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Everything posted by maauroo

  1. Me Lo Habian Pasado En Otro Tema.. Como Puedo Solucionar Mi Scripts ? Como Le Pongo La Dimension A Cada Persona Que Entran Y Eligen Skin?
  2. Mira: local dimension = getFreeDimension ( ) setElementDimension ( client, dimension ) Pero No Se Si Es La Correta Funcion Lo Probe Pero A Lo Que Yo Quiero No Funciona. Aqui El Script -----------------LA CAMARA QUE MUESTRA LOS SKIN PARA ELEGIR------- function camf() if (client) then setElementPosition( client,98.5163, 2246.3232, 125.1528 ) setPlayerRotation ( client, 200 ) setCameraMatrix( client, 95.1860, 2239.7947, 126.7486, 98.5163, 2246.3232, 125.1528) end end addEvent("FrontCamera", true) addEventHandler("FrontCamera", getRootElement(), camf) ---------------------AQUI CUANDO SELECCIONA EL SKIN----------------- function selected() if (client) then fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) local skin = getElementModel ( client ) spawnPlayer(client, -2026.5035, 156.7506, 29.0391, 269.1424, skin) outputChatBox("Skin successfully changed!", client) end end addEvent("SkinSelected", true) addEventHandler("SkinSelected", getRootElement(), selected) Como Coloco La Dimension? Como Lo Hago?
  3. Hola. Hace Pocos Tiempo Habia Echo Un Seleccion De Skin Al Entrar Al Server.. Pero No Lo Terminado.. Lo Que Me Falta Es Que Cada Persona Que Entran Aparescan En Otro Mundo Donde Nadie Lo Vea. Como Puedo Hacer Esa Funcion?
  4. Funciona Bien.. Eso Es Todo. Gracias "AraaFTW,Solid" Se Los Agradesco. Pueden Cerrar. EDIT: Ultima Cosa.. Como Hago Para Que Nadie Pueda Agrandar La Ventana?? Se Entiende Lo Que Digo?
  5. Mira Lo Puse Asi.. Lo Probe Pero No Funca. Algo Esta Mal: function menuReglas() GUIEditor_Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(604,304,264,228,"Reglas:",false) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(8,27,162,19,"*No Pedir Ser Administrador.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Label[1],1) GUIEditor_Label[2] = guiCreateLabel(7,46,218,18,"*No Hacer Spam O Tendras Problemas.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[3] = guiCreateLabel(7,65,239,22,"*Respetar A Los User Y Administradores.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[4] = guiCreateLabel(7,85,235,20,"*No Insultar A Los User Y Administradores.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[5] = guiCreateLabel(14,131,196,16,"Estas Son Las Reglas Del Servidor...",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[6] = guiCreateLabel(15,147,168,16,"Respeta Las Reglas O Tendras Problemas!",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[7] = guiCreateLabel(141,193,122,21,"By:[XTE][M]aauroo",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(14,190,115,24,">> Aceptar <<",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), menuReglas) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function (player) if (source == GUIEditor_Button[1]) then guiSetVisible (GUIEditor_Window[1],false) showCursor (false) end end Supuestamente Use "addEventHandler" A Los Gui Para Que Al Entrar Funcione Pero No Anda. Como Lo Arreglo?
  6. Algo Entendi Como Se Usa Pero Como Hago La Funcion Para Que Se Cierre La Ventana Del Menu De Regla?
  7. Ne Mentira.. Ya Esta: Aqui El Codigo: GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Label = {} GUIEditor_Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(604,304,264,228,"Reglas:",false) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(8,27,162,19,"*No Pedir Ser Administrador.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor_Label[1],1) GUIEditor_Label[2] = guiCreateLabel(7,46,218,18,"*No Hacer Spam O Tendras Problemas.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[3] = guiCreateLabel(7,65,239,22,"*Respetar A Los User Y Administradores.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[4] = guiCreateLabel(7,85,235,20,"*No Insultar A Los User Y Administradores.",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[5] = guiCreateLabel(14,131,196,16,"Estas Son Las Reglas Del Servidor...",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[6] = guiCreateLabel(15,147,168,16,"Respeta Las Reglas O Tendras Problemas!",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Label[7] = guiCreateLabel(141,193,122,21,"By:[XTE][M]aauroo",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(14,190,115,24,">> Aceptar <<",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) --- --- --- --- --- Ahora Quiero Ponerlo Cada Ves Que Entran Las Persona Y Cuando Le Dan Aceptar Puedan Jugar. Como Lo Hago?
