQ'] = 'Iraq', ['IR'] = 'Iran', ['IS'] = 'Iceland', ['IT'] = 'Italy', ['JE'] = 'Jersey', ['JM'] = 'Jamaica', ['JO'] = 'Jordan', ['JP'] = 'Japan', ['KE'] = 'Kenya', ['KG'] = 'Kyrgyzstan', ['KH'] = 'Cambodia', ['KI'] = 'Kiribati', ['KM'] = 'Comoros', ['KN'] = 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', ['KP'] = 'Korea', ['KR'] = 'Korea', ['KW'] = 'Kuwait', ['KY'] = 'Cayman Islands', ['KZ'] = 'Kazakhstan', ['LA'] = 'Lao People?s Republic', ['LB'] = 'Lebanon', ['LC'] = 'Saint Lucia', ['LI'] = 'Liechtenstein', ['LK'] = 'Sri Lanka', ['LR'] = 'Liberia', ['LS'] = 'Lesotho', ['LT'] = 'Lithuania', ['LU'] = 'Luxembourg', ['LV'] = 'Latvia', ['LY'] = 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', ['MA'] = 'Morocco', ['MC'] = 'Monaco', ['MD'] = 'Moldova', ['ME'] = 'Montenegro', ['MG'] = 'Madagascar', ['MK'] = 'Macedonia', ['ML'] = 'Mali', ['MM'] = 'Myanmar', ['MN'] = 'Mongolia', ['MO'] = 'Macao', ['MP'] = 'Northern Mariana Islands', ['MR'] = 'Mauritania', ['MS'] = 'Montserrat', ['MT'] = 'Malta', ['MU'] = 'Mauritius', ['MV'] = 'Maldives', ['MW'] = 'Malawi', ['MX'] = 'Mexico', ['MY'] = 'Malaysia', ['MZ'] = 'Mozambique', ['NA'] = 'Namibia', ['NE'] = 'Niger', ['NG'] = 'Nigeria', ['NI'] = 'Nicaragua', ['NL'] = 'Netherlands', ['NO'] = 'Norway', ['NP'] = 'Nepal', ['NR'] = 'Nauru', ['NZ'] = 'New Zealand', ['OM'] = 'Oman', ['PA'] = 'Panama', ['PE'] = 'Peru', ['PG'] = 'Papua New Guinea', ['PH'] = 'Philippines', ['PK'] = 'Pakistan', ['PL'] = 'Poland', ['PT'] = 'Portugal', ['PW'] = 'Palau', ['PY'] = 'Paraguay', ['QA'] = 'Qatar', ['RO'] = 'Romania', ['RS'] = 'Serbia', ['RU'] = 'Russian Federation', ['RW'] = 'Rwanda', ['SA'] = 'Saudi Arabia', ['SB'] = 'Solomon Islands', ['SC'] = 'Seychelles', ['SD'] = 'Sudan', ['SE'] = 'Sweden', ['SG'] = 'Singapore', ['SH'] = 'Saint Helena', ['SI'] = 'Slovenia', ['SK'] = 'Slovakia', ['SL'] = 'Sierra Leone', ['SM'] = 'San Marino', ['SN'] = 'Senegal', ['SO'] = 'Somalia', ['SR'] = 'Suriname', ['ST'] = 'Sao Tome and Principe', ['SV'] = 'Salvador', ['SX'] = 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', ['SY'] = 'Syrian Arab Republic', ['SZ'] = 'Swaziland', ['TC'] = 'Turks and Caicos Islands', ['TD'] = 'Chad', ['TG'] = 'Togo', ['TH'] = 'Thailand', ['TJ'] = 'Tajikistan', ['TL'] = 'Timor?Leste', ['TM'] = 'Turkmenistan', ['TN'] = 'Tunisia', ['TO'] = 'Tonga', ['TR'] = 'Turkey', ['TT'] = 'Trinidad and Tobago', ['TV'] = 'Tuvalu', ['TW'] = 'Taiwan', ['TZ'] = 'Tanzania', ['UA'] = 'Ukraine', ['UG'] = 'Uganda', ['US'] = 'United States of America', ['UY'] = 'Uruguay', ['UZ'] = 'Uzbekistan', ['VA'] = 'Holy See', ['VC'] = 'Saint Vincent', ['VE'] = 'Venezuela', ['VG'] = 'Virgin Islands', ['VN'] = 'Viet Nam', ['VU'] = 'Vanuatu', ['WS'] = 'Samoa', ['YE'] = 'Yemen', ['ZA'] = 'South Africa', ['ZZ'] = 'n/a', ['ZM'] = 'Zambia', } function showHome () local countryCode = exports["admin"]:getPlayerCountry(source) setElementData(source,"Country",Country[countryCode]) outputChatBox("*"..getPlayerName(source) .."#FFFF00 join #FF0000 [#FFFF00".. tostring(Country[countryCode]) .."#FF0000] !",getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),showHome)
