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Everything posted by h4x7o0r

  1. i have written before : racevoting_server.lua (guess from line 238) ... and here is a section of code thanks for your help.
  2. I don't need any outputChatBox because i wanna change the way how the maps will be shown in the votemap poll.
  3. Hey all, I have a server for dm/dd races, and i wanna make the votemap to show dd maps with red color for example and dm maps with blue. I've noticed that i need to modify racevoting_server.lua (guess from line 238), a function to verify if every mapname contains dd in the name and use an if statement but i don't know how can i change the color Here's what i've done for the moment but i need some help : for index, map in ipairs(compatibleMaps) do local mapName = getResourceInfo(map, "name") or getResourceName(map) if string.find(getMapName(), "DD", 1, true) then mapName = else mapName = end table.insert(poll, {mapName, 'nextMapVoteResult', getRootElement(), map}) end
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