  8. Ya. Le Puse Titulo. Ahora Como Hago Para Ponerle El Texto?
  9. Pero Cuales Son Las Opciones Del GuiEditor Que Tengo Que Usar?? Por lo menos Hacer La Ventana Y El Texto.. Luego Veremos.
  10. Hola.. Como Estan? Hace Unas Semanas Atras E Echo Un Tema Que Queria Saber Como Hacer Un Menu De Regla Y La Solucion No La Entendia Bien, Quisiera Que Me Digan Un Mini Tutorial Como Hacer Una Ventana Usando El "GuiEditor" De Todas Las Reglas Del Servidor Y Que Tenga Boton "Aceptar" ¿Se Entiende?"Se Los Agradesco."
  11. Gracias Por Ser Tan Amables. Cierren Tema Sin Solucion..
  12. lo saque de la pagina de comunidad.. es un gamemode. Porfavor Cual Es El Problema?!
  13. Alguien Que Pueda Arreglarme El Gamemode?? Pliss!
  14. Hola. Encontre Un Gamemode Que Me Ayuda Un Poco.. Pero Tiene Un Problema .Lua function Selection(player) bindKey(player,"space","down",Spawn) bindKey(player,"arrow_l","down",SwitchSkin) bindKey(player,"arrow_r","down",SwitchSkin) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "ammo", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "weapon", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "clock", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "health", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "money", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "radar", false ) playSoundFrontEnd (player, 32 ) fadeCamera ( player, true ) end function Selection2(player) if(not isPlayerDead(player) == true) then outputChatBox(" ", player, 0, 255, 0) outputChatBox("as escogido morir para seleccionar otro skin.", player, 0, 138, 138) outputChatBox("Presiona las flechas para cambiar el skin y la tecla espacio para seleccionarlo.", player, 0, 138, 138) outputChatBox("Si el skin que deseas no esta en el selector presiona f1 para abrir el panel y elegir tu skin.", player, 0, 136, 138) killPlayer(player, player) end setTimer(Selection,1000,2,player) end function SwitchSkin( player, key ) setPlayerRotation ( player, 192 ) local skin skin = getPlayerSkin(player) if(key == "arrow_l" and skin ~= 0) then setPlayerSkin(player,skin - 1) else setPlayerSkin(player,skin + 1) end playSoundFrontEnd (player, 42 ) end function Spawn( player ) playSoundFrontEnd (player, 46) outputChatBox("Skin Seleccionado, a Jugar!", player, 0, 255, 138) unbindKey ( player, "space", "down", Spawn ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_l", "down", SwitchSkin ) unbindKey ( player, "arrow_r", "down", SwitchSkin ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "ammo", true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "weapon", true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "clock", true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "health", true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "money", true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( player, "radar", true ) spawnPlayer(Spawn, -2329.7912597656, -1623.5703125, 483.70831298828, 0, 192) setCameraMode ( player, "player" ) end function GamemodeStart( res ) players = getElementsByType ( "player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do setElementData( source, "score", 0 ) bindKey(v,"F4","down",Selection2) outputChatBox("< Presiona las flechas para cambiar de skin y espacio para seleccionarlo. >", v, 255, 138, 0) setElementData( v, "score", 0 ) setTimer(SpawnPlayer,1000,2,v) setTimer(Selection,1000,2,v) fadeCamera ( v, true ) end setTimer( call, 1000, 1, getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "score" ) end function GamemodeEnd( res ) players = getElementsByType ( "player") for k,v in ipairs(players) do unbindKey(v,"F4","down",Selection2) end end --function PlayerDeath() --setTimer(SpawnPlayer,1000,2,source) --end function SpawnPlayer(source) spawnPlayer(source, -2329.7912597656, -1623.5703125, 483.70831298828, 0, 192) end function PlayerJoin(playerSource) bindKey(source,"F4","down",Selection2) outputChatBox("< Presiona las flechas para cambiar el skin y la tecla espacio para seleccionarlo. >", source, 255, 255, 0) setTimer(SpawnPlayer,1000,2,source) setTimer(Selection,1000,2,source) end Supuestamente Este Script Es De Gtachile. Bue Tiene Problema Al Seleccionar. Cuando Selecciono No Me Puedo Mover, Queda Como Trabado. No Me Deja Jugar. Que Problema Tiene?? Pliss Ayudenmen.