I have tried with and without it, the reason I have written to me in the back of program errors MTA Script Editor And written and the error is gone but the script did not work
=exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('Country') Country = { ['AD'] = 'Andorra', ['AE'] = 'United Arab Emirates', ['AF'] = 'Afghanistan', ['AG'] = 'Antigua and Barbuda', ['AI'] = 'Anguilla', ['AL'] = 'Albania', ['AM'] = 'Armenia', ['AO'] = 'Angola', ['AP'] = 'ARIPO', ['AR'] = 'Argentina', ['AT'] = 'Austria', ['AU'] = 'Australia', ['AW'] = 'Aruba', ['AZ'] = 'Azerbaijan', ['BA'] = 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', ['BB'] = 'Barbados', ['BD'] = 'Bangladesh', ['BE'] = 'Belgium', ['BF'] = 'Burkina Faso', ['BG'] = 'Bulgaria', ['BH'] = 'Bahrain', ['BI'] = 'Burundi', ['BJ'] = 'Benin', ['BM'] = 'Bermuda', ['BN'] = 'Brunei Darussalam', ['BO'] = 'Bolivia', ['BQ'] = 'Bonaire', ['BR'] = 'Brazil', ['BS'] = 'Bahamas', ['BT'] = 'Bhutan', ['BV'] = 'Bouvet Island', ['BW'] = 'Botswana', ['BY'] = 'Belarus', ['BZ'] = 'Belize', ['CA'] = 'Canada', ['CD'] = 'Congo', ['CF'] = 'Central African Republic', ['CG'] = 'Congo', ['CH'] = 'Switzerland', ['CI'] = 'Cote d?Ivoire', ['CK'] = 'Cook Islands', ['CL'] = 'Chile', ['CM'] = 'Cameroon', ['CN'] = 'China', ['CO'] = 'Colombia', ['CR'] = 'Costa Rica', ['CU'] = 'Cuba', ['CV'] = 'Cape Verde', ['CW'] = 'Curacao', ['CY'] = 'Cyprus', ['CZ'] = 'Czech Republic', ['DE'] = 'Germany', ['DJ'] = 'Djibouti', ['DK'] = 'Denmark', ['DM'] = 'Dominica', ['DO'] = 'Dominican Republic', ['DZ'] = 'Algeria', ['EC'] = 'Ecuador', ['EE'] = 'Estonia', ['EG'] = 'Egypt', ['EH'] = 'Western Sahara', ['ER'] = 'Eritrea', ['ES'] = 'Spain', ['ET'] = 'Ethiopia', ['FI'] = 'Finland', ['FJ'] = 'Fiji', ['FK'] = 'Malvinas', ['FO'] = 'Faroe Islands', ['FR'] = 'France', ['GA'] = 'Gabon', ['GB'] = 'United Kingdom', ['GD'] = 'Grenada', ['GE'] = 'Georgia', ['GG'] = 'Guernsey', ['GH'] = 'Ghana', ['GI'] = 'Gibraltar', ['GL'] = 'Greenland', ['GM'] = 'Gambia', ['GN'] = 'Guinea', ['GQ'] = 'Equatorial Guinea', ['GR'] = 'Greece', ['GT'] = 'Guatemala', ['GW'] = 'Guinea-Bissau', ['GY'] = 'Guyana', ['HN'] = 'Honduras', ['HR'] = 'Croatia', ['HT'] = 'Haiti', ['HU'] = 'Hungary', ['ID'] = 'Indonesia', ['IE'] = 'Ireland', ['IL'] = 'Israel', ['IM'] = 'Isle of Man', ['IN'] = 'India', ['IQ'] = 'Iraq', ['IR'] = 'Iran', ['IS'] = 'Iceland', ['IT'] = 'Italy', ['JE'] = 'Jersey', ['JM'] = 'Jamaica', ['JO'] = 'Jordan', ['JP'] = 'Japan', ['KE'] = 'Kenya', ['KG'] = 'Kyrgyzstan', ['KH'] = 'Cambodia', ['KI'] = 'Kiribati', ['KM'] = 'Comoros', ['KN'] = 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', ['KP'] = 'Korea', ['KR'] = 'Korea', ['KW'] = 'Kuwait', ['KY'] = 'Cayman Islands', ['KZ'] = 'Kazakhstan', ['LA'] = 'Lao People?s Republic', ['LB'] = 'Lebanon', ['LC'] = 'Saint Lucia', ['LI'] = 'Liechtenstein', ['LK'] = 'Sri Lanka', ['LR'] = 'Liberia', ['LS'] = 'Lesotho', ['LT'] = 'Lithuania', ['LU'] = 'Luxembourg', ['LV'] = 'Latvia', ['LY'] = 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', ['MA'] = 'Morocco', ['MC'] = 'Monaco', ['MD'] = 'Moldova', ['ME'] = 'Montenegro', ['MG'] = 'Madagascar', ['MK'] = 'Macedonia', ['ML'] = 'Mali', ['MM'] = 'Myanmar', ['MN'] = 'Mongolia', ['MO'] = 'Macao', ['MP'] = 'Northern Mariana Islands', ['MR'] = 'Mauritania', ['MS'] = 'Montserrat', ['MT'] = 'Malta', ['MU'] = 'Mauritius', ['MV'] = 'Maldives', ['MW'] = 'Malawi', ['MX'] = 'Mexico', ['MY'] = 'Malaysia', ['MZ'] = 'Mozambique', ['NA'] = 'Namibia', ['NE'] = 'Niger', ['NG'] = 'Nigeria', ['NI'] = 'Nicaragua', ['NL'] = 'Netherlands', ['NO'] = 'Norway', ['NP'] = 'Nepal', ['NR'] = 'Nauru', ['NZ'] = 'New Zealand', ['OM'] = 'Oman', ['PA'] = 'Panama', ['PE'] = 'Peru', ['PG'] = 'Papua New Guinea', ['PH'] = 'Philippines', ['PK'] = 'Pakistan', ['PL'] = 'Poland', ['PT'] = 'Portugal', ['PW'] = 'Palau', ['PY'] = 'Paraguay', ['QA'] = 'Qatar', ['RO'] = 'Romania', ['RS'] = 'Serbia', ['RU'] = 'Russian Federation', ['RW'] = 'Rwanda', ['SA'] = 'Saudi Arabia', ['SB'] = 'Solomon Islands', ['SC'] = 'Seychelles', ['SD'] = 'Sudan', ['SE'] = 'Sweden', ['SG'] = 'Singapore', ['SH'] = 'Saint Helena', ['SI'] = 'Slovenia', ['SK'] = 'Slovakia', ['SL'] = 'Sierra Leone', ['SM'] = 'San Marino', ['SN'] = 'Senegal', ['SO'] = 'Somalia', ['SR'] = 'Suriname', ['ST'] = 'Sao Tome and Principe', ['SV'] = 'Salvador', ['SX'] = 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)', ['SY'] = 'Syrian Arab Republic', ['SZ'] = 'Swaziland', ['TC'] = 'Turks and Caicos Islands', ['TD'] = 'Chad', ['TG'] = 'Togo', ['TH'] = 'Thailand', ['TJ'] = 'Tajikistan', ['TL'] = 'Timor?Leste', ['TM'] = 'Turkmenistan', ['TN'] = 'Tunisia', ['TO'] = 'Tonga', ['TR'] = 'Turkey', ['TT'] = 'Trinidad and Tobago', ['TV'] = 'Tuvalu', ['TW'] = 'Taiwan', ['TZ'] = 'Tanzania', ['UA'] = 'Ukraine', ['UG'] = 'Uganda', ['US'] = 'United States of America', ['UY'] = 'Uruguay', ['UZ'] = 'Uzbekistan', ['VA'] = 'Holy See', ['VC'] = 'Saint Vincent', ['VE'] = 'Venezuela', ['VG'] = 'Virgin Islands', ['VN'] = 'Viet Nam', ['VU'] = 'Vanuatu', ['WS'] = 'Samoa', ['YE'] = 'Yemen', ['ZA'] = 'South Africa', ['ZZ'] = 'n/a', ['ZM'] = 'Zambia', } function showHome () local countryCode = exports["admin"]:getPlayerCountry(source) setElementData(source,"Country",Country[countryCode]) outputChatBox("*"..getPlayerName(source) .."#FFFF00 join #FF0000 [#FFFF00".. tostring(Country[countryCode]) .."#FF0000] !",getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),showHome) Upon entering the player does not appear in the chat
function onResourceStart()XX Is it possible to save the time that I played it when I get out and enter?