  15. Se Lo Que Es.. Por Eso Quiero Que Con La Ayuda De Ustedes Que Me Digan Las Funciones Basica..
  16. Hola .. Me Gustaria Hacer Un Gamemode. Con Que Funciones Puedo Empesar Primero?
  17. Si Es Este: function initCarLocks () -- Initilize Player Element Data local players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for k,p in ipairs(players) do removeElementData ( p, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) bindKey ( p, "l", "down", doToggleLocked ) end -- Initilize Vehicle Element Data local vehicles = getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) for k,v in ipairs(vehicles) do removeElementData ( v, "cl_vehicleowner" ) removeElementData ( v, "cl_vehiclelocked" ) removeElementData ( v, "cl_enginestate" ) setVehicleLocked ( v, false ) setVehicleOverrideLights ( v, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), initCarLocks ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource () ), initCarLocks ) -- player joins function cl_PlayerJoin ( ) bindKey ( source, "l", "down", doToggleLocked ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), cl_PlayerJoin ) -- player quits function cl_PlayerQuit ( ) -- check for owned car local ownedVehicle = getElementData ( source, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) if (ownedVehicle ~= false) then cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( ownedVehicle ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), cl_PlayerQuit ) -- player dies function cl_PlayerWasted ( ) -- check for owned car local ownedVehicle = getElementData ( source, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) if (ownedVehicle ~= false) then cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( ownedVehicle ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), cl_PlayerWasted ) -- player tries to enter vehicle function cl_VehicleStartEnter ( enteringPlayer, seat, jacked ) local theVehicle = source local theOwner -- locked and not owner entering if ( getElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked" ) == true ) then theOwner = getElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner" ) if theOwner ~= false and theOwner ~= enteringPlayer then -- make sure they dont enter --cancelEvent(); end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", getRootElement(), cl_VehicleStartEnter ) -- player enters a vehicle function cl_PlayerDriveVehicle ( player, seat, jacked ) -- Driver Enter if ( seat == 0 ) then oldVehicle = getElementData ( player, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) -- not entering player's own owned vehicle if ( (cl_VehicleLocked(source) == true) and (cl_VehicleOwner(source) ~= player) ) then removePlayerFromVehicle( player ) Err_Msg("this vehicle is locked.", player) return false end -- set element data for vehicle and owner cl_SetVehicleOwner ( source, player ) end return true end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), cl_PlayerDriveVehicle ) -- vehicle respawns function cl_VehicleRespawn ( exploded ) cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( source ) end addEventHandler ( "OnVehicleRespawn", getRootElement(), cl_VehicleRespawn ) -- vehicle explosion function cl_VehicleExplode ( ) local theOwner = getElementData ( source, "cl_vehicleowner" ) if ( theOwner ~= false ) then cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( source ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), cl_VehicleExplode ) -- set vehicle owner function cl_SetVehicleOwner ( theVehicle, thePlayer ) local oldVehicle = getElementData ( thePlayer, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) if ( oldVehicle ~= false ) then -- unlock old car removeElementData ( oldVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner" ) removeElementData ( oldVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked" ) removeElementData ( oldVehicle, "cl_enginestate" ) setVehicleLocked ( oldVehicle, false ) -- set vars for new car end setElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner", thePlayer ) setElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked", false ) setElementData ( thePlayer, "cl_ownedvehicle", theVehicle ) setElementData( theVehicle, "cl_enginestate", true ) end function cl_RemoveVehicleOwner ( theVehicle ) local theOwner = getElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner" ) if ( theOwner ~= false ) then removeElementData ( theOwner, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) removeElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner" ) removeElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked" ) removeElementData ( owned, "cl_enginestate" ) end setVehicleLocked ( theVehicle, false ) end -- flash the lights twice function cl_FlashLights ( thePlayer ) setTimer ( doToggleLights, 300, 4, thePlayer, true ) end -- flash once function cl_FlashOnce ( thePlayer ) setTimer ( doToggleLights, 300, 2, thePlayer, true ) end -- get vehicle owner ( according to vehicle's element data ) function cl_VehicleOwner ( theVehicle ) return getElementData( theVehicle, "cl_vehicleowner" ) end -- is vehicle locked ( according to vehicle's element data ) function cl_VehicleLocked ( theVehicle ) return getElementData( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked" ) end -- messaging