Example 1 This example creates a marker next to the player when they type 'createmarker': server -- this function is called whenever someone types 'createmarker' in the console: function consoleCreateMarker ( thePlayer, commandName ) if ( thePlayer ) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) -- get the player's position -- create a cylindrical marker next to the player: local theMarker = createMarker ( x + 2, y + 2, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) if ( theMarker ) then -- check if the marker was created successfully outputConsole ( "Marker created successfully", thePlayer ) else outputConsole ( "Failed to create marker", thePlayer ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "createmarker", consoleCreateMarker ) CreateMarker
function muteOurPlayer(player, command, mutedguy, time) if mutedguy and time then local muted = getPlayerFromName(mutedguy) if muted then if( not isPlayerMuted(muted) ) then setPlayerMuted(muted, true) outputChatBox("#ADFF2F"..getPlayerName(muted).."#FF0000 has been muted for #ADFF2F"..time.."#FF0000 minutes. ", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true) setElementData(muted, "Muted", 1) setElementData(muted, "MutedTime", time) setTimer(outputChatBox(mutedguy.." has been unmuted.", getRootElement()), time, 1) end end else outputChatBox("/mute ", player) end end addCommandHandler("mute", muteOurPlayer)
meta.xml "X" name="AdminMsg" type="script" version="1.0.0" /> This is repeated several times fast
-- create the function function mutePlayer(player,command,victimName) -- if the player has specified a victim name to mute if victimName then -- get the victim player element from their name local victim = getPlayerFromNick(victimName) -- if the player exists if victim then -- if they arent already muted if ( not isPlayerMuted(victim) ) then -- mute them and output a message to the chat setPlayerMuted(victim, true) outputChatBox("You have been muted.",victim) end else outputChatBox("Could not find player with name: "..tostring(victimName),player) end else outputChatBox("Usage: /mute ",player) end end -- add the /mute command addCommandHandler("mute",mutePlayer)
I have tested, but it did not work :"(
Server function wla(thePlayer, commandName,...) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local veve = {...} local message = table.concat(veve, " ") triggerClientEvent("new", getRootElement(),message) end end addCommandHandler("AM", wla) Clinet function start(message) removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), as ) function as() dxDrawText("Admin :",17.0,189.0,61.0,206.0,tocolor(255,0,0,255),1.0,"default-bold","top","left",false,false,false) dxDrawText(message,61.0,189.0,264.0,226.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.0,"default-bold","top","left",false,false,false) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), as) end addEvent("new", true ) addEventHandler("new", getRootElement(), start) function yana(msgmsg) outputChatBox(msgmsg,getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) end addEvent("yanas", true ) addEventHandler("yanas", getRootElement(), yana) bindKey("u", "down", "chatbox","AM") It does not work