functions -- send red error message function Err_Msg ( strout, thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( strout, thePlayer, 200, 0, 10 ) end -- send message to all occupants of vehicle function Car_Msg ( strout, theVehicle ) numseats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( theVehicle ) for s = 0, numseats do local targetPlayer = getVehicleOccupant ( theVehicle, s ) if targetPlayer ~= false then outputChatBox ( strout, targetPlayer, 30, 144, 255 ) end end end -- send aquamarine message to player function Info_Msg ( strout, thePlayer ) outputChatBox ( strout, thePlayer, 102, 205, 170 ) end -- commands function doToggleLocked ( source ) local theVehicle , strout if ( getElementType(source) == "vehicle" ) then theVehicle = source end if ( getElementType(source) == "player" ) then theVehicle = getElementData ( source, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) end if ( theVehicle ) then local vehiclename = getVehicleName ( theVehicle ) -- already locked if ( getElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked") == true ) then doUnlockVehicle ( source ) else doLockVehicle ( source ) end else Err_Msg("You must have a vehicle to lock or unlock it.", source) end end function doLockVehicle ( source ) local theVehicle , strout if ( getElementType(source) == "vehicle" ) then theVehicle = source end if ( getElementType(source) == "player" ) then theVehicle = getElementData ( source, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) end if ( theVehicle ) then local vehiclename = getVehicleName ( theVehicle ) -- already locked if ( getElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked") == true ) then strout = "Your " .. vehiclename .. " is already locked." Err_Msg(strout, source) else setElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked", true) setVehicleLocked ( theVehicle, true ) Car_Msg( "current vehicle " .. vehiclename .. " locked.", theVehicle) Info_Msg ( "locked vehicle " .. vehiclename .. ".", source ) if ( getVehicleController ( theVehicle ) == false ) then cl_FlashLights ( source ) end end else Err_Msg("You must have a vehicle to lock it.", source) end end function doUnlockVehicle ( source ) local theVehicle, strout if ( getElementType(source) == "vehicle" ) then theVehicle = source end if ( getElementType(source) == "player" ) then theVehicle = getElementData ( source, "cl_ownedvehicle" ) end if ( theVehicle ) then local vehiclename = getVehicleName ( theVehicle ) if ( getElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked") == false ) then strout = "Your " .. vehiclename .. " is already unlocked." Err_Msg(strout, source) else setElementData ( theVehicle, "cl_vehiclelocked", false) setVehicleLocked ( theVehicle, false ) Car_Msg( "current vehicle " .. vehiclename .. " unlocked.", theVehicle ) Info_Msg ( "unlocked vehicle " .. vehiclename .. ".", source ) if ( getVehicleController ( theVehicle ) == false ) then cl_FlashOnce ( source ) end end else Err_Msg("You must have a vehicle to unlock it.", source) end end function doToggleLights ( source, beep ) local theVehicle if ( getElementType(source) == "vehicle" ) then theVehicle = source end if (
  18. Pero El Archivo Es Formato .Wav Y No Tengo Nada Para Cambiarlo. ¿Otra Solucion?
  19. Hola.. Como Estan? Bue Tengo Problema Con Un Script De Alarma Cuando Bloquear El Coche. Aqui Lua. localPlayer = getLocalPlayer ( ) -- playSoundNearElement addEvent ( "onPlaySoundNearElement", true ) function playSoundNearElement ( theElement, sound ) -- local sound = 5 local maxdist = 15.0 -- valid element if ( theElement ) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( theElement ) local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( x, y, z, x2, y2, z2 ) -- distance is less than parameter maxdist if ( dist < maxdist ) then -- play parameter sound playSoundFrontEnd ( 5 ) -- outputChatBox ( "sound should play" ) else -- outputChatBox ( "not in range" ) end else -- outputChatBox ( "invalid element" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlaySoundNearElement", getRootElement(), playSoundNearElement ) addEvent("prendeAlarma",true) Alarmas = {} function alarmita(auto) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(auto) Alarmas[auto] = playSound3D("CarAlarm_rvb1.wav",x,y,z,true) --setElementData(auto, "alarma", sonido,true) --outputChatBox(getElementData ( auto, "cl_vehicleowner" ) attachElements(Alarmas[auto],auto) setSoundMaxDistance(Alarmas[auto],20) setSoundVolume(Alarmas[auto],2) --triggerServerEvent( end addEventHandler ("prendeAlarma", getRootElement(), alarmita) addEvent("apagaAlarma",true) function apagame(auto) stopSound(Alarmas[auto]) end addEventHandler("apagaAlarma",getRootElement(), apagame) addEvent("AlarmaCulia",true) function apagatectm() for k,v in pairs(Alarmas) do if(not isElement( k )) then stopSound(v); Alarmas[k] = nil; end end end addEventHandler("AlarmaCulia", getRootElement(), apagatectm) El Problema Es Que No Me Funciona. Osea Intento Abrir El Auto Cuando Esta Bloqueado Pero El Sonido No Se Reproduce.¿Que Problema Hay?
  20. Y Dime Como Lo Puedo Colocar En Mi Script.. ¿Como Lo Coloco?
  21. Pero No Funciona. En Tu Script Tu Lo Has Echo. Pero Nose Como. Me Fije En Tu Script Pero No Encontre!¿Como Lo Hisiste Tu?
  22. Hola. Hace Como 3 Dia Estuve Con Un Tema Pero Nadie Me Lo Puede Solucionar, Pero Hise Otra Para Que Ayudaran De Nuevo. Bueno El Problema Esta En Elegir Un Skin. Aqui Esta El Scrip: sv-side function camf() if (client) then setElementPosition( client,98.5163, 2246.3232, 125.1528 ) local rot = setPedRotation(client, 1) setCameraMatrix( client, 95.1860, 2239.7947, 126.7486, 98.5163, 2246.3232, 125.1528) end end addEvent("FrontCamera", true) addEventHandler("FrontCamera", getRootElement(), camf) function selected() if (client) then fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) local skin = getElementModel ( client ) spawnPlayer(client, -2026.5035, 156.7506, 29.0391, 269.1424, skin) outputChatBox("Skin successfully changed!", client) end end addEvent("SkinSelected", true) addEventHandler("SkinSelected", getRootElement(), selected) function skinright() local skin = getPedSkin(client) if (client) then if (skin == 0) then setPedSkin(client, 7) elseif (skin == 7) then setPedSkin(client, 9) elseif (skin == 41) then setPedSkin(client, 43) elseif (skin == 64) then setPedSkin(client, 66) elseif (skin == 85) then setPedSkin(client, 87) elseif(skin == 118) then setPedSkin(client, 120) elseif(skin == 148) then setPedSkin(client, 150) elseif(skin == 207) then setPedSkin(client, 209) elseif(skin == 238) then setPedSkin(client, 240) elseif(skin == 264) then setPedSkin(client, 274) elseif(skin == 288) then setPedSkin(client, 0) else setPedSkin(client, skin+1) end end end addEvent("SkinRight", true) addEventHandler("SkinRight", getRootElement(), skinright) function skinleft() local skin = getPedSkin(client) if (client) then if (skin == 7) then setPedSkin(client, 0) elseif (skin == 9) then setPedSkin(client, 7) elseif (skin == 43) then setPedSkin(client, 41) elseif (skin == 66) then setPedSkin(client, 64) elseif (skin == 87) then setPedSkin(client, 85) elseif(skin == 120) then setPedSkin(client, 118) elseif(skin == 150) then setPedSkin(client, 148) elseif(skin == 209) then setPedSkin(client, 207) elseif(skin == 240) then setPedSkin(client, 238) elseif(skin == 274) then setPedSkin(client, 264) elseif(skin == 0) then setPedSkin(client, 288) else setPedSkin(client, skin-1) end end end addEvent("SkinLeft", true) addEventHandler("SkinLeft", getRootElement(), skinleft) addEvent("SkinLeft", true) addEventHandler("SkinLeft", getRootElement(), skinleft) Cl function CreateSelectorWindow() wdwselector = guiCreateWindow(0.438,0.880,0.15,0.10,"Nich's Skinslector v1.0",true) guiWindowSetMovable(wdwselector,false) btnLeft = guiCreateButton(0.0,0.4,0.200,0.350,"<-",true,wdwselector) btnRight = guiCreateButton(0.76,0.4,0.200,0.350,"->",true,wdwselector) btnSelect = guiCreateButton(0.30,0.4,0.400,0.350,"Select",true,wdwselector) guiSetVisible(wdwselector, false) end function selectorenable () CreateSelectorWindow() addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLeft, clientSkinLeft, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnSelect, clientSkinSelect, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnRight, clientSkinRight, false) if (wdwselector ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(wdwselector, true) triggerServerEvent("FrontCamera", getRootElement()) end showCursor(true) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),selectorenable ) function clientSkinSelect(button) if button == "left" then guiSetVisible(wdwselector, false) showCursor(false) triggerServerEvent("SkinSelected", getRootElement()) end end function clientSkinRight(button) if button == "left" then triggerServerEvent("SkinRight", getRootElement()) end end function clientSkinLeft(button) if button == "left" then triggerServerEvent("SkinLeft", getRootElement()) end end Lo Que Yo Intento Hacer Es Seleccion De Skin Como El "Sa:mp" Pero El Problema Es Cuando Estan Todo Eligiendo, Estan Todos Juntos.¿Se Entiende? Ej: 2 O Mas Persona En La Misma Camara.¿Se Entiende? Y Lo Que Yo Quiero Lograr Es Que Cada Persona Tenga Una Camara Cada Una. Oviamente Con La Misma Posicion,Etc. Se Los Agradesco Desde Ya.
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